Destiny 2 Multimach CCX God Roll Guide

Learn about the Multimach CCX God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!

Multimach CCX God Roll Guide
Multimach CCX God Roll Guide

Multimach CCX is a kinetic lightweight frame submachine gun introduced for the Iron Banner Playlist during Season of the Wish. Initially released during the Warmind DLC, the fan-favorite Multimach has been reintroduced twice in Destiny 2. Lightweight frame submachine guns are favored in PvE and PvE because of their ease of use and general speed boost when equipped. The Multimach CCX can be enhanced, giving it Enhanced Traits in Columns 3 and 4. This guide will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Multimach CCX submachine gun.

How to Get Multimach CCX in Destiny 2

Multimach CCX can be obtained from any Iron Banner Reward. Once the gun has been earned you can focus it at Valus Saladin for Iron Banner Engrams and Glimmer. Iron Banner is a limited-time competitive game mode that comes once every couple of months for two weeks. Each week a different mode of Iron Banner is featured.

What Is the Multimach CCX God Roll in Destiny 2?

A god roll is the best combination of perks and masterwork that a weapon can get. God rolls are often sought after as they are considered the ultimate drop of that weapon and the most effective roll used in most content. In most situations, there are two god rolls for any gun, a roll for PvE and one for PvP. The Multimach CCX has great perk options in both columns. It isn’t hard to find a great roll for PvE or PvP as several options and combinations will do great in a lot of content.

Destiny 2 Multimach CCX
The Multimach CCX Kinetic Lightweight Frame Submachine Gun

PvE Multimach CCX God Roll

The best perks for the Multimach CCX PvE God Roll are Polygonal Rifling, Tactical Mag, Attrition Orbs, and Kinetic Tremors. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.

The following list is the best perks for the Multimach CCX PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:

  • Barrel: Polygonal Rifling
  • Magazine: Tactical Mag
  • Column 3 Trait: Attrition Orbs
  • Column 4 Trait: Kinetic Tremors
  • Masterwork: Reload Speed
  • Origin Trait: Field-Tested
  • Weapon Mod: Heavy Ammo Finder Enhancement

PvE Breakdown

Lightweight frame submachine guns are great options for a primary weapon in PvE. The Multimach CCX is one of the better options in the kinetic slot for this archetype. As the Multimach already has a perfect recoil direction stat, Arrowhead Brake isn’t necessary so increasing Stability with Polygonal Rifling. The difference between the number of additional rounds between Appended Mag and Tactical Mag is only 1 single round, so the stability bonus from Tactical Mag is a bit more useful. Any masterwork is useful here, with Reload Speed being great on almost every weapon.

The synergy between perks is always important when examining god rolls, and Multimach has an interesting one. The perk Attrition Orbs allows the weapon to create orbs on sustained hits against enemy combatants. This works really well with the perk Kinetic Tremors which creates damaging shockwaves when dealing sustained damage on a target. These two perks combine really well, not necessarily by building off of each other, but by having two things happen by doing the exact same thing. Overall, this god roll is going to be a very niche option, but an effective one.

PvP Multimach CCX God Roll

The best perks for the Multimach CCX PvP God Roll are Hammer-forged Rifling, Accurized Rounds, Dynamic Sway Reduction, and Tap the Trigger. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.

The following list is the best perks for the Multimach CCX PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:

  • Barrel: Hammer-forged Rifling
  • Magazine: Accurized Rounds
  • Column 3 Trait: Dynamic Sway Reduction
  • Column 4 Trait: Tap the Trigger
  • Masterwork: Range
  • Origin Trait: Field-Tested
  • Weapon Mod: Ballistics

PvP Breakdown

As a Lightweight frame, the Multimach CCX is an effective albeit not the best archetype to use in PvP. They do great but are typically overshadowed by precision frames in the Crucible. The Multimach can still do great in competitive content though. As with most PvP rolls, increasing the range is always an effective boost to the weapon. Hammer-forged Rifling and Accurized Rounds are the best traits to do this without any negative side effects.

The Multimach has quite a few damage-increasing perks to choose from such as Target Lock and Kill Clip. That being said, almost none of them increase the TTK by a huge margin so they aren’t particularly appealing on this submachine gun. Instead, take traits like Dynamic Sway Reduction and Tap the Trigger, which increases the Multimach CCX’s ease of use. Don’t be afraid to flex a damage perk in for Tap the Trigger if you prefer that, but the increase to TTK simply isn’t enough for us to justify it.

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