This Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth card game can have you scratching your head. Here is everything you need to know to win any Queen’s Blood game.

Queen’s Blood is one of the many mini-games you can play in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This turn-based positional card game can often be frustrating if you don’t know all the mechanics about this game. Rest assured, by the end of this guide, you’ll walk out with confidence into your next Queen’s Blood game.
This guide will walk you through the card mechanics, how the game works, and where you can find some of the best cards, along with some general tips for the game.
How to Play Queen’s Blood in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Queen’s Blood is played on a 5×3 grid, where each player takes turns to place down a card on this grid. There are three rows, and points are tabulated separately for each row.
Each card has different values that you need to pay attention to. These values are:
- Card Rank/Cost
- Card Value
- Card Range (White, Yellow, and Red)
- Card Ability
These four stats will determine how and where you can use your cards. Card Rank determines if you can place your card on a certain grid or not. You can only put a card on a square which has equal or more pawns than the Card Rank. Second is the Card Value, which is the number that will be directly added to your score for that row. Thirdly, we have the Card Range. This will determine the squares being affected by the Card Ability, along with the pawns being placed. Lastly, we have the Card Ability which is a special effect some cards have which get activated on being placed.
From these, Card Range requires further explanation regarding the various colors. The White Square denoted on the Card Range determines the location of the card being used. Meanwhile, the Yellow Squares will denote the cells which will have a pawn placed on them, regarding the position of the current card. Finally, the Red Squares are the cells that will be affected by the Card Ability.
Do note that if your Yellow Square overlaps with a cell which has pawns of your opponent, you will take over them, and vice versa.
Best Cards to Get for Queen’s Blood

Chocobo and Moogle: This is one of the earliest cards you can acquire for Buff decks. It is a great card to set up more pawns for your board. Additionally, you also get more points for each enhanced allied card. Use cards like Cactuar and Crystalline Crab in conjunction with this to breeze through the early game duels.
Midgardsormr: This card increases in power as more cards are destroyed. Although having a Card Value of six already makes it strong, its strength mainly lies in making Blight decks work well.
Tonberry King and Skeeskee: These cards both work together and in Blight decks. They get more power whenever cards are destroyed. These cards can achieve a LOT of points if paired well with a proper Blight deck.
Chocobo Jockey and Maloceros: Both cards are simple to slot into any deck. This is because they grant 10 points when placed in a winning row. This could make all the difference between victory and defeat.
Emerald Witch: One of the best cards to use in a Buff deck. From putting pawns on squares around it while buffing various tiles, this card does it all. Any Buff deck will feel incomplete without it. So, use it with other Buff cards like Dio to easily win lots of points across all lanes.
Shadowblood Queen: The counterpart to the Emerald Witch, this card works great in enfeeble decks. This is because it gains more power for every enfeeble card on the board.
How to Win at Queen’s Blood
Queen’s Blood is won by having a higher total points than your opponent. To achieve this, you must place cards and add up the Card Value, denoted at the top right of the card. The player with the most points in a given row earns all points for that row, while the opponent receives none. Therefore, it is advised to know when to cut your losses and not place all your strong cards in one row which may result in the loss of points.
You should conserve cards with stronger abilities, and good Card Range which can let you take over opponent pawns on the board. This is because taking over the opponent’s pawns will be extremely devastating to their board. You are nullifying their setup and getting resources for yourself.
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