Destiny 2 The Taken Path Quest Guide

Here’s a guide to help you complete The Taken Path quest in Destiny 2. Read further to troubleshoot any confusion regarding the quest.

Finding a way to complete the questline (Source: Bungie)

The Taken Path questline in Destiny 2 is very important for those who want to unlock a brand new Exotic weapon. The weapon in question is an SMG named Barrow-Dyad, which players can only unlock after completing the Derealize mission. So, are The Taken Path and Derealize quests the same? No. The former is a questline that unlocks the latter upon completion. Hence, completing The Taken Path is pretty important if you want that Exotic SMG.

This questline will become available in Heresy Act 1, Week 2 after you follow a few mechanics in The Nether and collect a special item. You can begin The Taken Path in Destiny 2 by entering a Taken Blight in either Hall of Souls or Trenchway in The Nether.

Once the questline is active, you need to head to the Last City, followed by Eris’ Flat. You can then interact with the Slab to go to the Runic Enhancements section and purchase the Scotopic Rune enhancement to progress. If the mission “Exceeds current Mastery Level,” just face more Nether encounters and increase your Slab reputation.

Steps To Complete the Taken Path in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Blight protecting arrow platform (Source: Bungie)

Starting With the Quest

Once everything is set up, you must head to the Moon’s Sorrow’s Harbor. To be precise, you need to go to the K1 Revelation Lost Sector. This is where players will find the Taken Blight protecting an arrow platform. Now you must destroy the Blight to reveal the platform. Step on the platform and keep looking at the Hive run on the wall until a Hive symbol appears. The platform will show you the direction you need to proceed towards. If you look away from the rune, the symbol will disappear. So, keep looking at it and walk backward instead.

Continue to the end of the Lost Sector and you will be teleported back to the start of the Sector once you get off the platform. Now you must fight your way through the Taken enemies, defeat an Ogre boss, and collect another Exotic item from the boss arena. Just head to the Forgotten Shore location of Cosmodrome, followed by the Veles Labyrinth Lost Sector.

Forgotten Shore

Collectible dropped by Phalanx (Source: Bungie)

Enter the Veles Labyrinth Lost Sector and stick to the right wall until you find a blue-lit room. You will then have to destroy the blight once more and follow the same arrow platform mechanic with the Hive runes we just explained above.

Hop on a platform, remember the arrow’s direction, look at the rune for the symbol, and move off the platform toward the pointed direction. Repeat the process thrice until you find yourself at the end of the Sector. Prepare yourself for a fight from the end to the start of the Lost Sector. There will be a Taken Phalanx boss in an orange-lit room; pick up the collectible as shown in the image above and make your way to Eris’ Flat.

Breaking Three Curses

Destiny 2 curse quest (Source: Bungie)

After following the previous steps, you must return to the Slab. Sloane will have three quests for you where you have to perform rituals and break curses in three different locations. These go as follows:

  • Curse of Revenge: Launch Nightmare Hunt, Pride, and reach the boss arena of Skolas. When you pick up the Taken Artifact here, a timer will go off at the top. Defeat enemies using the artifact to gain a time-boost. After completing the encounter, deposit the Artifact.

  • Curse of Urgency: Go to the Hallowed Grove Lost Sector in The Sludge of EDZ. Pick up the Taken Artifact there and clear out enemies. Increase the timer by using your artifact at hand. End the final boss and deposit the Artifact.

  • Curse of Endurance: Pick up the Taken Artifact at Sorrow’s Harbor, defeat enemies, and deposit it soon after.

Completing each of the three quests will require you to head to The Nether to find something that carries “Taken Osseous.” This will be your last few steps.

The Final Few Steps

Hive Thrall Statue (Source: Bungie)

Launch The Nether and pay attention to the following locations to find Thrall statues scattered all around:

  • Trenchway: Beside the stairs with the duo Subjugator shield bosses in the outside area. Interact with the statue, and a Hive Wizard will spawn for you to kill and get the Osseous.

  • Fount: From the middle area, look behind and head up. A huge Taken Blight usually spawns here. Go right, interact with the statue you find there, and defeat the enemy to get the Osseous.

  • Hall of Souls: Look right from where you spawn, and a statue will be present right there. Repeat the same steps of interacting with the statue, killing the enemy, and collecting the Osseous.

Those who have followed all these steps correctly will have the Derealize mission on the Last City map.

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