The Destiny 2 Tyranny of Heaven God Roll and How to Get guide explains the best roll for the Last Wish lightweight frame recurve bow!

This guide has been updated for Episodes Echoes and the Final Shape Expansion.
Welcome to our Destiny 2 Tyranny of Heaven God Roll and How to Get guide. The Tyranny of Heaven is an lightweight frame solar bow obtainable in the Last Wish raid. Bows are incredibly powerful in end game content due to their ability to deal damage from incredibly range. The Tyranny of Heaven is one of the few solar bows available, so its worth it to obtain a desirable roll.
How to get Tyranny of Heaven God Roll in Destiny 2

In order to get the Tyranny of Heaven bow, the player needs to do encounters in the Last Wish raid which is located in the Dreaming City. Tyranny of Heaven can drop from any encounter or hidden chest inside of the Raid. Tyranny of Heaven can also be crafted at the Enclave once the Deepsight Pattern has been completely unlocked.
In order to acquire the Deepsight Pattern of the Last Wish Weapons, players will need to go to the Clan Vendor, Suraya Hawthorne at the Tower and acquire the “O Deepsight Mine” quest. This quest guarantees a red border weapon on completion and only requires that every encounter in the raid be completed. This quest can be completed weekly and once completed the player can purchase an additional Deepsight Pattern the player has unlocked in collections. Deepsight Patterns can also sometimes drop with the weapons acquired during the raid itself or have it applied to them with a Deepsight Harmonizer.
PVE Tyranny of Heaven God Roll

The following list includes all Destiny 2 Tyranny of Heaven God Roll traits for PVE.
Column | Perk |
Barrel | Polymer String |
Magazine | Straight Fletching |
Perk 1 | Archer’s Tempo |
Perk 2 | Incandescent |
Origin Trait | Explosive Pact |
Masterwork | Draw Time |
Mod | Major Spec |
Barrel: For the bowstring our choice is the Polymer String. This gives us a boost in accuracy which the bow lacks in as well as decreasing our draw time allowing us to fire arrows faster.
Magazine: Straight Fletching is a must have here. It increases our accuracy allowing us to be more accurate with the weapon making sure to pair well with our other perks.
Column 3 Trait: We are going with Archer’s Tempo as it gives a draw time buff after hitting a precision shot that lets us draw our bow faster than the base stats would allow. This is incredibly strong since bows are very easy to land headshots with.
Column 4 Trait: For our final column perk, Incandescent is the must have. Killing an enemies causes an explosion the spreads scorch to other nearby enemies. This gives us a little add clear on a weapon more designed for single target damage.
Masterwork: Draw Time masterwork here allows us to reach the fastest base draw time until perks like Archer’s Tempo take effect.
Mods: For the mod, we are choosing Major Spec. A small damage boost to larger health enemies that take more damage to kill.
Conclusion: Bows are incredibly strong in PVE pairing massive long range damage with nice ease of use. Tyranny of Heavy offers some strong perk combos for both single target and AOE damage so be sure to mess around with the available perks.
PVP Tyranny of Heaven God Roll

The following list includes all Destiny 2 Tyranny of Heaven God Roll traits for PVP.
Column | Perk |
Barrel | Polymer String |
Magazine | Straight Fletching |
Perk 1 | Archer’s Tempo |
Perk 2 | Snapshot |
Origin Trait | Explosive Pact |
Masterwork | Draw Time |
Mod | Freehand Grip |
Tyranny of Heaven God Roll PVP Traits Explained
Barrel: For the bowstring our choice is the Polymer String. This gives us a boost in accuracy which the bow lacks. Additionally, it decreases our draw time allowing us to fire arrows faster.
Magazine: Straight Fletching is a must have here. It increases our accuracy allowing us to be more accurate with the weapon. Therefore, making sure to pair well with our other perks.
Column 3 Trait: We are going with Archer’s Tempo as it gives a draw time buff after hitting a precision shot that lets us draw our bow faster than the base stats would allow. This is incredibly strong since bows are very easy to land headshots with.
Column 4 Trait: For our final column perk, Snapshot is the must have. This increases our aim down sights speed allowing us to draw and fire faster to challenge long range lanes.
Masterwork: Draw Time masterwork here allows us to reach the fastest base draw time until perks like Archer’s Tempo take effect.
Mods: For the mod, we are choosing Freehand Grip. This gives us a boost in accuracy and ready speeds when hip firing the bow.
Conclusion: Bows have a niche usage in PVP being a great team shooting weapon. It does however have major drawbacks of being a skill based weapon and incredibly susceptible to getting rushed by your enemies. They require a special playstyle that is not always suited for everything. However, they are incredibly powerful weapons in the right hands.
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