Learn about the Commemoration God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!

Commemoration is a void adaptive frame machine gun introduced in the Deep Stone Crypt raid in the Beyond Light Expansion. During Season of the Seraph, all the Deep Stone Crypt weapons had their perk pools updated and were made craftable. Machine guns are a great weapon option for both PvE and PvP. They are one of the better heavy weapons in PvP as they allow for multiple kills from one heavy brick. This guide will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Bequest sword.
How to Get Commemoration in Destiny 2
You obtain the Commemoration from the Deep Stone Crypt raid on Europa. Specifically, the Commemoration can drop from the last encounter of the raid, Taniks the Abomination. To access Deep Stone Crypt, you must own the Beyond Light Expansion. Furthermore, can get the weapon from the two hidden chest found throughout the dungeon once you have unlocked it in Collections. You can also use the chest after you complete the raid to purchase the weapon for Spoils of Conquest.

What Is the Commemoration God Roll in Destiny 2?
A god roll is the best combination of perks and masterwork that a weapon can get. God rolls are often sought after as they are considered the ultimate drop of that weapon and the most effective roll used in most content. In most situations, there are two god rolls for any gun, a roll for PvE and one for PvP. Commemoration has a great PvE option for its god roll and is one of the better machine guns for a lot of content. Commemoration has a decent roll for PvP as well.

PvE Commemoration God Roll
The best perks for the Commemoration PvE God Roll are Arrowhead Brake, Tactical Mag, Reconstruction, and Killing Tally. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Commemoration PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
- Magazine: Tactical Mag
- Column 3 Trait: Reconstruction
- Column 4 Trait: Killing Tally
- Masterwork: Handling
- Origin Trait: Bray Inheritance
- Weapon Mod: Back-Up Mag
PvE Breakdown
Commemoration is one of the better machine guns you can get for PvE. It has one of the better combinations for clearing out minor combatants and can do decent damage against larger targets as well. The Commemoration is often used in double special weapon load-outs for its versatility. Arrowhead Brake both adds handling and will straighten out the recoil direction of the weapon. Tactical Mag increases the total number of rounds you can have in your magazine while also improving the weapon’s stability.
The main perks of the Commemoration machine gun is what makes it such a powerful weapon. In Column 4, you get one of the most powerful traits for machine guns, Killing Tally. Killing Tally gives a stacking damage boost that won’t go away until the weapon is stowed or reloaded. This makes the trait Reconstruction in Column 3 very powerful on the Commemoration. It will automatically reload the weapon and doesn’t remove the Killing Tally buff. This allows the Commemoration to do a lot of damage to several enemies without losing the buff for an extended period of time. Its also very easy to get the Killing Tally buff going with just the amount of damage machine guns do already. The Commemoration is one of the first weapons you should farm for in Deep Stone Crypt.
PvP Commemoration God Roll
The best perks for the Commemoration PvP God Roll are Arrowhead Brake, Accurized Rounds, Surplus, and High-Impact Reserves. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Commemoration PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Column 3 Trait: Surplus
- Column 4 Trait: High-Impact Reserves
- Masterwork: Range
- Origin Trait: Bray Inheritance
- Weapon Mod: Ballistics
PvP Breakdown
Machine guns like the Commemoration are effective choices in PvP with their quick Time-to-Kill and the ability to get multiple kills with a single heavy ammo pickup in Crucible. While the traits on machine guns aren’t as important to how good they are in PvP, they can still tweak the weapon to make it slightly more effective. Arrowhead Brake is still one of the better barrel options on the Commemoration since it helps the weapons handling and recoil direction. Any barrel that increases range is also a decent choice. Accurized Rounds will increase the range, and by extension the accuracy, of the weapon.
Column 3 doesn’t have a lot of great options for PvP. The best choice is Surplus, which will increase the stats of the weapons for every ability you have fully charged. The Commemoration does have a decent trait in Column 4 with High-Impact Reserves. It increases the damage of the weapon the lower its magazine gets. Since heavy ammo crates in the Crucible don’t completely fill the magazine of machine guns, this trait will already be active as soon as you draw your machine gun. This improves the TtK of the weapon by a small amount which can make quite a difference in PvP. Overall, the Commemoration isn’t necessarily the best machine gun in the Crucible, but it does just fine.
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