Does Monster Hunter Wilds Have Fall Damage?

Find out whether there is fall damage in Monster Hunter Wilds and if your hunter will take damage after a giant free fall.

Does Monster Hunter Wilds have fall damage?
There is fall damage for monsters in the game (Image via Capcom || Deltia’s Gaming)

Monster Hunter Wilds places a great deal of importance on the environmental aspect of the game. In many areas, falling pillars and structures can be used to deal a significant amount of damage to the monsters. Amid all the superhuman antics that your Hunter does, you might wonder whether there is fall damage in Monster Hunter Wilds. This is a multi-faceted answer, but it is one that will definitely work in your favor.

There is no fall damage for your Hunter in Monster Hunter Wilds, but monsters take fall damage if they are crashing down from a substantial height. This statement might feel complex, and this article will explain all the intricacies behind it.

Is There Fall Damage in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Monsters that hover do not generally take fall damage after you use a Flash Pod to bring them down in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Guardian Rathalos also mostly hovers instead of actually flying a lot (Image via Capcom || Deltia’s Gaming)

As mentioned before, there is no fall damage for the Hunter in Monster Hunter Wilds. You can jump from a massive cliff (like the one in the Jin Dahaad fight arena) and take no damage. I have often jumped myself instead of having my Seikret jump and glide during the game, and each time I landed safely. Not a speck of the health bar goes away, and you do not get any other special debuffs as well.

On the other hand, monsters take fall damage, although there are certain conditions. A monster must fall from a significant height to actually take fall damage. The most common example of this is once again the Jin Dahaad fight, where the monster falls with the Ice Pillars, taking damage. On the other hand, aerial monsters like Rathalos or Rey Dau do not generally take fall damage. These monsters mostly hover above the ground instead of actually flying. As such, they do not take any damage when you use a Flash Pod to bring them down.

That said, if you can time your Flash Pod in a way that the monster has attained maximum flight height, then it will come crashing down and take a lot of damage. Note that this is inconsistent, since monsters tend to mostly relocate once they have attained maximum flight height.

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