Learn about the Trustee God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!

Trustee is a solar rapid-fire frame scout rifle introduced in the Deep Stone Crypt raid in the Beyond Light Expansion. During Season of the Seraph, all the Deep Stone Crypt weapons had their perk pools updated and were made craftable. Scout rifles can be very effective in end-game content, allowing for enemy engagement at safe ranges. This guide will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Trustee scout rifle.
How to Get Trustee in Destiny 2
You obtain the Trustee from the Deep Stone Crypt raid on Europa. Specifically, the Trustee can drop from the 1st encounter of the raid, Crypt Security. To access Deep Stone Crypt, you must own the Beyond Light Expansion. Furthermore, can get the weapon from the two hidden chest found throughout the dungeon once you have unlocked it in Collections. You can also use the chest after you complete the raid to purchase the weapon for Spoils of Conquest.

What Is the Trustee God Roll in Destiny 2?
A god roll is the best combination of perks and masterwork that a weapon can get. God rolls are often sought after as they are considered the ultimate drop of that weapon and the most effective roll used in most content. In most situations, there are two god rolls for any gun, a roll for PvE and one for PvP. The Trustee has a great PvE roll that has the solar weapon mainstay of Incandescent. The PvP god roll is also powerful if you are so inclined to use rapid-fire scout rifles in PvP.

PvE Trustee God Roll
The best perks for the Trustee PvE God Roll are Arrowhead Brake, Tactical Mag, Reconstruction, and Incandescent. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Trustee PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
- Magazine: Tactical Mag
- Column 3 Trait: Reconstruction
- Column 4 Trait: Incandescent
- Masterwork: Handling
- Origin Trait: Bray Inheritance
- Weapon Mod: Heavy Ammo Finder Enhancement
PvE Breakdown
Rapid-fire frame scout rifles are great weapons for use in PvE. They provide most of the range of other scout rifles but also fire fast enough and with enough ammo to be effective for mid-range combat as well. The Trustee is one of the better rapid-fire frame scout rifles as it has a great roll for general PvE content. Arrowhead Brake and Tactical Mag both provide great bonuses for the Trustee. Arrowhead Brake straightens out the recoil direction of the scout rifle, and Tactical Mag will stabilize the weapon even further.
The Trustee rolls with the powerful trait, Reconstruction. Reconstruction will constantly reload your weapon while it is both stowed and active. The other trait you will want to grab is Incandescent, which is one of the most powerful perks for PvE in the game. It scorches targets on a weapon kill, leading to more explosions in large groups of enemies. While the Trustee isn’t the type of weapon you would normally use this perk on, it still does really well with it. The Trustee getting Incandescent with the latest update to the Deep Stone Crypt weapons improved on it by a large margin, making it a great addition to any arsenal.
PvP Trustee God Roll
The best perks for the Trustee PvP God Roll are Arrowhead Brake, Accurized Rounds, Killing Wind, and Swashbuckler. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Trustee PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Column 3 Trait: Killing Wind
- Column 4 Trait: Swashbuckler
- Masterwork: Range
- Origin Trait: Bray Inheritance
- Weapon Mod: Ballistics
PvP Breakdown
Rapid-fire frame scout rifles are great in the Crucible and a personal favorite of mine in Gambit. This is because their fast fire rate combined with their great range makes them very forgiving for long-distance kills. They do lack some of the precision and harder impact of their slower-firing cousins, but that forgiveness more than makes up for it. Arrowhead Brake and Accurized Rounds are mainstays of PvP weapons, which is no different for the Trustee. Increasing the range of the weapon while also improving its recoil direction makes getting those precision hits a lot easier.
Improving the range and time-to-kill of the weapon is the name of the game with the main traits on the Trustee. Killing Wind in Column 3 will make up for the lesser range of the rapid-fire frame archetype. While it only activates on a kill, its still a great option as it rewards you for playing well. Perpetual Motion and Surplus are also decent options for that Column. Improving the TtK with Swashbuckler will not only make kills easier to get as you get them, it will also make the weapon more forgiving at longer ranges as well. While there are a few better rapid-fire frame scout rifles that are better than the Trustee, its a great addition to your arsenal while you search for those options.
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