Learn about the Neoptolemus II God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!
Neoptolemus II is a kinetic precision frame combat bow introduced into the world loot pool during Episode: Revenant. Precision frame bows are great weapons for both PvE and PvP, dealing a bit more damage than their lightweight counterparts. The Neoptolemus II can be enhanced, granting it access to enhanced perks in Columns 3 and 4. In this guide, we will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Neoptolemus II combat bow.
How to Get Neoptolemus II in Destiny 2
You obtain the Neoptolemus II from any Legendary engram source, Banshee-44, or from Legendary Lost Sectors. Legendary Lost Sectors rotate daily and the available weapons also rotate with them. As a world drop weapon, the Neoptolemus II can be awarded from any reward source that does not pull from any direct playlist loot pool.
What Is the Neoptolemus II God Roll in Destiny 2?
A god roll is the best combination of perks and masterwork that a weapon can get. God rolls are often sought after as they are considered the ultimate drop of that weapon and the most effective roll used in most content. In most situations, there are two god rolls for any gun, a roll for PvE and one for PvP. While not a terrible weapon, the Neoptolemus doesn’t have a great PvE roll. Its PvP roll is decent, but is outshined by other rolls.
PvE Neoptolemus II God Roll
The best perks for the Neoptolemus II PvE God Roll are Elastic String, Straight Fletching, Pugilist, and Vorpal Weapon. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Neoptolemus II PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Bowstring: Elastic String
- Arrow: Straight Fletching
- Column 3 Trait: Pugilist
- Column 4 Trait: Vorpal Weapon
- Masterwork: Draw Time
- Origin Trait: Wild Card
- Weapon Mod: Heavy Ammo Finder Enhancement
PvE Breakdown
While combat bows like the Neoptolemus II are normally decent PvE weapons, this bow is unfortunately one of the weaker options. It doesn’t have a lot of great perk options, and the bow’s stats leave a lot to be desired. If you must use the weapon, then you will want to take the bow standard bowstring and arrow traits: Elastic String and Straight Fletching. These decrease the draw time of the bow while canceling out its accuracy penalty. A Draw Time or Accuracy masterwork can improve whichever stat you prefer.
The Neoptolemus II suffers in its main Column 3 and 4 traits as it simply lacks any great options. In Column 3, the only really decent PvE options are Pugilist and Strategist. Since they both do the same thing but for different abilities, go for whichever one would better benefit your build. In Column 4, we lack almost any good options. When your best option is Vorpal Weapon is your best option, you know it is not a great PvE weapon.
PvP Neoptolemus II God Roll
The best perks for the Neoptolemus II PvP God Roll are Polymer String, Straight Fletching, To the Pain, and Lone Wolf. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Neoptolemus II PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Bowstring: Polymer String
- Arrow: Straight Fletching
- Column 3 Trait: To the Pain
- Column 4 Trait: Lone Wolf
- Masterwork: Accuracy
- Origin Trait: Wild Card
- Weapon Mod: Tension
PvP Breakdown
The Neoptolemus II can be a decent PvP bow but lacks any perks that improve charge time, making it a weaker option than most other bows. Since we can’t make a powerful fast-firing bow, it is better to build into Accuracy instead. Polymer String and Straight Fletching grant the largest benefits to the Accuracy stat. An Accuracy masterwork and the Tension mod can then be used to max the stat out.
While the bow lacks the normal draw time bonus traits like other bows, the Neoptolemus has some decent PvP perks. To the Pain can help with the bow as a dueling weapon, especially if you get hit while drawing your arrows while peak shooting. Lone Wolf is quickly becoming a PvP favorite perk with its great bonuses. Overall, the Neoptolemus may not be the best choice for PvP legendary bows, but it can be effective if you prefer the fast swap playstyle with another weapon.
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