Here is a comprehensive guide on how you can quickly increase your character’s Strength stat in GTA Online.

One of the hardest stats to increase in GTA Online is your character’s Strength. Despite this, leveling it up is worth the effort as it provides a small damage reduction buff. This is why one of your goals, especially if you are new to GTA Online, is to level up your Strength stat. It’s the only stat where you won’t find many opportunities for leveling unless you play mini-games. Increasing it won’t be a huge game-changer. However, it will allow you to tank a few more shots from enemies.
To help you make progress, here are the best tips and tricks you can use to increase your Strength stat in GTA Online.
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The Best Way To Level Up Strength in GTA Online

Out of all the options to increase your Strength in GTA Online, punching people is the fastest and most efficient way to level it up. Every 20 punches that land on targets increase your strength by 1 out of 100 points. It’s going to be a tedious grind, so make sure you plug in some music or talk with your friends to lessen the boredom. It is also recommended to play in an Invite-Only session for faster loading times and to prevent intervention from other players.
Keep in mind that you can’t use melee or unarmed weapons like Brass Knuckles. These won’t level up your Strength stat in the game. Furthermore, you can’t simply punch NPCs or other players in free mode without getting the attention of cops.
Here are a few ways you can do to level up your Strength stat through punching:
Contact Missions
You can start a Contact Mission that doesn’t have Wanted Levels enabled in GTA Online. This will prevent cops from interfering while you punch NPCs and increase your Strength in the game. Examples of these Contact Missions include Pier Pressure, Death Metal, and the First Dose. Afterward, you need to find a place where there are many pedestrians walking around. A good place to go is Del Perro Beach or Vespucci Beach. Keep running around the area while punching people.
To make things fast, simply sprint-punch every NPC you see in front of you. You don’t have to kill them. After punching one NPC, immediately go to the next one, and then the next one. Keep doing this until you level up to maximum Strength.
Doing this method would take around 1-2 hours to max out your Strength stat. It can be a bit boring compared to playing mini-games like Golf and Arm Wrestling. However, this is the fastest way out of all the options.
Punch Your Friends in GTA Online
If you have a friend with you, you can also ask them to stand still and let you punch them repeatedly. However, they can lose health and possibly die after being punched too many times. It’s not as consistent as doing the Contact Mission method, but it can be less boring if you mess around with your friends while doing it.
Other Ways To Increase Strength in GTA Online

Here is a list of all the other things that can help increase your Strength in GTA Online:
- Playing Golf and Tennis
- MC Resupply Interrogation Mission
- Arm Wrestling Challenges
More information about each method can be found below.
Playing Golf and Tennis
Playing the Golf mini-game in GTA Online is one way to increase Strength. However, you need to only play the 1-hole mode instead of the 9-hole mode as it is faster to repeatedly do one run. This is a pure estimation, but you can get around a 1% increase in your Strength for every 1-hole game you play in Golf. This means you need to play 100 times to max it out.
Alternatively, you can also play Tennis, but it can take a while for the match to finish compared to Golf.
MC Resupply Interrogation Mission
One of the resupply missions in the MC Business involves interrogating someone by punching them until they talk. This is one of the few ways you can punch someone in the game as part of a mission. However, the business runs are randomized, so you need to get lucky to get this mission or keep hopping to different sessions until you get it.
Arm Wrestling Challenges
There are Arm Wrestling challenges scattered throughout the map. You can head to these locations and play a mini-game where you can increase your Strength stat. This can be a slow process, which is why you are better off punching people during Contact Missions.
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