In this guide, players will learn the various ways of finding the map and compass, which will help them to navigate in the Forest.

Getting lost in the wilds is the last thing any player would want. The Forest has many dangerous areas and caves; without any type of directional help, players might get confused. Whether players want to explore random areas or want to locate some specific area, a map and a compass is crucial.
So, in the guide, players will learn how to find the map and compass, which will help them in traversing through the wilderness of the Forest.
How To Get the Map and Compass Quickly

The fastest way to acquire these crucial survival equipment is to die as quickly as possible. The easiest way to die is by jumping off a cliff. Then, players will be carried by the cannibals to the Hanging Cave, where players will find themselves hanging upside down. By using the pickaxe, players can free themselves.
Use the lighter and find a corpse on the ground that is holding a compass and a map. Quickly grab the items and look around the place where the player was hung: a rope can be found that leads outside the cave.
Note: Players can not trigger this death event by drowning.
How To Get the Map and Compass Without Dying

If dying is not your style, there is another way of finding these items in The Forest. In this, players have to find the cave in the cannibal village, which lies in the southeastern corner.

Walk through the jungle and find an open area; look for the large snowy mountain. The mountain is in the north direction, so players just have to run in the opposite direction till they find the southern coastline. From there, turn left, i.e., in the east direction.

Players have to keep running the east next to the coastline, and they will reach a hut, indicating the village entrance. Just turn left at the hut, and players will arrive at the Cannibal Village.

Players can find a cave while scouting the village, drop into that cave, and there will be a corpse holding a compass and a map.
Note: Players might find aggressive cannibals in the village while playing on higher difficulty.
How To Use

Players can use the map by pressing (M) on their keyboard. The map automatically fills the landmarks like villages and caves as players explore. To use the compass, open the inventory (I) and left-click on the compass.
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