Learn the Destiny 2 Undercurrent Grenade Launcher god roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it!

This guide has been updated for Episode: Echoes and The Final Shape expansion.
Undercurrent is an arc wave-frame grenade launcher introduced in the Nightfall playlist during Season of the Wish and updated during Episode: Echoes. Special Grenade Launchers are favored in PvE for their power and their utility. Wave-frame grenade launchers are some of the best add-clear weapons for all levels of PVE. The version of Undercurrent introduced in Episode Echoes can be enhanced, granting it better stats and access to enhanced perks in Columns 3 and 4. It also has an Adept version, allowing it to use more powerful Adept mods. Undercurrent is a Nightfall weapon, so it rotates in and out of availability as a completion reward for Nightfall strikes. In this guide, we will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Undercurrent grenade launcher.
Undercurrent PVE God Roll
The best perks for the Warden’s Law PVE God Roll are Quick Launch, High-Velocity Rounds, Ambitious Assassin, and Voltshot. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Undercurrent PVE God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Quick Launch
- Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
- Column 3 Trait: Ambitious Assassin
- Column 4 Trait: Voltshot
- Masterwork: Reload Speed
- Origin Trait: Vanguard’s Vindication
- Weapon Mod: Quick Access Sling (Adept Handling)
PvE God Roll Breakdown
Quick Launch is a must-have for nearly every grenade launcher as it provides a massive boost in desirable stats for the weapon. Since the weapon is a wave-frame grenade launcher, we only have two options for the mag with High-Velocity Rounds being the clear winner. For our first perk, we have the obvious choice of Ambitious Assassin as it’s a strong reload perk that can give us additional shots every reload. There is a second option here which is Demolitionist, however, it doesn’t provide much benefit for the weapon itself but it can be good for grenade spam builds. Lastly, the clear final choice is Voltshot as this provides massive add-clear and can synergize with arc subclass builds.
Wave-frame grenade launchers have some of the best add clear in the game as they send forward a wave of elemental energy from where they land clearing out entire groups of enemies. Since they are special weapons they do pack a punch, however, they are not high-health enemy melters. They are far more suited towards add clear and even allow some players to run double special weapon load-outs. Since this does have Voltshot, it can stun overload enemies and does have some extra compatibility with arc subclasses.
Undercurrent PVP God Roll
The best perks for the Undercurrent PvP God Roll are Quick Launch, High-Velocity Rounds, Demolitionist, and Voltshot. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Undercurrent PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Quick Launch
- Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
- Column 3 Trait: Demolitionist
- Column 4 Trait: Voltshot
- Masterwork: Handling
- Origin Trait: Vanguard’s Vindication
- Weapon Mod: Quick Access Sling (Adept Handling)
PvP God Roll Breakdown
Most of the minor perks should be focused on handling to allow swapping to and from this weapon quickly. Wave-frame grenade launchers have limited niche uses in PVP for initiating or cleaning up a fight. So perks like Demolitionist and Voltshot provide additional benefits to our clean-up kills and an advantage in our next engagement.
While wave-frame grenade launchers require a specific playstyle to be effective, they can be quite the powerhouse in PVP. It is worth taking the time to learn to use them as they aren’t often expected, making them more difficult to counter. That being said, wave-frames like the Undercurrent perform better in larger 6v6 matches rather than smaller, more competitive game modes
How to Get the Undercurrent in Destiny 2
You obtain the Undercurrent in the Nightfall playlist. You can get it on certain weeks in a rotation, and higher-difficulty Nightfalls have a higher drop chance. Undercurrent (Adept) can only be earned by completing Grandmaster Nightfalls when it is the weekly reward. Once the weapon has been earned, you can focus it on Commander Zavala for Vanguard Engrams and Glimmer. The Adept version can only be focused on the weeks it is the weekly Grandmaster reward and only with 10 Nightfall Ciphers.

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