Destiny 2 Vesper’s Host Loot Table Explained

Discover the complete Destiny 2 Vesper’s Host loot table including numerous weapons, armor pieces, cosmetics, and more, along with from which encounters you can get them.

Destiny 2 Vesper’s Host Loot Table (Source: Bungie)

Vesper’s Host is the latest dungeon in Destiny 2 added in the Episode: Revenant. It is the second Episode in the Final Shape expansion and continues the story after the events of the Final Shape Story. Fikrul returns in Revenant Act 1 with a powerful artifact Echo and raises a new undead threat Scorn. In addition to the main Act questline and the seasonal activities, the Vesper’s Host dungeon is a new endgame activity that offers several rewards.

However, the rewards are not easy to come by as every weapon and armor piece is tied behind a boss encounter that players must pass either Solo or in a Fireteam. The loot table for Destiny 2 Vesper’s Host dungeon discussed in this guide will cover all of the weapons, armor, cosmetics, and more, that players can get by passing through all the encounters and completing the dungeon.

Destiny 2 Vesper’s Host Loot Table Overview

Destiny 2 Vesper's Host Loot Table overview

The Vesper’s Host loot table includes an Exotic Weapon, four Legendary Weapons, one Armor Set for each class, one Exotic Sparrow, and three emblems. Moreover, there are four triumphs that players can complete in the Vesper’s Host dungeon to increase the chances of loot drops from the encounters.

Here is an overview of all the items in the Vesper’s Host loot table.

  • 1 Exotic Weapon
    • Ice Breaker – Sniper Rifle
  • 4 Legendary Weapons
    • VS Chill Inhibitor – Grenade LauncherVS Gravitic Arrest – Fusion RifleVS Pyroelectric Propellant – Auto Rifle
    • VS Velocity Baton – Grenade Launcher
  • 1 Legendary Armor Set per class
    • Titan: Spacewalk Armor Set
    • Hunter: Spacewalk Armor Set
    • Warlock: Spacewalk Armor Set
  • Cosmetics
    • Exotic Sparrow: VS Tech Sledge
    • Emblem: Anomalous
    • Emblem: Station’s Savior
    • Emblem: Vespertine

NOTE: The Vesper’s Host loot table for weapons and armor pieces is mentioned below in their respective sections, highlighting all the encounters from which you can earn them.

Destiny 2 Vesper’s Host Dungeon Requirements

However, before we move on to the Vesper’s Host loot table, players must know how they can access the Vesper’s Host dungeon to start the raid. Here are all the requirements for accessing the Vesper’s Host dungeon in Destiny 2.

  • You must have the Final Shape expansion with the annual pass or Final Shape Dungeon Key (cost 2,000 Silver).
  • You must have at least 1985 Power Level to be at the level cap for all encounters.
  • Lastly, accept the “Rogue Network” quest from Spider to access the Vesper’s Host dungeon.

Moreover, the Vesper’s Host dungeon can be started with 1-3 fireteam players. Meaning, you can complete it Solo or with up to two more players.

Destiny 2 Vesper’s Host Loot Table – All Weapons

Take a look at the weapons that you can get from Vesper’s Host loot table with encounters necessary to pass.

1st Encounter: Vesper Station2nd Encounter: Raneiks UnifiedFinal Encounter: Corrupted Puppeteer
VS Chill Inhibitor (Stasis Grenade Launcher)VS Chill Inhibitor (Stasis Grenade Launcher)Ice Breaker (Solar Sniper Rifle)
VS Gravitic Arrest (Void Fusion Rifle)VS Gravitic Arrest (Void Fusion Rifle)VS Gravitic Arrest (Void Fusion Rifle)
VS Velocity Baton (Void Grenade Launcher)VS Pyroelectric Propellant (Arc Auto Rifle)VS Pyroelectric Propellant (Arc Auto Rifle)
  VS Velocity Baton (Void Grenade Launcher)

Below you will find all the information about the Exotic and the Legendary Weapons you earn from Vesper’s Host loot table in Destiny 2.

Ice Breaker (Solar Sniper Rifle)

  • Weapon type: Sniper Rifle
  • Element: Solar
  • Perk 1: No Backpack
    • Effect: Final blows or assists with any other weapon or ability have a chance to create ammo for Ice Breaker. Defeating powerful combatants will create multiple rounds.
  • Perk 2: Ice Breaker
    • Effect: Defeating a target with this weapon causes it to explode. Precision final blows or shattering a frozen target instead triggers an ignition.
  • Rounds Per Minute: 49
  • Magazine: 10

VS Pyroelectric Propellant (Arc Auto Rifle)

  • Weapon type: Auto Rifle
  • Element: Arc
  • Frame: Adaptive Frame
    • Effect: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
  • Origin Trait: Bray Legacy
    • Effect: Damage with this weapon generates a small amount of ability energy for the one closest to a full charge.
  • Rounds Per Minute: 600
  • Magazine: 47

VS Pyroelectric Propellant Rolls and Perks

All VS Pyroelectric Propellant possible rolls and perks are as follows.

Column 3 PerksColumn 4 Perks
Strategist: Final blows with this weapon generate class ability energy. Activating your class ability briefly improves this weapon’s stability.Onslaught: Final blows with this weapon increase its rate of fire.
Eddy Current: Temporarily increases reload speed and handling after sprinting or while amplified. This effect is improved when you are amplified.Swashbuckler: This weapon gains increased damage from melee kills and kills with this weapon.
Killing Wind: Final blows grant increased mobility, weapon range, and handling for a short duration.Kill Clip: Reloading after a kill grants increased damage.
Fragile Focus: This weapon gains bonus range until your shield is destroyed. The bonus returns once your shield has regenerated to full strength.Target Lock: Damage increases the longer this weapon remains on a target.
To The Pain: While this weapon is equipped, taking damage increases handling and aim assist until the weapon is stowed. Taking more damage increases the effect.Closing Time: Improves range, accuracy, and handling as the magazine gets lower.
Attrition Orbs: Dealing sustained damage creates an Orb of Power.Jolting Feedback: Dealing repeated damage with this weapon inflicts Jolt. While amplified, Jolt is applied faster.

VS Gravitic Arrest (Void Fusion Rifle)

  • Weapon type: Auto Rifle
  • Element: Arc
  • Frame: Adaptive Frame
    • Effect: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
  • Origin Trait: Bray Legacy
    • Effect: Damage with this weapon generates a small amount of ability energy for the one closest to a full charge.
  • Rounds Per Minute: 660
  • Magazine: 6

VS Gravitic Arrest Rolls and Perks

All VS Gravitic Arrest possible rolls and perks are as follows.

Column 3 PerksColumn 4 Perks
Unrelenting: Rapidly defeating targets triggers health regeneration. Guardians and powerful combatants count as more than one kill.Fragile Focus: This weapon gains bonus range until your shield is destroyed. The bonus returns once your shield has regenerated to full strength.
Heating Up: Final blows with this weapon increase accuracy and stability while improving vertical recoil.Successful Warm-Up: Each final blow increases charge/draw speed.
Demolitionist: Kills with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves.Kickstart: Gain bonus damage and charge rate during a slide after sprinting for a short duration.
Repulsor Brace: Defeating a Void-debuffed target grants an overshield.Chain Reaction: Each final blow with this weapon creates an elemental damage explosion.
Under Pressure: Improved stability and accuracy as the magazine gets lower.Closing Time: Improves range, accuracy, and handling as the magazine gets lower.
To The Pain: While this weapon is equipped, taking damage increases handling and aim assist until the weapon is stowed. Taking more damage increases the effect.Withering Gaze: Aiming this weapon for a short period of time without firing grants the ability to weaken the next target. The timer resets after firing or when you stop aiming down sights.

VS Velocity Baton (Void Grenade Launcher)

  • Weapon type: Grenade Launcher
  • Element: Void
  • Frame: Area Denial Frame
    • Effect: Burst fire Grenade Launcher. Each projectile creates a lingering pool on impact that deals damage over time.
  • Origin Trait: Bray Legacy
    • Effect: Damage with this weapon generates a small amount of ability energy for the one closest to a full charge.
  • Rounds Per Minute: 72
  • Magazine: 1

VS Velocity Baton Rolls and Perks

All VS Velocity Baton possible rolls and perks are as follows.

Column 3 PerksColumn 4 Perks
Slickdraw: Significantly increases handling, significantly decreases target acquisition.Attrition Orbs: Dealing sustained damage creates an Orb of Power.
Demolitionist: Kills with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves.Harmony: Final blows with other weapons improve this weapon’s damage and performance for a short duration.
Reverberation: Final blows with this weapon increase the size of its detonations for a short duration.Bait and Switch: Deal damage with all equipped weapons within a short time to give this weapon a damage boost.
Unrelenting: Rapidly defeating targets triggers health regeneration. Guardians and powerful combatants count as more than one kill.High Ground: Final blows with this weapon grant stacks of bonus damage. Attacking targets from higher ground immediately grants the maximum number of stacks.
Under-Over: Deals bonus damage to targets with overshields. Deals a small amount of bonus damage to combatant shields.Adagio: After defeating a target, this weapon fires, charges, or draws more slowly and deals increased damage for a brief time.
Repulsor Brace: Defeating a Void-debuffed target grants an overshield.Destabilizing Rounds: Final blows cause nearby targets to become volatile.

VS Chill Inhibitor (Stasis Grenade Launcher)

  • Weapon type: Grenade Launcher
  • Element: Void
  • Frame: Rapid-Fire Frame
    • Effect: Deeper ammo reserves. Slightly faster reload when magazine is empty.
  • Origin Trait: Bray Legacy
    • Effect: Damage with this weapon generates a small amount of ability energy for the one closest to a full charge.
  • Rounds Per Minute: 150
  • Magazine: 6

VS Chill Inhibitor Rolls and Perks

All VS Chill Inhibitor possible rolls and perks are as follows.

Column 3 PerksColumn 4 Perks
Demolitionist: Kills with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves.One for All: Hitting three separate targets increases damage for a moderate duration.
Envious Arsenal: Dealing damage with both other weapons before readying this weapon refills it from reserves.Explosive Light: Picking up an Orb of Power increases the next projectile’s blast radius and damage.
Attrition Orbs: Dealing sustained damage creates an Orb of Power.Chain Reaction: Each final blow with this weapon creates an elemental damage explosion.
Rimestealer: Destroying a Stasis crystal or defeating a frozen target with this weapon grants you Frost Armor.Surrounded: This weapon gains bonus damage when three or more enemies are in close proximity.
Danger Zone: The blast radius of this weapon increases when surrounded by combatants. While active, this weapon deals significantly less damage to the wielder.Bait and Switch: Deal damage with all equipped weapons within a short time to give this weapon a damage boost.
Cascade Point: Final blows or sustained precision hits with another weapon increase this weapon’s rate of fire for a short duration.Chill Clip: Direct hits with the top half of the magazine cause a detonation that slows nearby targets.

Destiny 2 Vesper’s Host Loot Table – All Armor Set Pieces

Destiny 2 Vesper's Host all armor sets

Take a look at the armor set pieces that you can get from Vesper’s Host loot table with encounters necessary to pass.

1st Encounter: Vesper Station2nd Encounter: Raneiks UnifiedFinal Encounter: Corrupted Puppeteer
Spacewalk Gauntlets (Arms)Spacewalk Helm (Head)Spacewalk Plate (Chest)
Spacewalk Plate (Chest)Spacewalk Gauntlets (Arms)Spacewalk Mark (Class item)
Spacewalk Greaves (Legs)Spacewalk Greaves (Legs)Spacewalk Helm (Head)
  Spacewalk Greaves (Legs)

As mentioned above, this exclusive Armor Set is per class. To get the armor set for every class, you must complete the encounter with your other alternative class character. Here are all the Spacewalk Armor set pieces that you can get from Vesper’s Host dungeon.

Armor SlotTitanHunterWarlock
HelmetSpacewalk HelmSpacewalk CowlSpacewalk Cover
ArmsSpacewalk GauntletsSpacewalk GraspsSpacewalk Gloves
ChestSpacewalk PlateSpacewalk VestSpacewalk Robes
LegsSpacewalk GreavesSpacewalk StridesSpacewalk Boots
Class ItemSpacewalk MarkSpacewalk CloakSpacewalk Bond

Destiny 2 Vesper’s Host Loot Table Cosmetics

Destiny 2 Vesper's Host cosmetics

In addition to the dungeon weapons and armor set pieces, there are four cosmetics that players can earn by completing the Vesper’s Host dungeon. These cosmetics include an Exotic Sparrow and three emblems. Here is a brief view of how you can acquire exclusive cosmetics from Vesper’s Host Dungeon.

Cometic ItemRequirement
Anomalous (Emblem)Complete the “Vesper’s Host” dungeon in Normal Mode.
Station’s Savior (Emblem)Complete all encounters in the “Vesper’s Host” dungeon Solo without dying.
Vespertine (Emblem)Complete the “Vesper’s Host” dungeon in Contest Mode
VS Tech Sledge (Sparrow)Complete the “Vesper’s Host” dungeon on Master Difficulty.

Destiny 2 Vesper’s Host Rewards

All of the rewards that players can earn from the Vesper’s Host dungeon are as follows.

  • 1 Exotic Weapon
    • Ice Breaker – Sniper Rifle
  • 4 Legendary Weapons
    • VS Chill Inhibitor – Grenade LauncherVS Gravitic Arrest – Fusion RifleVS Pyroelectric Propellant – Auto Rifle
    • VS Velocity Baton – Grenade Launcher
  • 1 Legendary Armor Set per class
    • Titan: Spacewalk Armor Set
    • Hunter: Spacewalk Armor Set
    • Warlock: Spacewalk Armor Set
  • Cosmetics
    • Exotic Sparrow: VS Tech Sledge
    • Emblem: Anomalous
    • Emblem: Station’s Savior
    • Emblem: Vespertine

Out of all the rewards from the dungeon, the Exotic Sniper Rifle: Ice Breaker is the rarest. You can increase your chance of getting it by completing the following four triumphs of Vesper’s Host dungeon.

  • Vesper’s Champion
    • Complete the “Vesper’s Host” dungeon (Normal Mode).
  • Perfect Solitude
    • Complete all encounters in the “Vesper’s Host” dungeon solo without dying or leaving the activity.
  • Orbital Tournament
    • Complete the “Vesper’s Host” dungeon on Contest Mode.
  • Stationmaster
    • Complete the “Vesper’s Host” dungeon on Master Difficulty.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Vesper’s Host in Destiny 2

Q1. Is Vesper’s Host dungeon farmable in Destiny 2?

Answer: No, Vesper’s Host dungeon cannot be farmed infinitely due to not being a part of the raid rotations. However, if you have Alt characters each one with a different class, then you can run this dungeon three times a week.

Q2. How to Access Vesper’s Host Dungeon in Destiny 2?

Answer: You must own the Final Shape expansion with the annual pass or have the Lightfall Dungeon Key to access the Vesper’s Host dungeon. Moreover, you must start the “Rogue Network” quest from Spider before entering the dungeon, otherwise, requirement error will occur.

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