Discover everything you need to know about the best class tier list for Season of Witchcraft and the best build in Diablo 4.

The Diablo 4 Patch Notes 2.1 reveals a lot of balance changes and a plethora of new content that will shake things up in Season 7. This new season brings a significant amount of changes to the game. Some major changes in classes urge us to bring a new best-class tier list for all the Diablo 4 players out there. Each class has its own unique mechanics along with a distinct playstyle, so choosing the best class and build according to your playstyle is crucial. The classes offer distinct ways to interact with enemies and determine the type of gear, skills, and combat mechanics a character can use. In this guide, we discuss the best class tier list for the season of Witchcraft (Season 7) in Diablo 4 and which class to choose according to your playstyle.
Classes Overview in Diablo 4
Diablo 4 offers a range of playable classes, each with unique abilities and playstyles. Each class allows deep customization through skill trees, gear, and paragon boards, granting players the freedom to modify their playstyle. Barbarian is a Melee-focused and tanky class, allowing you to excel at close-quarters combat. You can equip multiple weapons and swap between them for different skills. Sorcerer is a ranged class that is capable of wielding fire, ice, and lightning.
Rogue is a unique class that excels in ranged and melee combat with agility and precision. You can switch between melee and ranged combat and increase attacks with poison, shadow, or cold effects. Druid on the other hand is a hybrid class that combines shapeshifting, elemental magic, and summoning. Pick this class to transform into a Werewolf or Werebear for melee combat. Necromancer, the best class to choose for all the Diablo 4 players out there allows you to summon skeletons, golems, and other undead to fight for you.
Best Tier List in Diablo 4 Season 7

Our tier list is based on PTR testing as well as on the patch notes that came out, post PTR and based on PTR feedback. This class tier list is based on their pit clearing ability, how good the class is in speed farming, how good the class is against the tormented bosses, and 1 to 60 leveling experience. Here is our best class tier list for Diablo 4 Season 7. We include the attributes along with the pros & cons of each class.
Tier | Classes |
S-Tier | Necromancer |
A-Tier | Rogue, Spiritborn |
B-Tier | Barbarian |
C-Tier | Druid |
D-Tier | Sorcerer |
Necromancer in Diablo 4 is a renowned summoner class that fights along with corpses in battle. As a Necromancer, you have a wide variety of Weapons like swords, daggers, wands, and more importantly, scythes. This class has four different playstyles (Bone, Darkness, Blood, and The Army). The Bone skills allow you to deal physical damage while using Essence resources. Bone Prison allows you to catch multiple enemies and can be used for offensive-based skills. Darkness deals damage over time to torture enemies who come in the path.
Use the Blood to become a vampire to restore your life. Blood Surge absorbs the HP of enemies but also gains their strength, making it the best class to pick in Diablo 4. You can customize your undead armies such as Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Mages, and Golems. Skeleton Warriors can become Skirmishers to deal massive damage. Necromancer has the best leveling build in the game. This class has amazing builds to destroy bosses and push the pit. If you’re running Necro, then you must have to run Blood Surge for your farming content. The Kessime’s Legacy allows you to cause two waves to come out on each cast along with a stacking debuff for more wave damage. It also groups enemies in by pulling them in, making it a good useful concept. Necromancer will win out compared to everyone else in terms of summons.
Necromancer Class Pros | Necromancer Class Cons |
Safe Playstyle | Overwhelming Manage All Resources |
A Wide Variety of Distinct Builds | Long Cooldown |
Minions deal massive damage. |
The Rogue in Diablo 4 is a stealthy assassin that allows you to move swiftly. This class has the upper hand on a battlefield and retreats when things get out of hand. You can switch between melee and ranged Weapons such as daggers, swords, and bows similar to the Barbarians. Bows don’t deal much damage at the beginning but it allows you to stay away from enemies. The primary class for Rogue is Dexterity which enhances skill damage and boosts damage ability. Intelligence increases your crit chance along with overall resistance and Strength increases your Energy regeneration rate.
Shadow Imbuement is a Rogue skill that allows you to infuse your weapons with festering shadows. Your next skills deal Shadow damage and infect enemies for 6 seconds. Poison Imbuement is another skill infuse your weapons with lethal poison, allowing your next two skills to deal Poison damage. The Rogue is a mobile character in Diablo 4 that can fight in melee and ranged encounters. This class has a very wide range of builds that require min/maxing. This class has a higher skill cap compared to other classes but doesn’t have high health. However, it has better dodge mechanics than other classes in the game.
No matter what you are doing, you have multiple builds that excel in intense combat. There is one Rogue build that excels over everything Rain of Arrows. You can start season 7 with Barrage for leveling in the early game and then move into Rain of Arrows for the endgame. This class performs exceptionally well in the pit and can destroy everything in the game. In season 7, there are some special bonuses for ultimates. There are some changes in Shadow Clone as it will take the benefits you have right as you cast it snapshotting that into the clone. This will also apply to skills like the Imbuements, so snapshotting some serious power into the clone right before you press it.
Rogue Class Pros | Rogue Class Cons |
Jack of all trades | Requires Concentration |
Allow You to Play Ranged/Melee | Required constant movement |
Very Mobile | |
Crowd Control |

Spiritborn is the most powerful and the best class to choose in Diablo 4. The Spiritborn calls upon Spirit Guardians which help in combat and grant gameplay-changing abilities to the character. These four spirit guardians determine the playstyle for the class. You can choose to be a tanky Gorilla, the fire DPS-based Jaguar, the evasive Eagle, or the poison-dealing Centipede. Spirit Hall is the Spiritborn’s Unique Class Mechanic, allowing them to choose Spirit Guardians to influence their skills. There are some minimal changes from the PTR to the launch of season 7. The Razor Wings aspects of Endless Talons seem like the core reason that Razer Wings is the best build to go with.
It enhances your Eagle skill damage and provides some crit potential. Spiritborn has so many super strong speed farming builds to pick from. The players from this class feel a big difference this season. It has potency skills that grant various useful effects and mainly focus on AoE. The ultimate skill is the Protector which protects an area for 6 seconds, continuously smashing surrounding enemies. The Hunter is another unique skill that allows you to bound across the battlefield with the Jaguar Spirit to deal damage upon landing and then rapidly slash enemies.
Spiritborn Class Pros | Spiritborn Class Cons |
Highly-Versatile | Skill paths |
Allows to play ranged/melee | Mercenaries |
High Damage |
The Barbarian in Diablo 4 is the best class for players who like to deal with massive destruction in the melee range. They can switch between weapons, allowing them to dominate enemies on a battlefield. This class is more physical damage oriented than any other Class and provides offensive and defensive moves. You can swap to 4 Weapons at a time which includes Main Hand, Off-Hand, Bludgeoning, and Slashing Weapons. The abilities are spread out and you can opt to inflict Bleed and crowd control techniques. This is a strength-based melee class perfect for players who wish to fight up close and feel the power of the skills.
They have high health and use Fortify skills on many skills. Barbarian is the right class if you are comfortable in challenging Bosses and obliterating enemies. Whirlwind is a skill that allows you to rapidly attack surrounding enemies. You can also Flay the enemy to deal damage along with inflicting Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Barbarian has multiple builds that can excel in combat. This class has only one pit pushing build in the earthquake, so this is not an S-tier class. In the PTR, we see a nice showing of The Hammer of Ancients with the exploding earthquake build.
Mantle of Mountain’s Fury is that new unique chest armor. It causes Hammer of Ancients to trigger this seismic line, dealing damage in a slow. If a line passes through the earthquake, then it causes them to pop for their total damage and consumes them. The earthquake setup is buffed in a variety of ways. The Whirlwind is also buffed in season 7 for better mob clear purposes. Whirlwind is a great option for leveling still and clearing general.
Barbarian Class Pros | Barbarian Class Cons |
Close Fight | Lack Ranged Attacks |
Swap between many different weapons | Slow Start |
More Weapon Slots | Requires proper planning |
Druid in Diablo 4 has the uncanny ability to change their physical form from a human to a Werebear and Werewolf. You can instantly transform when using beast-themed Skills. The class mechanics are tied to obtaining special loot, which should be offered to spirit animals. You also gain passive bonuses based on the spirit’s type called Spirit Boons. Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Thorns Damage, Max Life, and Damage Reduction vs Elites are the range of effects of the Boons. You need to primarily focus on Willpower as it boosts core skill damage along with the Overpower damage. Dexterity is best for enhancing Critical Strike and Dodge Chance.
You can focus on Werewolf form to gain movement speed and attack speed while dealing poison damage. The Werebear form grants you overpowered attacks and massive damage. Werebears have the highest burst damage, making it the best choice for you if you like to hit hard. This class allows you to mix and match Werebear skills with Storm or Earth skills for melee skills.
Druid has multiple builds that are going to be great in the pit, bossing, and speed farming. Those multiple builds are Cataclysm and Lacerate and both are ult builds. You have now two flavors of Druid that you can run with. The Druid loses points because it is the worst for leveling from 1 to 60. It’s gotten a lot better over the seasons but other classes still beat it by a mile. Now many significant changes give us better ways to manage our resources early on.
Druid Class Pros | Druid Class Cons |
Melee Gameplay | Slow Leveling |
Great AoE Damage | Resource management |
Crowd Control | Less Mobile |
Gear Dependant |
The Sorcerer in Diablo 4 is a high-risk, high-reward type of Class. It deals high elemental damage by casting Fire, Cold, and Lightning Spells. You can synergize Fire spells with the Burning status effect to inflict damage over time. Lightning Spells deals decent damage and control several encounters. Fireball is a Sorcerer skill that throws an exploding ball of fire to deal damage to any nearby enemy. Frozen Orb allows you to release an orb that Chills for 34% and expels piercing shards to deal massive damage. The best builds for Sorcerer in season 7 are Lightning Spear, Fireball, Incinerate, and Ball Lightning.
Sorcerer facing a bit of fall from grace and part of this is something that’s actually benefited the Sorcerer. It got a significant Nerf to its most powerful interaction that was basically worked into every build. By nerfing this, we now see much greater diversity amongst what really good Sorcerer builds. The consequence is that overall, now the Sorcerer is a weaker class and one crutch that was propping up the Sorcerer is removed.
This worked into just about every Sorcerer build. When power doesn’t matter as much then the Sorcerer excels. Lightning Sphere and Fireball are both great speed farming options but when it comes to bossing, the Sorcerer cannot keep up with the other classes. It can’t bring that single target DPS as fast as the others. Things get even more dismal for the Sorcerer when you’re trying to push into the pit, so probably its best bet is Firebolt build.
Sorcerer Class Pros | Sorcerer Class Cons |
Control Battlefield | Low Health |
elemental damage | Skill Dependent |
High Damage | Less source generation mechanics |
Grant skills without requiring aspects | Some builds are repetitive. |
What is the best build for Diablo 4?

Necromancer has a bunch of pretty powerful builds. There is a significant cool change in season 7, so you can play Minions and Bone Spear. The best build to pick is the Blood Wave Necromancer. This build allows you to rock the pit 150, one-shotting pretty much everything in the game. You can control the monsters by moving them around, making you the master of the monster positions. There are a ton of different pulling effects that allow you to deal massive damage and dominate every enemy or boss in combat.
You can also run around at max movement speed with automagic curves, picking and pulling them, killing them with new overpower stuff. You can pair skills with the Witchcraft powers to shatter the foes. However, this build is also nerfed a bit but still, it’s better than any other build in the game. This build is also melting the boss. Even if the damage is divided by 10, you can kill the boss in around 5 seconds. If you do 10 times less damage, then you are still going to kill the boss in 50 seconds in the hardest pit in the game.
Growth & Decay Power is the best Witchcraft Power to use in this build as it allows you to summon Familiars to deal damage or heal your character in combat. Hex of Flames is another Witchcraft Power that allows you to deal additional fire damage to an enemy target. If that doesn’t work out then consider using Breath of the Coven to enhance your attack speed every time you deal damage or apply crowd control.
FAQs About Best Tier List in Season of Witchcraft
Which is the best class in Diablo 4 season 7?
Necromancer is the best class to pick because it has a renowned summoner class that fights along with corpses in battle. It has four different playstyles (Bone, Darkness, Blood, and The Army) allowing you to absolutely dominate enemies on a battlefield.
Which is the best build in Diablo 4 season 7?
Blood Wave is the best build in Diablo 4 season 7 because it allows you to one-shot enemies and defeat the bosses with just a few hits when paired well with Witchcraft Powers.
What are the major changes for the Rogue class in Diablo 4 Season 7?
You gain +100% Movement Speed for 2 seconds while casting a Mobility skill. Enemies infected by Shadow Imbuement take 30-50% 30-70% of its damage every second. Shadow Imbuement deals 30-50% 30-70% [X] increased damage.
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