Fallout 76: Best Onslaught Ghoul build

Discover everything you need to know about the best Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76 including the best perk cards and weapons.

ghoul onslaught build fallout 76
Fallout 76: Best Onslaught Ghoul build (Source: Bethesda Studios)

Ghouls in Fallout 76 are the humans who have survived a nuclear holocaust and they exhibit a zombie-like appearance. They are resistant to radiation damage and have enhanced regeneration. With the arrival of a recent update, Ghoul received new 28 Perk cards and 2 legendary Perk cards. The Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76 is a unique setup that focuses on high damage and aggressive playstyle. This build allows you to eliminate a group of enemies pretty easily. It focuses on fast-paced melee or ranged combat and maximizing XP gain. Use V.A.T.S. perks to chain critical hits for high burst damage, especially while fighting enemies in late-game combats. In this guide, we’ll discuss the best Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76 including some useful tips and tricks and the best perks to use.

Everything About Onslaught Ghoul Build in Fallout 76

The Onslaught Ghoul Build in Fallout 76 is designed to dominate enemies in close-range and long-range fights. Invest in Strength, Perception, and Endurance to increase accuracy, damage, and improve survivability. Our Onslaught Ghoul build includes weapons like Super Sledge and Gauss Rifle to deal with enemies. Choosing the best armor is crucial as enemies become powerful as you level up in the game. T-60 Power Armor is the best choice for any player who wants to run the Onslaught Ghoul build because it provides maximum protection to your characters from several threats. Fill our inventory with the Toxic Goo to deal high radiation damage in combat. This build allows you to earn XP more easily and deal good damage.

Onslaught Ghoul Build ProsOnslaught Ghoul Build Cons
High Damage OutputRequired Radiation Management
High SurvivabilityLess Versatility
Good for Solo and Team 

Best Strategy For Onslaught Ghoul Build in Fallout 76

Onslaught build in Fallout 76 focuses on dealing damage output in intense combat with fast-firing weapons. Use perk cards like Incisor to bypass armor and deal heavy damage. Gladiator is also the best perks card to choose from because it boosts your melee damage with a one-handed weapon. Use First Aid to heal with your stimpaks, allowing you to increase your survivability in the game as well. Guerrilla Master is one of the best perk cards to unlock because it allows you for +5% ranged damage to close enemies per Outslaught stack and +5% max stacks.

Choose the armor that protects your player from incoming damage. Unyielding Armor Set is the best choice in the Onslaught build because grants increased Strength, Endurance, and resistance when below a certain health threshold. You can even equip this armor for tanking as well, allowing you to maximize your effectiveness against Ghouls. Secret Service Armor is another best option to use because it offers high resistance and reduces the effectiveness of incoming attacks. Make sure you have Chems and food supply in your inventory to instant buffs to your Onslaught Ghoul. Chems like Psycho boost your damage output, giving you an upper hand in combat.  Use cover or maintain range if you choose the energy weapons.

Best Weapons For Onslaught Ghoul Build in Fallout 76

super slegde fallout 76
super slegde fallout 76

Here are the best weapons for Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76.

Super Sledge

  • Damage: 85
  • Speed: Slow
  • AP Cost: 45
  • Value: 70
  • Weight: 20.0

Super Sledge is the best weapon to choose while running the Onslaught build. This weapon is especially used for dealing massive damage at close range. You can invest in perks like Gladiator and Incisor to enhance the effectiveness of this weapon. Super Sledge has slow speed but has huge damage output. As an Onslaught Ghould, your main goal is to deal massive damage in combat and this melee weapon is your best pick. Super Sledge’s massive hit damage makes it perfect for this purpose. This weapon also has a long reach, meaning you can deal damage from a distance as well while keeping the enemy away. However, the slower speed can cause the player character to get stuck if faced with a faster-hitting melee opponent. This weapon uses a miniature rocket propulsion system to deliver powerful blows. Super Sledge is commonly wielded by high-level super mutants.

Gauss Rifle

  • Fire Rate: 67
  • Range: 204
  • Accuracy: 60
  • AP Cost: 30
  • Value: 200
  • Weight: 8.0

Gauss Rifle is another best option to choose for the Onslaught Ghoul build. This weapon has the capability to deal massive damage from a good distance. This weapon comes with high base damage and the ability to shatter enemies in tougher combat. Use Commando and Rifleman perks to boost its damage output. The Gauss Rifle deals significant damage per shot and it can eliminate enemies from a distance. This weapon is highly effective against higher-level enemies. You can customize this weapon with capacitors, a shielded barrel, and a compensator or suppressor. It fires an explosive projectile that deals explosive area-of-effect damage. This allows you to hit multiple targets with a single shot.

Gatling Plasma

  • Fire Rate: 114
  • Range: 204
  • Ap Cost: 10
  • Capacity: 500
  • Accuracy: 53
  • Weight: 2.7

Gatling Plasma is the best weapon for the Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76. This is a heavy weapon and fires very rapidly. This weapon uses Plasma cores rather than individual bullets. You can find this heavy weapon in higher-level areas of the map. You can purchase it from the MODUS armory terminal in the Whitespring bunker armory. The other way to get this weapon is getting it randomly in government aid drops at higher levels. This weapon comes with a large magazine capacity, allowing for extended combat without reloading. Use can use it against various enemies, including those with armor.

Best Amour For Onslaught Ghoul Build in Fallout 76

t-60 power armor set fallout 76
t-60 power armor set fallout 76

Here is the best armor for Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76.

T-60 Power Armor

  • Damage Resistance: 400
  • Energy Resistance: 370
  • Radiation Resistance: 415

T-60 Power Armor is the best choice to gain maximum protection and it can also boost your damage resistance. This is perfect for tanking damage in close combat, especially with the Onslaught perk card. It provides good radiation protection, stronger than the T-45, T-51, and Ultracite. Use it with effective mods to make this armor even more powerful, increasing your survivability in the game. T-60 excels at protecting against radiation damage, making it a valuable choice in irradiated areas. T-60 is easier to find and acquire, making it a good choice for players who are still leveling up. It provides a good level of protection against ballistic damage. The chest piece can be further modified with various upgrades.

Alternatively, you can also choose Chameleon armor to help with stealth. It makes it harder for enemies to detect you. However, this is not the best choice that is useful for getting a tactical advantage. Power armor is your best choice for this Onslaught build to maximize survivability.  

Best Perks Onslaught Ghoul Build in Fallout 76

You have the option to transform into ghouls with the recent The Ghoul Within update. This build allows you to deal massive damage with fast-firing weapons that increase combat effectiveness. Here are the best perks for Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76.

  • Adrenaline- Gain +8% (max 48%) damage for 30s per kill. Duration refreshes with kills.
  • Tank Killer- Your small guns ignore 12% armor and have a 3% chance to stagger.
  • Commando- Basic combat training means automatic rifles do +10% damage.
  • Lifegiver- Gain more max HP per point in Endurance.
  • Barbarian- Gain Damage Resistance based on your STR. Doubled when not wearing armor.
  • Serendipity- While below 30% health, gain a chance to Evade based on Luck.

Best Perks Beginner Build in Fallout 76

Choosing the right perk for the beginner Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76 allows you to increase your character’s abilities and survivability. Here are some best perks to consider for your beginner build.

  • Lone Wanderer- Gain Resistances and AP Regen based on your CHA while not on a team.
  • Class Freak- The negative effects of your mutations are reduced by 25%.
  • Action Boy- Action Points regenerate 15% faster.
  •  Guerrilla- You do +10% ranged damage to close enemies.
  • Gun Fu- V.A.T.S. swaps targets on kill with +90% damage up to 3 targets.
  • Gun Runner- Your running speed is increased by 10% when you have a ranged weapon equipped.

Best Main Stats Perks for Onslaught Ghoul Build in Fallout 76

main stats perks fallout 76
main stats perks fallout 76

Focus on increasing your survivability, damage output, and utility. You can allocate a total of 56 SPECIAL points to increase your character’s stats. You start with the 1 point in each of the 7 SPECIAL attributes for a total of 7 points. And you gain 1 SPECIAL point every time you level up. You’ll have a total of 56 SPECIAL points to spend at level 50. Here are some best maintenance perks for Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76.

  • Nerd Rage- While below 20% Health, gain additional Damage Resist, 10% damage and 15% AP regen.
  • Gun Fu- Bonus damage when swapping targets in V.A.T.S.
  • Critical Savvy- Critical Hits now only consume your critical meter.
  • Ghoulish- Radiation heals instead of hurting you.
  • Strange in Numbers- Positive mutation effects are 25% stronger if teammates are mutated too.
  • Concentrated Fire- V.A.T.S. targets limbs. Focus fire to gain more accuracy and damage per shot.

Best Skill Perks for Onslaught Ghoul Build in Fallout 76

Here are some of the best skill perks to consider for the Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76.

  • Jaguar Speed- Allows you to sprint faster when your Glow is high.
  • Bone Shatterer- It provides a chance to cripple enemies, allowing you to decrease their mobility.
  • Concentrated Fire- V.A.T.S. targets limbs. Focus fire to gain more accuracy and damage per shot.
  • Fireproof- Reduces damage taken from explosions and flame attacks.
  • Feral Presence- Reduce your target’s damage output by 15% after you attack for 5 seconds.
  • Serendipity- Provides a chance to avoid damage when health is below 35%.

Best Combat Perks for Onslaught Ghoul Build in Fallout 76

These perks must synergize with the unique abilities and mechanics of Onslaught Ghoul. Here are some of the best combat-focused perks for the Onslaught Ghoul build.

  • Radioactive Strength- It increases melee damage by 150%, significantly enhancing close-quarters combat effectiveness.
  • Concentrated Fire- This allows you to target specific enemy body parts in V.A.T.S., enhancing your accuracy and damage with each shot.
  • Glowing Gut- Enhance the radiation absorption from food and drinks by 300%.
  • Feral Presence- Mitigate the incoming damage by 15% for 5 seconds after being attacked.
  • Adrenaline- Gain additional damage for 30s per kill. Duration refreshes with kills.
  • Serendipity- Gain a chance to avoid damage while below 35% health.

Best Potions For Onslaught Ghoul Build in Fallout 76

Here are the best potions for Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76.

  • Toxic Goo- Deals a high amount of radiation damage (125 rads) to the player, but also provides a significant health restoration effect.
  • Crispy cave cricket- It grants you +10 Energy resistance, maximizing your survivability.
  • Cranberry moonshine- This potion allows you to gain +1 Charisma, +1 Strength, -1 Intelligence, and HP max +25.
  • Firecracker berry juice- Use this to increase critical damage up to +25%.

Best Tips and Tricks for Onslaught Ghoul Build in Fallout 76

Here are the best tips and tricks for Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76.

  • Equip Power Armor for better defense and radiation resistance.
  • Use Super Sledge to deal massive damage in close-range combat.
  • Use high ground for firing the enemy with a Gauss Rifle.
  • Use Suppressors to avoid attracting noise while firing.
  • Use the Perks cards wisely to increase the effectiveness of your characters and weapons.
  • Make sure your inventory is filled with enough supplies that grant buffs to you.
  • Use agility perks and movement to avoid damage and reposition for better shots.
  • Invest points in Agility to maximum combat effectiveness.
  • Invest in Strength, Agility, and Luck to increase your potential while fighting the enemies.

FAQs about Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76

Who is Ghoul in Fallout 76?

Ghoul in Fallout 76 are humans that are mutated by the radiation of the nuclear wasteland. Becoming a ghoul is a permanent change unless you manually revert.

What are the best combat perks for Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76?

Radioactive Strength, Concentrated Fire, Glowing Gut, Feral Presence, Adrenaline, and Serendipity are the best combat perks for Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76.

Which is the best weapon for Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76?

Super Sledge, Gauss Rifle, and Gatling Plasma are the best weapons to choose for the Onslaught Ghoul build in Fallout 76.

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