Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Blood in the Water Mission Guide

Let’s go on a voyage with Cloud and friends, shall we? In this guide, we will walk you through Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 5.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 5
Blood In The Water Mission Guide (Image via Square Enix)

The missions in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth are all different from one another. They differ in terms of story, but they also differ in terms of length and mission areas. Blood In The Water is one of the shorter missions in the game. This is the fifth mission in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the second game in the Final Fantasy trilogy remaking the original game from 1997.

The story continues in this mission, as Cloud and the rest of the gang continue their pursuit of the mysterious black-robed figures from the previous two missions, hoping to find Sephiroth. We see our heroes going to Costa del Sol in a ship at the beginning of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 5, unaware that the voyage will not be pleasant.

Final Fantasy Rebirth: Chapter 5

After the events of the Deeper Into The Darkness and the Dawn of a New Era missions, both of which we have covered in our Final Fantasy Mission guides. We see Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barret, and Red XIII continue on their journey to find Sephiroth and stop him and the Shinra Electric Company from destroying all of the world’s resources.

In mission 5, which is named Blood In the Water, we see our heroes go on a voyage to reach Costa del Sol. However, with card games and Barret in a sailor costume, danger lurks in the shadows of the ship. In this guide, we will take a comprehensive look at Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 5.

Queen’s Blood

Final Fantasy 7 card game
Want to play a round? (Image via Square Enix)

After the opening cutscene, the game will leave you in the lower levels of the ship as Cloud. Go up the stairs and take a right to reach the second-class cabin. Go straight down the hallway, and you will find a vending machine alongside a resting place. Once fully rested, go left of the vending machine, and you will see another set of stairs; use them to go up to the lounge area, and it will trigger a cutscene.

Talk to your companions next. To keep the story going forward, you will need to participate in a Queen’s Blood tournament, which is a card game. Talk to the bartender in the middle of the bar to get into the tournament; however, your win or loss won’t affect the story. You can forfeit the match as soon as it starts if you are not interested in playing the card game.

Find the Captain

Captain, Tifa and Cloud Chapter 5
Help the captain out (Image via Square Enix)

After the Queen’s Blood tournament, go down to the second-class cabins and find your hammock for a well-deserved rest. A warning from the ship’s captain will wake Cloud up from his sleep. Follow the crew’s instructions to find the Captain and see what he has to say.

The captain will tell you that a bunch of fiends somehow found a way into the ship. For this part of chapter 5, only Cloud, Red XIII, and Aerith will be the available members for your party. Then you will have to go down to the deck of the ship to fight several waves of fiends, including the ones that got inside.

When you have defeated all enemies, go downstairs to meet Tifa. Follow Tifa to the second-class cabins, and you will find two black-robed figures being attacked by two Necrotic Entities. Stagger them and kill them, and another cutscene will occur.

You will need to locate Barret by the sound of his voice next, he will be in the cargo hold. There you will have to fight a Daemonic Entity and a Necrotic Entity. We recommend using ice attacks since the Daemonic Entity is weak to ice. Once the fight is over, you can find a chest on your left.

Go up using the red staircase and then take a left; you will find more daemonic entities you can fight. You can find the path to move forward near the shipping containers, under some boxes. Now go straight; you will see that the game will put a necrotic entity and a shrieker on your path. Defeat them and then go towards the engine room by using the stairs.

There will be a resting place and a vending machine nearby, so heal up and buy the things you need. After that, go straight along the path until you find a staircase, then go down the stairs to regroup with Barret; a cutscene will trigger, and you will have the mission’s first and only boss to fight.

The Jenova Emergent

The big monster in FF7 Chapter 5
A nightmare (Image via Square Enix)

The first two attacks you should look out for are the Pestilence spell and the Vengeance spell. The Pestilence spell will create a wall of purple cloud that will slowly go to the borders of the arena. The vengeance spell, however, will shoot a beam of energy but only in one direction. You cannot block either of these two attacks; dodging remains the only option.

The Jenova Emergent does not possess any weaknesses, so just target its head and keep putting pressure on it. Once the head is destroyed, Jeno Emergent will get staggered; this is your opportunity to unleash everything you have before it recovers.

After recovering, the enemy will grow a bunch of arms on its back; he will also have a new move set, so keep your eyes on it. One of the attacks of the new move set will be Exaltation. During this attack, the Jenova Emergent will shoot five energy beams in five directions. This attack cannot be blocked, so dodge it. The enemy will also grab one of the members of your party with an attack called the Torment. Keep putting pressure on the head and the arms of Jenova Emergent, and eventually, you will be able to destroy them and their abilities as well.

But it is not out of tricks yet. When you have done enough damage to the boss, the Jeno Emergent will grow many flying tentacles to fight you. However, these tentacles don’t have a lot of HP, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to defeat them. Repeat the process, put pressure on its body parts to destroy them, and then damage the staggered boss until you have successfully defeated it.

The death of the Jenova Emergent marks the end of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 5. We hope this guide was helpful to you, and if you are interested, you can also check out our other mission guides.

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