Destiny 2 Glacioclasm God Roll Guide

Learn about the Glacioclasm God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!

Destiny 2 Glacioclasm God Roll Guide
Destiny 2 Glacioclasm God Roll Guide

Glacioclasm is a void high-impact frame fusion rifle reintroduced in Episode: Revenant for the 2024 Dawning event. There have been several iterations of this weapon since 2020, but only the most current one is available. High-impact frame fusion rifles like the Glacioclasm are favored in PvP for their higher damage per bolt. The Glacioclasm can be enhanced, improving its perks. This guide will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Glacioclasm fusion rifle.

How to Get Glacioclasm in Destiny 2

You obtain Glacioclasm by using the Gifts in Return consumables you receive from giving Dawning Cookies to various NPCs. Turn in those Gifts in Return for Festive Engrams or use them to focus the weapon at Eva Levante in the Tower. You need unlock the appropriate Dawning upgrades to focus the weapon. You must unlock the Giftwrap Exchange Ticket upgrade to turn them in for Festive Engrams, and the Limited Exchange Ticket upgrade to focus the weapon. This weapon can only be obtained during the Dawning event, so get it while you can.

You can unlock multiple trait selections on this weapon by getting the Perky Presents and Perkier Presents Dawning upgrades.

What Is the Glacioclasm God Roll in Destiny 2?

God rolls are highly sought after because they are typically the best combination of stats and traits available on a particular weapon. Because the sandbox differs in PvE and PvP, there are typically god rolls for each one. Glacioclasm has a great PvE roll, but high-impact frames aren’t particularly great for PvE. The PvP roll is also looking like a great combination of perks that will absolutely be worth the chase.

Destiny 2 Glacioclasm
The Glacioclasm Void High-Impact Frame Fusion Rifle

PvE Glacioclasm God Roll

The best perks for the Glacioclasm PvE God Roll are Arrowhead Brake, Enhanced Battery, Envious Assassin, and Controlled Burst. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.

The following list is the best perks for the Glacioclasm PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:

  • Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
  • Battery: Enhanced Battery
  • Column 3 Trait: Envious Assassin
  • Column 4 Trait: Controlled Burst
  • Masterwork: Charge Time
  • Origin Trait: Omolon Fluid Dynamics
  • Weapon Mod: Backup Mag

PvE Breakdown

High-impact frame fusion rifles are decent weapons in PvE but are often overshadowed by their rapid-fire frame counterparts. They can still perform though and so can be worth using with the right perks.

Fusion rifles in PvE almost all benefit from the increase in recoil direction and handling from Arrowhead Brake. Make sure to increase the magazine capacity by taking Enhanced Battery and a Backup Mag mod. Because the reload speed of the weapon is terrible and more bolts are always a good thing, Envious Assassin will get more bursts into the magazine. Controlled Burst is one of if not the best damage option on fusion rifles for PvE causing each successive burst to be more effective.

Overall, the Glacioclasm is a decent fusion rifle to use in PvE, but you are probably better off grabbing a rapid-fire frame instead.

PvP Glacioclasm God Roll

The best perks for the Glacioclasm PvP God Roll are Hammer-Forged Rifling, Projection Fuse, Lone Wolf, and Closing Time. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.

The following list is the best perks for the Glacioclasm PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:

  • Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling
  • Battery: Projection Fuse
  • Column 3 Trait: Lone Wolf
  • Column 4 Trait: Closing Time
  • Masterwork: Range
  • Origin Trait: Omolon Fluid Dynamics
  • Weapon Mod: Ballistics

PvP Breakdown

While not particularly favored in PvE, high-impact frames are much more effective in PvP. Glacioclasm can get a kill with only 3 bolts on target. This allows for a very short .1-second TtK. Glacioclasm has been a favorite of PvP fusion rifle users since its first introduction and the new perks introduced on it make it all the better.

Increasing the range of the Glacioclasm is one of the most important things you can do for the fusion rifle. A higher range stat will make the distance that the bolts can get an optimal kill much further downrange. Hammer-forged Rifling and Projection Fuse are the best traits to take to increase the weapon’s range with no negative side effects. Lone Wolf and Closing Time are also quickly becoming some of the best options for special weapons for PvP. They provide a powerful stat boost for very little effort.

The Glacioclasm is definitely back and better than it has ever been. Make sure you try and get a good roll of this for PvP as it could be one of the better fusion rifles in the game.

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