GTA Online Agents of Sabotage the Project Breakaway Walkthrough (Job Guide)

Here’s a GTA Online Agents of Sabotage The Project Breakaway walkthrough that you can follow to complete the mission without issues. 

GTA Online  Agents of Sabotage The Project Breakway Walkthrough
A job guide for the GTA Online Agents of Sabotage The Project Breakaway File. (Source: GTA Series Videos/YouTube, Rockstar Games)

The GTA Online Agents of Sabotage: The Project Breakaway is one of the new missions added to the game through a DLC. To start this quest, players must first purchase a specific property that will serve as the base of operations. The missions featured in the DLC are similar to a heist, where players must make preparations before proceeding to the finale.

The premise of this mission is to steal a hard drive by any means necessary. To do this, you’ll be driving an RC car and blowing up gas pumps to locate the area of interest. Completing this quest will reward you with approximately $180K in prize money.

To ensure the operation goes smoothly, here’s a GTA Online Agents of Sabotage: The Project Breakaway walkthrough that you can follow. This job guide will also share a few tips and tricks you can use to increase the prize money.

How To Complete the Agents of Sabotage the Project Breakaway Mission in GTA Online

To get started on The Project Breakaway mission, players must purchase the Darnell Bros Garment Factory property for $2,350,000. After purchasing the property, head inside and go through a cutscene before the quest starts. Next, access your in-game phone and check out the Darnell Inc. app to learn more about the jobs.

If you choose The Project Breakaway mission, you will need to make the following preparations to get to the finale of the story:

  • Mobile Tracking
  • Thermal Charges
  • Encryption Bypass

Here are more details about the tasks and how to complete the mission.

Search for a Van To Hack Using an RC Car

GTA Online  Agents of Sabotage The Project Breakway - Van
Follow this van with your RC car. (Source: Rockstar Games)

The first task is to find an RC car from a scrapyard. The game will mark locations for you, so it’s not that difficult to find one.

After finding one, use it to drive around key locations with a white mark in search of a van to hack. Once you find your target, stick close to it and wait for the “Unlocking” progress bar to reach 100%. Then open the back of the van, drive your RC car inside, and proceed to the next phase of the plan.

Find Thermal Charges

GTA Online Agents of Sabotage The Project Breakway - Thermal Charges
The thermal charges on a rack. (Source: Rockstar Games)

The next task in the Agents of Sabotage: The Project Breakaway job is to find thermal charges. Before that, you need to find a delivery list first. This will help you locate where the charges are.

Head to the Post OP Depot and check the cabins for the delivery list. The place will have a few NPCs guarding it, so make sure you are prepared before entering. Once you find it, take a picture of it using your in-game phone. Send the image to Jodi Marshal to locate the exact location of the thermal charges.

You will then be directed to the SecuroServe warehouse. Head to the location, retrieve the charges and return to Darnell Bros Garment Factory for the next phase of the plan.

Steal Malware and Silence the Agent

GTA Online  Agents of Sabotage The Project Breakway - Malware
Location of the malware. (Source: Rockstar Games)

Your next task is to break into an apartment and steal a malware hard drive found in the basement. You’ll have to hack a keypad to access the basement. Be careful, as failing the hacking minigame will alert the guards.

Once you are inside the basement, prepare for a fight as there will be enemies in that area. Once the room is cleared, grab the malware hard drive and head out. An agent will find out about your plans. You’ll need to silence them and send a picture of their dead body to Jodi. Make sure not to blow up the agent’s car, as you need to take a picture of their dead body. After all that, return to the Darnell Bros Garment Factory to start the finale.

Locate Project Breakaway

Now that you’ve made enough preparations, it’s time for the final phase of the Agents of Sabotage: The Project Breakaway job in GTA Online. Use the Trackify app on your in-game phone to locate the objective. Simply follow the red dot on the radar until you reach the location.

There will be security guards in the area. Make sure to deal with them before proceeding.

Blow Up Gas Pumps

GTA Online The Breakeaway Gas Pump
Blow up the gas pumps using the RC car. (Source: Rockstar Games)

Once the enemies are eliminated, you’ll be playing with your RC car again and infiltrating the building. Destroy the gas pumps inside to create a distraction. Once this is over, head inside the building through the garage and deal with even more guards along the way.

Steal the Hard Drives

Inside the building, head further into the back of the room and find a computer. Plug in the malware, then head to the terminal and hack your way inside. After gaining access to the terminal, the malware will need time to upload. Some guards might intervene, so keep your eyes peeled.

Once the malware has been uploaded, look for stacks of hard drives in the room. You also need to plant thermal charges on marked locations before exiting the garage.

Deliver to the Buyer

Make your way out of the area and travel to the location of the buyer. A mark on the map will be shown that you can follow. Once you make it to the area, find the buyer and finish the transaction to claim your prize rewards.

Agents of Sabotage the Project Breakaway File Side Tasks

Here is the list of tasks that you can complete to increase the prize reward for this mission:

  • Destroy all four engines of the target plane.
  • Recover all contents from the plane underwater.
  • Kill five enemies during the dinghy escape.

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