Can Ultrawide screen users play Monster Hunter Wilds without any issues? If not, then what are the possible fixes it?

Players who own an Ultrawide screen have reported troubles playing Monster Hunter Wilds. While the gameplay and performance aspects of the latest MH game are fine, it is the immersion that’s taking a hit. Whenever playing on an Ultrawide screen, the game will have a set resolution of 3440×1440. This could apply to some 21:9 ratio screens, but not perfectly. It means that there will be black bars on the right and left ends of the screen to mark the margins.
Technically, 3440×1440 should be fine with 21.5:9 ratio screens. Unfortunately, it doesn’t even fit the 21:9 screens well. On some OLED screens, there is even a gray margin at both ends. It can be pretty distracting for players who are trying to play the game. Turns out, there is no official fix for it yet. So, players who are facing this issue can try asking for help in online forums and reporting the trouble to CAPCOM through these forums and emails. Next, they can only wait for an update.
However, unofficial fixes are always circulating. Because of this, we have also come across a fix popular among the Steam community of MHW players. Note that it only works for PC users. Even then, we advise all PC users to practice this at their own risk.
Potential Fix For Monster Hunter Wilds Ultrawide Screen

One potential fix that we came across, thanks to the supportive online communities, was REFramework. This fix has been updated plenty of times since its release on, created/uploaded by “praydog.” Click on this link, and it will take you to the desired page. Then, follow the steps mentioned below to fix the issue:
- Download the WILDS .zip file.
- Extract the “reframework” folder and “Dinput8.dll” into the game folder (where the Monster Hunter.exe is located).
- Launch the game, and you will spot the REFramework menu.
- As per the default keybinding, press Enter to bring up the menu.
- Go to the Graphics tab and enable the Ultrawide Fix.
The user who uploaded this fix on Steam suggested not enabling the “UI 16:9 Fix” (especially on 32:9 monitors) because it can cause the map and item wheel to bug out. Moreover, changing the FOV might impact performance.

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