Learn about the Found Verdict God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!

Found Verdict is an arc aggressive frame shotgun introduced in the Vault of Glass reprised Raid during Season of the Splicer. The weapons were later updated to be craftable with new perk pools during Episode Heresy. Shotguns are powerful weapons that are favored in both PvE and PvP. While their usage is more niche and build-dependent for PvE, they are still fairly common and have often found themselves as best in slot picks. In PvP, shotguns have always been popular and are unlikely to fall out of favor. Found Verdict is craftable and has an Adept version, referred to as Timelost for Vault of Glass weapons, that can be enhanced. In this guide, we will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Found Verdict shotgun.
How to Get Found Verdict in Destiny 2
You obtain the Found Verdict from the Vault of Glass raid found in the Legends activity node. Specifically, it can drop from the 1st encounter, Conflux, 2nd Encounter, Oracles, or the 4th encounter, Gatekeeper. In order to get the Found Verdict (Timelost), you must complete every challenge in the master version of the Vault of Glass Raid to complete the Maestro Glasser Triumph. Once earned, the standard version of Found Verdict can be found in the hidden chest found throughout the raid and purchased at the end of raid chest after defeating Atheon. The Timelost version can be bought at the end of raid chest in the master version of the raid, provided the player has already earned the weapon once by completing the required triumph.
A guaranteed Deepsight weapon can be earned if you complete the quest Fated Deepsight that is available at the Clan Vendor, Suraya Hawthorne, at the Tower Bazaar. Another Deepsight weapon is guaranteed to be available at the end of raid chest for your first purchase. Note that any weapons you purchase at the chest cannot have a Deepsight Harmonizer activated on them.

What Is the Found Verdict God Roll in Destiny 2?
Found Verdict looks to be the least interesting of all the god rolls in Vault of Glass. That isn’t to say that they are bad, it has great rolls for PvE and PvP, but it doesn’t have anything unique that makes it stand out among other shotguns. The Found Verdict is another One-Two Punch shotgun for PvE, making it powerful but not worth chasing as there are just so many of them. In PvP, the shotgun has all of the traits you would want on a shotgun like Threat Detector, Threat Remover, Slideshot, and Opening Shot. Again, these are powerful and useful traits but can easily be found on other shotguns.

PvE Found Verdict God Roll
The best perks for the Found Verdict PvE God Roll are Barrel Shroud, Assualt Mag, Discord, and One-Two Punch. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Found Verdict PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Barrel Shroud
- Magazine: Assault Mag
- Column 3 Trait: Discord
- Column 4 Trait: One-Two Punch
- Masterwork: Handling
- Origin Trait: Timelost Arsenal
- Weapon Mod: Back-Up Mag
PvE Breakdown
The Found Verdict got quite a few new traits when it was reprised during Episode Heresy. Unfortunately, unless you are building into a very specific setup, most of those traits aren’t going to be useful for the average shotgun user. Barrel Shroud will increase your handling and stability while Assualt Mag will increase the Found Verdict’s rate of fire. Both of these are minor improvements for shotgun users but they are helpful none the less.
Since its an Arc shotgun, the Found Verdict can synergize well with Arc builds, especially arc hunter builds. Be that as it may, it isn’t really anything special and you may already have a shotgun you prefer. The Found Verdict does come with the unique option of Discord in Column 3, which will improve the shotgun for getting kills with another weapon. Honestly, Discord being on the shotgun is the only thing that makes the Found Verdict worth picking up for PvE. Otherwise, Column 4 comes with the mainstay shotgun traits like One-Two Punch and Trench Barrel. Overall, the Found Verdict just doesn’t have much that makes it an outlier in PvE.

PvP Found Verdict God Roll
The best perks for the Found Verdict PvP God Roll are Smallbore, Accurized Rounds, Slideshot, and Opening Shot. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Found Verdict PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Smallbore
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Column 3 Trait: Slideshot
- Column 4 Trait: Opening Shot
- Masterwork: Blast Radius
- Origin Trait: Range
- Weapon Mod: Ballistics
PvP Breakdown
Despite being nothing special for PvE, the Found Verdict is still sought after for its PvP potential. While it’s not necessarily unique it does come with several great PvP options for it main traits. Increasing its range to make the weapon more accurate from further away is typically the play with most PvP shotguns. Smallbore, Accurized Rounds, and a Range masterwork will get your range up to a point where you won’t get damage falloff up to 5 meters. This will make getting kills much easier with the weapon.
The Found Verdict’s column 3 is stacked with great traits for PvP. It rolls with Threat Detector and Threat Remover, both of which are great options for PvP with Threat Detector being more sought after. That being said, Slideshot takes the best in slot pick for Column 3 for its range improvement. In Column 4, the choices are more limited with Opening Shot being the only really great PvP option. The Found Verdict may not be the best PvE shotgun, but it definitely has some potential for PvP.
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