Discover everything you need to know about the Best Booster Tier List in Helldivers 2 and which bonuses they provide during the missions.

Boosters in Helldivers 2 are special buffs and modifiers you can equip to the team. They are not single-use and can be used on every mission. Boosters are purchased for Medals via Warbonds. Booster is equipped on the stratagem loadout screen while preparing to drop off for a mission. These are useful items that affect the whole team. But which boosters are the best and which are the worst? In this guide, we’ll discuss the updated booster tier list in Helldivers and what unique characteristics make them an ideal choice as a backup.
Helldivers 2 Booster Overview
The Boosters are bonuses that can be applied for the duration of a mission, enhancing the abilities of and resources available to the Helldivers. Boosters are not single-use and can be used on every mission. Boosters can be unlocked on the various pages of Warbonds. Each Helldiver can equip 1 booster. With a full squad, 4 unique boosters can be active at the same time, one for each Helldiver. A Booster applies the effect to all Helldivers, not just the one who has it equipped. If a Helldiver leaves the mission, the effect of the booster in their personal loadout ceases its effect.
Best Booster in Helldivers 2
Vitality Enhancement, Stamina Enhancement, and Hellpod Space Optimization are the best boosters to use in Helldivers 2. They provide unique buffs and benefits that can give an advantage to you and your buddies. They can make your character stronger especially whenever you’re in trouble or fighting 1v4 or 1v5. However, the most effective way to use Boosters is to make sure that everybody in the team has a different one equipped.
Helldivers 2 Best Booster Tier List
Here is our best booster tier list for all the Helldivers 2 players out there. Keep in mind that if your favorite booster is not available in our tier list, then that specific booster has some major drawbacks that you must be aware of. This tier list will help you equip the best booster while fighting in combat, even if you lack buffs and other benefits.
Tier | Boosters |
S-Tier | Vitality Enhancement, Stamina Enhancement, Hellpod Space Optimization |
A-Tier | Experimental Infusion, Muscle Enhancement |
B-Tier | Dead Sprint |
C-Tier | Localization Confusion Booster, UAV Recon Booster, Motivational Shocks |
D-Tier | Expert Extraction Pilot Booster, Flexible/Increased Reinforcement Budget, Firebomb Hellpods |
S-Tier Best Booster in Helldivers 2
Vitality Enhancement

Helldivers take less damage from all sources and are more resistant to limb injuries. The torso can still hemorrhage. This booster has one of the most confusing descriptions in the game, leading to many misconceptions. Vitality Enhancement applies a multiplicative 20% reduction to all incoming damage your Helldiver receives. 20% damage resistance is a game where going from 100 armor to 150 armor only reduces the damage by 20% is quite a lot. This booster is effective for most players as having an additional suit of armor worth of protection is useful. There is no better booster than this one in terms of survivability.
Vitality Enhancement reduces the damage you receive from deal sprint and completely nullifies the damage received from acid and lethal chest wounds. This damage resistance will be felt across just about every operation you play, saving you many lives in the process. There is almost no reason apart from speed running that you would ever leave this booster out of a loadout.
Stamina Enhancement

30% increase in sprint duration. 23% increase in stamina regen. This booster unlocked very early on in mobilized is extremely powerful and does a lot of different things. Not only does Stamina Enhancement increase your maximum stamina by 30% but also stamina regen. These two benefits are enough for every Helldiver to consider this booster as an S-Tier choice. It should generally be good during every deployment but it does even more than that. Stamina Enhancement increases the speed of your Helldiver by 23% if wearing medium armor.
This notably also increases the speed your Helldiver moves while aiming down sights as well as walking pace. However, ultra-light armor does not gain any speed from this enhancement. Stamina Enhancement brings medium armor up to only 6% less speed than ultra-light armor. This means that a medium padded standard issue suit. Stamina booster has Helldiver with 150 armor and only 6% less top speed than a suit of 50 armor with scout passive. Your stamina recovery speed increases with the stamina booster. However, this effect is not in addition to the increased recovery rate that you obtain from crouching which is 25%.
Hellpod Space Optimization

Helldivers come out of the Hellpod fully stocked on Ammo, Grenades, and Stims. This booster gives you full starting ammo for your primary and secondary weapons, Stims, and Grenades. Both at the beginning of the match and every time you’re reinforced back into the game. Hellpod Space Optimization is obviously useful for the vast majority of games. However, the effectiveness and benefits involved with this booster scale are dramatically based on how players die in the match.
If your team doesn’t die at all then this booster just saved you a resupply to start the match before heading your way. Add on that this does not impact your support weapon starting at all. Hellpod Space Optimization is a staple for most teams which is why it’s great for the DSs while the orbital blockade is active. It gives the Helldivers this booster for free while fighting on the planet that it’s orbiting.
A-Tier Best Booster in Helldivers 2
Experimental Infusion

Gives Stims the added bonus of boosting player movement speed and reducing damage taken for a short time, but alters their vision. This one is beloved by Helldivers the Galaxy over for its capability to give your Stims that extra zing. In addition to your Stims healing you as they do normally, the Experimental Infusion booster boosts your damage resistance by 10%. Experimental Infusion can stack with Vitality booster, allowing you to soak even more damage and potentially out-sustain even more damage.
You can also gain 10% movement speed by 10% while your Stims are active. Lighter armors gain a higher amount of overall speed while Stims are active. For example, Ultra Light suits 5.88 Ms increase to 6.46 while the booster is active. It allows you to outpace every enemy in the game by a substantial margin. This bonus is generally nice for getting around as you often don’t need a full pack of Stims.
Experimental Infusion also makes the practice of pre-stimming more rewarding. There are often times in combat when Helldivers will take in a situation and estimate that they will take some damage. Stimming can get you out of those situations as the incoming damage then needs to beat out the regenerating effects of the Stim. There’s a 25% increase in your aiming reticle sway during the Stims.
Muscle Enhancement

No longer slowed by difficult terrain hazards (such as shrubs or mud) or uphill slopes. Also reduces the speed penalty of the Hunter’s slow debuff. It reduces any and all movement-slowing effects by 75%. Muscle Enhancement includes snow, high water although it does not impact your swim speed, mud, tall grass, slope terrain, sandstorms, and blizzards. This impacts a lot of stuff although a lot of it is often time avoidable only serving so as a convenience.
It’s extremely powerful but not essential. During Terminid missions or plants that have blizzards or sandstorms where you will get full benefits from this booster, it’s a borderline must option. You can pair Muscle Enhancement with Stamina Enhancement to get hindered by rough terrain.
B-Tier Best Booster in Helldivers 2
Dead Sprint

It allows continuous sprinting even after draining stamina; however, it does so at the cost of losing a percentage of health per second. The screen with flash red and the helldiver will start grunting once health is being consumed. Dead Sprint allows you to continue sprinting in exchange for health. 24 seconds to deplete HP to 1 and deactivate at 1 health. This booster lets you run after exhausting all of your stamina.
This feels horrendous, draining you to death’s door where the passive ceases function thankfully unable to outright kill you. Vitality booster curves the health lost while sprinting with the dead sprint booster from 112 per three ticks down to 001. This allows Helldiver to utilize both of these boosters together to sprint for 80 full seconds before depleting their health after expanding all of their stamina. Dead Sprint makes the booster much more useful. This makes the proposition of bringing Dead Sprint along in addition much more viable. Stamina Booster is already a huge improvement to how much sprinting you can do.
C-Tier Best Booster in Helldivers 2
Localization Confusion

Increases the time between enemy encounters. This booster This booster mitigates the amount of Bot Drops and Bug Breaches. The enemy has an internal cooldown between its ability to call in reinforcement. It scales based on difficulty setting down to a minimum of 1 minute and 30 seconds on super hell dive difficulty. This cooldown begins as soon as the tag at tag at the top of your screen. It indicates an ongoing reinforcement wave has faded. Localization Confusion increases this cooldown by 10% and also enhances the total time it takes for reinforcement to arrive.
Note that the second part potentially affects scripted enemy encounters. The 10% increase to the cooldown only applies to manually called-in reinforcements. When the automatons fire their flares are the termined spew pheromones. Localization Confusion does not affect things like detector towers, spread democracy geological survey scripted calls, and eradicates. Overall, this leaves the usefulness of this booster extremely niche and not very competitive with other options.
Localization Confusion isn’t useful even when using it to its fullest by baiting and working around reinforcement calls during their cooldown. Not to mention, this cooldown actually scales down becoming smaller as you complete more objectives. It has very little impact and requires a lot of game knowledge to even get value out of it.
UAV Recon Booster
Increases all Helldivers’ effective radar range by 50% (affects spotting Places of Interest). Stacks with Nuclear Radar and affects pings from the Scout armor perk. Additional radar range will help you spot enemy patrols during high-difficulty missions. The UAV Recon booster increases this range by 50%, taking us up to 75m away. However, the Bridge ship module (Nuclear Radar) improves your ping radius on the mini-map by 50m. This module also increases your radar range by a multiplicative 50%, bringing your base detection range for the enemy up to 75m.
The boost should bring the UAV booster up to 112.5m. Helldivers cannot do much else besides look at the map while looking at it. Your in-combat actual benefits from the increased radar range will be severely limited. You can potentially see enemies out to the UAV’s maximum range regardless of your eyes. This booster is only helpful regarding the area you’re currently physically looking at. The booster does not affect the range you can see enemies when using the scout passive. It has a value before you get the nuclear radar upgrade.
Motivational Shocks
Negates slowed effects inflicted by hostiles, such as from Terminid Bile. Will not negate the speed penalty of EMS fields or broken legs. This booster in its current state only reduces the duration of assets slow from Terminid operations, Ice Plant slow, and stamina drain by 50%. It currently has no other benefits that we are aware of. Muscle Enhancement already reduces the impact slowing effect and a bunch of improvements to the ability to traverse the landscape. Motivational Shocks in most cases is a downgrade and cannot realistically compete for a slot.
D-Tier Best Booster in Helldivers 2
Expert Extraction Pilot

Pelican 1 arrives 15% faster during extraction. This is one of the overwhelming boosters in the game as it has one effect per game at maximum. All it does is decrease the time it takes for Pelican 1 to arrive by 15% dropping it from 2 minutes down to 1 minute and 42 seconds. This also has absolutely no benefits whatsoever during Eradicates. The complex strategy of plotting modifier that increases strategy call-in time by 50% also impacts your extraction timer. Expert Extraction Pilot brings the base extraction time up to 3 minutes instead of two. Using this booster during this operational modifier reduces your extraction time to 2.5 minutes. Expert Extraction Pilot is pretty worthless for anyone outside the speed-running community.
Flexible/Increased Reinforcement Budget

Gives one additional reinforcement per Helldiver, to a maximum of 4. The increase is only one extra life per Helldiver, giving you a total starting Budget of 24 lives. The Flexible Budget only improves the timer before new reinforcements become available. It depletes your lives by 10% cutting it from 2 minutes to 1 minute and 48 seconds. Helldivers is a game where death is common but that’s why we have 24 lives. Increased Reinforcement Budget is best left on the bench and if your friends are taking these is a nonzero chance that you should take it as an insult. If you bind these boosters into one, they will still not be effective in the game.
Firebomb Hellpods

Lines all Hellpods with volatile incendiaries that detonate on impact, igniting any units in the vicinity of the drop site (this includes friendlies). This booster is just trolling to bring into a match, causing an 8m knockback and burning damage over time effect. Firebomb Hellpods deal the typical 50 DPS or 150 damage total that we’re accustomed to when it comes to the burning effect. This effect is applied to every pod dropped from the ship. The damage is indiscriminate and overall, very weak. Firebomb Hellpods can only threaten the lives of the weakest of our enemies as well as our own Helldivers. There is a niche used to deploy turrets near enemies to damage them with a Hellpod but the damage being dealt is utterly insignificant.
FAQs about Boosters in Helldivers 2
What are boosters in Helldivers 2?
The Boosters are bonuses that can be applied for the duration of a mission, enhancing the abilities of and resources available to the Helldivers. Boosters are not single-use and can be used on every mission.
How do I unlock Boosters?
Go to the “Acquisitions” menu, where you can purchase boosters using Medals earned from completing missions. Each Booster in Helldivers 2 requires a specific number of medals to unlock. Complete Daily Personal Order Challenges or missions on higher difficulties to achieve Medals.
What are the best Boosters?
Vitality Enhancement, Stamina Enhancement, and Hellpod Space Optimization are the best boosters due to their unique buffs and benefits that can give perks to you and your friends.
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