Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Fool’s Paradise Mission Guide

Chapter 6 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth takes you to Costa Del Sol. This guide will cover how to finish ‘Fool’s Paradise.’

Johnny building up his legend (Image via Square Enix)
Johnny building up his legend (Image via Square Enix)

Once you get past the cutscenes and can explore the area, remember to grab a Wheelie. It’s fun! Here, you can talk to the Wheelie Store Employee and earn rewards based on how far you have traveled on your Wheelie. Right next to this employee, you will also find the Travel Bureau Employee, who will progress the story for you.

Ask her about any “hotels in the area,” and she should point you toward the Royal Coast or the Costa Del Sol resort while informing you about both hotels probably being fully booked at this time.

After receiving this information, head northwest toward the Royal Coast and the Costa Del Sol hotel/resort. Talking to the receptionists in both areas will reveal the same thing—they’re both booked for the day. After you have talked to the receptionist at Costa Del Sol, head back out again to trigger a cutscene.

Johnny has conveniently offered us rooms at his hotel. What a nice guy!

Johnny’s Seaside Inn

Johnny building his legend (Image via YouTube/@SourceSpy91)
“Bein’ the owner of a bona fide hotel!” (Image via YouTube/@SourceSpy91)

Once you reach here, a small cutscene will play out, and your party selection will be locked. Johnny will also inform you not to show up at the beach with your weapons, so make sure to drop your weapons off at your designated room (room 103).

As soon as you get out of Johnny’s Inn (using the same way you came), you’ll get put into another conversation where you’ll be informed you need a different outfit to enter the beach and be handed a ticket to play Pirate’s Rampage and Card Carnival. These two games are what will earn Cloud his Companion Cards for his outfits.

Once you’ve obtained at least one Companion Card, you can trade it in for any outfit for Cloud. Proceed to the beach to meet with Barret for another cutscene. The game now cuts over to Aerith, Red XIII, and Tifa.

Tifa and Aerith

After a short cutscene, prepare to head out of Johnny’s Inn with Tifa. As soon as you get out, you’ll meet with the same encounter as Cloud did. Once again, you’ll receive a ticket to play another set of mini-games. These mini-games will reward you with Tifa and Aerith’s Companion Cards. You only need one outfit on both of them to proceed.

Note: Matching outfits with Cloud will deepen your relationship with that character. So if you’re looking to romance Tifa or Aerith, make your choices carefully.

After you’ve received one outfit for each of them, you’re ready to proceed to the next part of the story. Head to the changing booths, and then head over to the beach. A cutscene with Hojo plays out, and a small walk later, another cutscene follows. The final fight of Chapter 6 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has arrived.

Final Fight

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 6 Grasptropod boss (Image via YouTube/@SourceSpy91)
Grasptropod Boss Fight (Image via YouTube/@SourceSpy91)

You’ll have to choose who to help in this situation. Tifa and Red XIII are one pair, while Barret and Aerith are the other. Cloud joins to help them fight off the monsters that have invaded the beach, while the other party left out has to deal with the monsters alone.

Whichever party you choose to help has to face the boss fight after the small monsters have been defeated, so be careful with your pick. Keep in mind that the boss will be weak to Lightning damage, so having that element’s damage dealer on your team for the boss fight will be helpful.

After the Graptropod has been defeated (with Yuffie’s help), the party has some time to relax and catch a breather. Talk to everyone here, and pick the right dialogue options to increase your relationship with them. Once everyone has been talked to, you can leave for the hotel.

After a small set of cutscenes, where your dialogue choices won’t affect the outcome, Yuffie joins the party. Immediately after this, the next chapter begins.

That was everything you need to know to complete Chapter 6 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

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