Destiny 2 The Nether: All Ravenous Wormspawn Locations (Collectible Guide)

Here is all you need to know about where to find all Ravenous Wormspawn locations in Destiny 2 The Nether.

Destiny 2 The Nether All Ravenous Wormspawn Locations (Collectible Guide)
Ravenous Wormspawn can be found in various locations. (Source: Bungie)

The Dreadnaught hive spaceship makes a return in Destiny 2 Heresy through The Nether, along with a secret collectible called Ravenous Wormspawn. This secret can be found tucked away in unsuspecting corners of the ship. Collecting these Wormspawns is required to make progress in the Dreadnaught Collector triumph associated with the Heretic seal. 

Additionally, the triumph requires a total of 10 collectibles to find. However, there are only eight Wormdspawns scattered in four different locations in The Nether. This means Bungie may be adding more in future updates. Here is an updated list of all Ravenous Wormspawn locations in Destiny 2 The Nether.

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List of All Ravenous Wormspawn Locations in Destiny 2 The Nether

Hall of Souls

There are two Wormspawns in the Hall of Souls. For the first one, head to the location where the encounter boss appears. Fix your angle towards a Blight found in the back of the platform, then take a sharp left. You will see one of the Wormspawns just below another platform. You need to jump across to reach it.

Destiny 2 The Nether Hall of Souls - Wormspawn Location 1
Take a sharp left from the middle area of the map. (Source: Bungie)

Head back to the middle platform for the second Wormspawn location. Once you are there, take a sharp right. Move and try to stick close to the left wall through the ledges. The Wormspawn is placed at the back of the ledges.

Destiny 2 The Nether Hall of Souls -  Wormspawn Location 2
You can find a Wormspawn at the back of the ledge. (Source: Bungie)


Two more Wormspawn can be found in the Trenchway. The first is near the Tormentor boss’ spawn point. Climb to the top of the left pillar with the Taken portal to find one of the collectibles.

Destiny 2 The Nether Trenchway Wormspawn Location 3
The Wormspawn is at the top of the pillar. (Source: Bungie)

The second is located outside the arena. Cross the bridge and head left. Look for a Wormspawn at the top of the ledge, just above the orange clusters at the back of the area.

Destiny 2 The Nether Trenchway Wormspawn Location 4
Look above the orange clusters to find the Wormspawn. (Source: Bungie)

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The Mausoleum

The Mausoleum can get quite dark, so you’ll need to stay alert to spot the collectibles in the area. For the first Wormspawn, take a sharp right upon entering and jump onto a blue tentacle. Carefully time your jump and drop down to a ledge beneath it. Refer to the image below for reference.

Destiny 2 The Nether The Mausoleum Wormspawn Location 5
The Wormspawn is found below the tentacle. (Source: Bungie)

To find the second Wormspawn, return to the main area and head right toward the second Hive Plate. From there, turn around and look for a ledge with orange clusters on the wall. Jump to the ledge, and you will find a Wormspawn.

Destiny 2 The Nether The Mausoleum Wormspawn Location 6
Check the ledge for the Wormspawn. (Source: Bungie)

The Founts

Two more Wormspawns are in The Founts, but this area only becomes accessible at random after completing at least one full encounter rotation in any of the three previously mentioned areas.

To find the first Wormspawn, reach the middle area first and then take a left towards the lighted podiums with Hive symbols. Reach the topmost symbol of the right podium to find a Wormspawn that you can collect. 

Destiny 2 The Nether The Founts Wormspawn Location 7
Check bove the right-most symbol on the wall for the Wormspawn. (Source: Bungie)

The final Wormspawn, for now, is in an underground area. To find it, you need to go back to the middle area of The Founts. Once there, head to the dark arena towards the back and look for an underground entrance on the right. The Wormspawn is located in a corner of the area.

Destiny 2 The Nether The Founts Wormspawn Location 8
Head inside the underground area to find the Wormspawn. (Source: Bungie)

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