Fields of Mistria: All Forageables and How To Get Them

Discover seasonal plants, museum collectibles, and biome-exclusive forageables in Fields of Mistria with this detailed guide.

Forageables in Fields of Mistria (Image via NPC Studios)
Forageables in Fields of Mistria (Image via NPC Studios)

Exploring the cozy world of Fields of Mistria and collecting everything it has to offer can be quite challenging considering the wealth of forageable plants and ingredients available throughout its biomes. Whether you’re wandering through forests, strolling along the beach, or exploring hidden underground areas, each region has unique resources to collect.

All resources in the game that can be collected without the help of a tool are classified as forageables. Some of these only appear in certain seasons, while others can be farmed or purchased from Balor’s Wagon. This guide breaks down all the forageables in the game, detailing where to find them and whether they can help complete your Museum collections

Forageable Found Around the Overworld in Fields of Mistria 

Overworld (Image via NPC Studios)
Overworld (Image via NPC Studios)

There are several varieties of plants that are found across the early game overworld in Fields of Misteria. Those that spawn throughout all seasons cannot be collected for a Museum set, while the rest belong to sets of their corresponding season. 

ForageableSource Season Museum 
AcornFrom chopping or shaking Oak Trees AllNo
CelosiaForaging (farmable)Fall Yes
ChestnutSpawns under treesFallYes
DaffodilForaging (farmable) SpringYes
DaisyForaging (farmable) SummerYes 
DandelionForaging SpringYes 
GarlicForaging (farmable) FallYes 
HorseradishForaging FallYes 
LilacForaging (farmable) SpringYes 
PineconeFrom chopping or shaking Pine TreesAllNo 
RosemaryForaging (farmable) FallYes 
TulipForaging (farmable) SpringYes 
Wild LeekForaging SpringYes 

The Narrows

These forageables can be found all over Mistria but are particularly bountiful in the Narrows.

ForageableSource Season Museum 
CatmintForaging (farmable) Summer Yes 
ChickpeaForaging (farmable) SpringNo 
GarlicForaging (farmable) FallYes 
MarigoldForaging (farmable) Summer Yes 
MiddlemistForaging SpringNo 
Night QueenForaging (rare)SummerNo 
PomegranateFrom the tree by Errol’s house (farmable) WinterNo 
Water ChestnutsBanks of the RiverSpring, Summer, FallNo 
Wild GrapesForaging SummerNo 

The Beach 

Forageables appearing on the beach are exclusive to the locale and either remain available in the summer or throughout the entire year. 

ForageableSource Season Museum 
Coconut Foraging Summer No
IrisForaging (farmable) SummerYes
Pink Scallop ShellForaging All No
Sand DollarForaging All No 
Spirula ShellForaging All No 
SeaweedForaging AllNo
Blue Conch ShellForaging AllNo

The Eastern Road

These forageable may be found all over the overworld in Mistria, but spawn more frequently in the Eastern Road.

ForageableSource Season Museum 
AppleTree by the southern entrance to the Eastern Road (farmable) FallYes 
BlueberryOn bushes near the Wishing WellSpringNo 
BasilForaging (farmable) SummerYes 
Cattail FluffOn the banks of the pondSpring, Summer, Fall
CherryOn the tree to the north of the road (farmable) Spring Yes 
FennelForaging SpringYes 
GarlicForaging (farmable) FallYes 
HydrangeaBushes Summer No 
MoonfruitAround the Wishing WellFallYes 

Upper Mines 

Upper Mines (Image via NPC Studios)
Upper Mines (Image via NPC Studios)

All the Forageable in the Upper Mines spawns throughout the year and can be donated to complete the ‘Upper Mines Forage Set’ at the Museum. None of them can be grown as crops. 

  • Narrows Moss
  • Red Toadstool (Loot from Red Mushrooms)
  • Shadow Flower
  • Sweetroot
  • Upper Mines Mushroom

Tide Caverns

Ranging from floor 21 to 39 of the Mines, the Tide Caverns has five forageable items that cannot be grown as crops. These make up the ‘Tide Caverns Forage Set’ at the museum. 

  • Jade Dulse
  • Mines Mussels
  • Sea Grapes
  • Tide Lettuce
  • Underseaweed

Deep Earth

Much like its cavernous counterparts, the Deep Earth biome is home to five forageables that spawn through all seasons. These are part of the ‘Deep Earth Forage Set’ at the Museum and cannot be grown at your farm. 

  • Crystal Berries
  • Crystal Rose
  • Earthshroom
  • Rockroot
  • Shalegrass

Lava Caves

The Lava Caves begin on floor 61 and end on floor 80, providing fertile ground for the following forageables that comprise the ‘Lava Caves Forage Set’ at the Museum. These items prefer their sweltering home and cannot be grown on the farm. 

  • Breath of Flame
  • Flame Pepper
  • Ash Mushroom
  • Lava Chestnuts
  • Hot Potato

Deep Woods

Deep Woods (Image via NPC Studios)
Deep Woods (Image via NPC Studios)

The Deep Woods is a lush biome in the overworld that becomes accessible after breaking the Fire Seal. It is populated by all-season forageables that make up the ‘Deep Woods Set’ at the Museum.

ForageableSource Season Museum 
Bell BerryForaging AllYes 
Spirit MushroomForaging AllYes 
Temple FlowerAround Caldarus’ Temple (farmable) AllYes 
Thorn VineForaging AllYes 
WalnutForaging AllYes 

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