Learn about the Destiny 2 weapon Crimil’s Dagger God Roll for PvE and PvP content, the best perks, how to use the gun, and how to get it!

This guide has been updated for Episode Echoes and the Final Shape Expansion.
Crimil’s Dagger is a kinetic aggressive frame hand cannon reintroduced during Episode Echoes. Obtainable during Iron Banner, Crimil’s Dagger has been in the game for a long time in one form or another. Aggressive Hand Cannons are a popular choice for PvP and are known for hitting very hard. Crimil’s Dagger has a lot of good options for those looking for a good kinetic hand cannon to use in PvP.
Crimil’s Dagger PvE God Roll

The best perks for Crimil’s Dagger PVE God Roll are Fluted Barrel, Tactical Mag, Enlightened Action, and Explosive Payload. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for Crimil’s Dagger PVE God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Fluted Barrel
- Magazine: Tactical Mag
- Column 3 Trait: Enlightened Action
- Column 4 Trait: Explosive Payload
- Masterwork: Reload Speed
- Origin Trait: Hakke Breach Armaments
- Weapon Mod: Back-Up Mag
Unfortunately, aggressive hand cannons just aren’t the best in PvE. They are slow firing and while they hit hard, its not normally hard enough to justify using over another option. That being said, you can still get a decent PvE Crimil’s Dagger if its something you want to add to your collection. Fluted Barrel and Tactical Mag give some great stat boost for this weapon while not sacrificing anything. Enlightened Action provides a lot of benefits in PvE, but Outlaw is also a great option. I like the forgiveness of Explosive Payload in column 4, but you can take Kill Clip or Precision Instrument as well for the damage boost.
While you can get a decent Crimil’s Dagger for PvE, its not necessarily something you should go after. There are simply better options to go for in the kinetic slot that will do everything it can do and do it so much better.
Crimil’s Dagger PvP God Roll

The best perks for Crimil’s Dagger PVP God Roll are Hammer-Forged Rifling, Accurized Rounds, Moving Target, and Explosive Payload. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for Crimil’s Dagger PVP God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Column 3 Trait: Moving Target
- Column 4 Trait: Explosive Payload
- Masterwork: Range
- Origin Trait: Skulking Wolf
- Weapon Mod: Targeting Adjuster
Crimil’s Dagger actually has a lot of options for PvP rolls. Like most weapons, increasing its range is a top priority. Make sure you take perks that improve range first and then handling second. Slideways and Outlaw are decent options, but the best choice overall is Moving Target for the boost while you are moving. Like in PvE Kill Clip is a decent option but only improves the forgiveness of the weapon rather than TTK. You could also opt for Opening Shot, but again the forgiveness of Explosive Payload is just to good of an option to pass up.
This weapon might not be the best for PvE, but it can be a great option in PvP. Aggressive hand cannons are weapons people love or hate because of their hard-hitting albeit slow-firing shots. This duality is shared with Crimil’s Dagger. Its worth picking up one or two of these to keep in your vault whether you love them or hate them as they tend to fluctuate in their effectiveness in the PvP meta.
How to Get Crimil’s Dagger in Destiny 2
Crimil’s Dagger can be obtained from any Iron Banner Reward source once you reach Rank 7 and claim the weapon. Once the gun has been earned you can focus it at Lord Saladin for Iron Banner Engrams and Glimmer. Iron Banner is a limited-time game mode that comes once every couple of months for two weeks. Each week a different mode of Iron Banner is featured.

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