Dive into our detailed walkthrough for Dynasty Warriors Origins: Battle of Xu Province (Chapter 3). Tips, strategies, and rewards await you!

Battle of Xu Province is a story mission that you encounter in Chapter 3 of Dynasty Warriors Origins. During the mission, Cao Cao will try to conquer the province and in the process try to avenge his father. In this guide, we will provide you with all the details about this quest, including win and loss conditions, how to proceed, tips and tricks to follow, and rewards to earn.
Battle of Xu Province Win and Loss Conditions

Win conditions will vary based on the faction you join during the quest. Here are the conditions:
If You Join Cao Cao Faction
Defeat Tao Qian to win the battle when battling with Cao Cao or Wei Faction. You can find Tao Qian in the main camp towards the east. On the other hand, if Cao Cao flees during the battle, it will end in a loss.
If You Join Liu Bei Faction
If you side with Liu Bei, you will have to defeat Cao Cao to win the battle. If either Tao Qian or Lie Bei flee the battle in this scenario, you will lose.
Consequences of Faction Choice in Battle of Xu Province

This quest is a critical juncture of the game and depending on your choices, you will be locked out of one of the factions throughout the rest of your playthrough. So, if you choose to join the Wei Faction during this battle, you will not be able to join the Shu Faction later, and vice versa. So, decide carefully.
However, your decision during this quest does not impact your standing with the Wu Faction. You can still join that faction after completing a sufficient amount of their related missions.
How To Unlock Battle of Xu Province in Dynasty Warriors Origins

You will only be able to attempt this quest when the ‘Time is Passing’ notification appears. Then, you can interact with the flag to start the quest.
Battle of Xu Province: Walkthrough
The following are some of the steps to follow to complete this quest:
- Clear the nearby areas.
- Defend your generals when enemy courage prompts appear.
- Be prepared to deal with bosses and officers.
- Use your tactics and companions wisely.
Here is a detailed look at how you must proceed during the quest.
1. Clear the Nearby Areas

Your forces can get overwhelmed quickly if you proceed from the center without dealing with the surrounding camps. Handling the surrounding camps and planning your approach meticulously will ensure that you survive till the very last enemy camp of the quest.
2. Defend Your Generals When Enemy Courage Prompts Appear

During certain times of the quest, enemy forces will focus their attention and attacks on your generals. Watch out for orange prompts that appear on the map indicating increased courage amongst the enemy forces at these junctures. Drop whatever you are doing and rush to aid your generals when this happens. If you lose health during these skirmishes, a good source of healing — the Meat Buns — is available in the pots around you.
If you delay reaching your generals in time, they may flee the battle, leading to the defeat of your forces.
3. Be Prepared To Deal With Bosses and Officers

Depending on which Faction you sided with, you will face different officers throughout the quest. These are boss battles that you should not take lightly. The following are the officers you have to face:
- If you side with Cao Cao, you will come across Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, and Tao Qian.
- If you side with Liu Bei, you will face off against Cao Cao, Dian Wei, and Yu Jin.
Make sure you do not go up against multiple officers at the same time. Try to isolate them and take them on one-on-one. If you are on the easier difficulties, these bosses will drop Meat Buns when defeated. To make the fights a bit easier, you can try attacking the bosses with help from allied officers.
4. Use Your Tactics and Companions Wisely

You have to use companions and tactics wisely in battle, especially in higher difficulties. Utilize companions when you go up against larger forces and multiple officers. Eyes of the Sacred Bird can give you some clues when planning the battle. You should also use the War God Rage ability to get temporary invincibility when things are looking particularly tough.
Rewards for Completing the Battle of Xu Province

Completing the quest will grant you with increased weapon proficiency, based on the weapons you used during the battle. You will also receive Mount EXP and skill points. The amount of Mount EXP depends on the horse you choose for the quest, whereas Skill Points will depend on the number of enemies you faced and defeated during the mission.
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