Helldivers 2: Best Eagle Stratagem Tier List

Discover everything you need to know about the Best Eagle Stratagems Tier List in Helldivers 2 and what makes them the best and worst.

Eagle Stratagem Tier List Helldivers 2
Helldivers 2: Best Eagle Stratagem Tier List (Source: Arrowhead Game Studios)

Eagle Stratagems in Helldivers 2 come with multiple uses and several different versions. There are various kinds of bots and machines in the Automaton faction and dealing with them is not a piece of cake. Eagle Stratagem mitigates your workload with the right strategy and accuracy. Eagle Stratagems is the life savior here if your Secondary weapon or Support Weapon can’t defeat bugs like chargers and bile titans. The game offers several Eagle Stratagem that can grant you unique bonuses and benefits on the battlefield. In this guide, we’ll discuss the best and worst Eagle Stratagem, which are strong against different enemies. 

Helldivers 2 Eagle Stratagem Overview

Eagle Stratagems in Helldivers 2 provide air support options with significant offensive capabilities during missions. Eagle Stratagem has a limited number of uses before requiring a rearm. This reliable airstrike delivers a concentrated bombing run, effective against both enemy hordes and heavy enemies. Each Stratagem has its own purpose and choosing the best one can significantly influence mission success. Use the Eagle airstrike as a first hit to any emplacement to soften them up before entry. Place them on high ground or at a safe distance away from enemies. Eagle Cluster releases multiple explosives over a wide area, devastating groups of light to medium enemies. Use Eagle 500KG to target heavy enemies and enemy structures.  

Best Eagle Stratagem in Helldivers 2

Eagle 500KG Bombs, Eagle Cluster Strike, and Eagle Airstrike are the best Eagle Stratagems in Helldivers 2 due to their unique benefits. These can deal much damage and can dominate enemies with their single usage. They are suitable for taking out larger and more heavily armed enemies. They are useful for both Terminids and Automatons. You can even enhance the effectiveness of Eagle Stratagems by investing in Ship Modules like XXL Weapons Bay, Expanded Weapons Bay, Pit Crew Hazard Pay, and Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit.

Helldivers 2 Best Eagle Stratagem Tier List

Here is our Eagle Stratagem tier list for all the Helldivers 2 players. Remember that if your favorite Stratagem is unavailable in our tier list, then that Eagle Stratagem has some major drawbacks you must be aware of. This tier list will help you to equip the best Eagle Stratagem weapon while fighting in combat while your weapons are not shining.

TierEagle Stratagems
S-TierEagle 500KG Bombs, Eagle Cluster Strike
A-TierEagle Airstrike
B-TierNapalm Airstrike, Eagle Strafing Run
C-TierEagle 110MM Rocket Pods
D-TierEagle Smoke Strike
Helldivers 2: Best Eagle Stratagem Tier List

S-Tier Best Eagle Stratagem in Helldivers 2

Eagle 500KG Bombs

Eagle 500kg Bomb Stratagem
Eagle 500kg Bomb Stratagem
  • Call-In Time – 0 Seconds
  • Uses – 1
  • Cooldown Time – 8 Seconds

A large bomb obliterating almost any target close to impact. Make sure to clear the area. There’s nothing in the game that this thing won’t obliterate from existence. The only drawback is its one use. When you consider the fact, you get it back if you rearm increasing that to twice if you have the upgrade. Eagle 500KG Bombs defines liberty and democracy in the galactic war Super Earth faces. It can take out most of the same structures: Nests, Encampments, Spore Towers, and Illegal Broadcast Stations.

Keep in mind that Stratagem is not meant for light enemies. Eagle 500KG Bombs have the ability to clear the waves at once. You can use this bomb on heavy enemies like the Bile Titan and Tanks. It provides unmatched destructive power in combat, making it a crucial tool for bug missions. However, it requires precise targeting due to its smaller area of effect. It drops a 500kg bomb that impacts the ground and detonates after a brief delay of one second. It can destroy these targets with a single well-placed strike. You can stun the enemies first before deployment to boost the likelihood of a successful strike.

The traits of Eagle 500KG Bombs are:

  • Explosive
  • Eagle

Eagle Cluster Bomb

Eagle Cluster Bomb Stratagem
Eagle Cluster Bomb Stratagem
  • Call-In Time – 0 Seconds
  • Uses – 4
  • Cooldown Time – 15 Seconds

A targeted air strike that is unable to destroy buildings, but efficient at clearing smaller targets. This is similar to the Airstrike except it trades raw damage for twice as many usages. Eagle Cluster Strike does extremely good damage to small and medium targets with a respectable amount of damage. Due to the area it covers and considering the damage it can do, this makes the Strafing Run obsolete. It has the most uses of all the Eagle Stratagems, making it one of the best ones to choose. This is the best option to throw down on the nest and Bug Breaches/Bot Drops.

However, it can low chance of demolishing Bug Holes and cannot destroy Fabricators. Make sure to throw these down on lighter enemies. This thing can also kill your teammates too and also has a shot cooldown. Eagle Cluster Strike releases a series of explosions in a line perpendicular to the direction the player is facing. The effect of this strike depends on the player’s positioning and the direction faced during deployment. It can destroy optional mission objectives like the Illegal Broadcast Tower and Spore Spewer. Proper alignment ensures maximum impact on target areas and misalignment can result in poor range.

The Ship Module that can affect the Eagle Cluster Strike are:

  • Pit Crew Hazard Pay
  • Expanded Weapons Bay        
  • XXL Weapons Bay
  • Advanced Crew Training

A-Tier Best Eagle Stratagem in Helldivers 2

Eagle Airstrike

Eagle Airstrike Stratagem
Eagle Airstrike Stratagem
  • Call-In Time – 0 Seconds
  • Uses – 2
  • Cooldown Time – 15 Seconds

A barrage of bombs creates a non-targeted carpet of explosions. This is our run-of-the-mill carpet-bombing strike. This is great for clearing a large number of enemies including armored targets such as automaton tanks. Eagle Airstrike is a middle ground between the cluster bombs and the 500 kg. It has such great utility and it comes in two uses. It can deal amazing damage to bile titans and it can destroy chargers. The ad clear is phenomenal on this one and the cooldowns Eagle are generally good. Throw this Stratagem down and you will not be disappointed. It can also clear out waves of lighter enemies very quickly.

Airstrikes can destroy objectives and wipe out enemies swiftly. This thing is useful to pass up for most missions. An Eagle Airstrike is an offensive stratagem that unleashes a powerful bombardment in a straight line. You can use this to even destroy Automaton Fabricators and Terminid Bug Holes. You can also destroy these spawners without getting too close. Use the Airstrikes to destroy the following from a distance.

  • Automaton Fabricators
  • Terminid Bug Holes
  • Illegal Broadcast Towers
  • Anti-Aircraft & Mortar Emplacements
  • Spore Spewers
  • Shrieker Nests.

It releases a series of six unguided bombs in a linear pattern to the direction the player is facing at the time of deployment. Overall, it delivers a devastating bombardment along a straight line. This is more suitable for various combat scenarios, from clearing enemy-infested zones to dismantling fortified positions. Projectile standard damage increased from 500 to 1500 in the recent patch. The projectile durable damage increased from 500 to 1500.

The Ship Module that can affect the Eagle Airstrike are:

  • XXL Weapons Bay
  • Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit
  • Pit Crew Hazard Pay
  • Expanded Weapons Bay        

B-Tier Best Eagle Stratagem in Helldivers 2

Eagle Napalm Airstrike

Eagle Napalm Airstrike
Eagle Napalm Airstrike
  • Call-In Time – 0 Seconds
  • Uses – 2
  • Cooldown Time – 15 Seconds

A barrage of napalm bombs, creates a wall of fire that will stop the enemy in their tracks. It comes at a mediocre pick. Fire damage to enemies needs some tweaks to increase its potency in the game. Even if the damage of a time stack is dependent on how long a unit spent in or was afflicted that would be quite good. Napalm Airstrike is identical to the standard airstrikes except it uses Napalm munitions instead of normal explosives. It deals good damage to small units and a respectable amount of damage to medium units.

Napalm Airstrike can slow the enemies in their tracks but it can’t destroy buildings, unlike the standard airstrikes. Placing it under the cluster bomb in usability. It’s not quite as good as the cluster bomb at killing those medium-small targets. This is a decent option for bug encounters but the performance is overshadowed. It can create a persistent wall of fire, effectively hindering enemy advancement. It releases a series of napalm bombs in a linear formation, perpendicular to the direction the player is facing at the time of deployment.

The traits of Napalm Airstrike are:

  • Explosive
  • Eagle

Eagle Strafing Run

Eagle Strafing Gun Stratagem
Eagle Strafing Gun Stratagem
  • Call-In Time – 0 Seconds
  • Uses – Unlimited
  • Cooldown Time – 15 Seconds

A strafing run of the battlefield to clear small targets delivered almost instantly. This is really good for clearing an area of trash or weak enemies. It still deals a respectable amount of damage to medium targets. Eagle Strafing Run is the one Eagle Stratagem without the explosive trait. It can deal damage to Bile Titan or the charger. There are more options that deal damage and do a way better job at clearing ads. It fires a barrage of bullets and can be used to clear waves of lighter enemies. However, it will not trigger enemies to attack the player when it is thrown. It offers less AoE with fewer charges, making it a less appealing option in the game.

Eagle Strafing Run can clear small to medium-sized enemies and damage or even kill Heavies. It fires in the direction you throw the Stratagem. For maximum effect, throw behind yourself. However, unlike other Stratagems, the Strafing Run doesn’t aggro enemies until the first shot is fired. It can destroy Automaton Fabricators, AA & Mortar Emplacements, and Illegal Broadcast Towers. If a shell lands inside, it can even destroy Bug Holes.

The Ship Module that can affect the Eagle Strafing Run are:

  • Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit
  • Pit Crew Hazard Pay
  • Expanded Weapons Bay
  • Advanced Crew Training
  • Morale Augmentation

C-Tier Best Eagle Stratagem in Helldivers 2

Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods

Eagle 110M Rocket Pods Stratagem
Eagle 110M Rocket Pods Stratagem
  • Call-In Time – 6 Seconds
  • Uses – Unlimited
  • Cooldown Time – 240 Seconds

A barrage of rocket pods, which the Eagle pilot will release on the largest target near the Stratagem beacon. They’re really good at targeting a specific threat as the strike aims for the largest target within the strike zone. On the other hand, the damage is only okay and you only get two uses. Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods looks really boring in comparison to the others on the list. It auto-locks onto the highest-priority enemy in the area. It can destroy Tanks in one use as well as Bug Holes and Fabricators. This is somehow similar to the Eagle Airstrike but with an auto-locking feature. This Rocket Pod is ideal for taking down bigger enemies.

It has limited ammo capacity and inconsistency, making it a bit of a gamble in combat. It delivers targeted anti-armor attacks against formidable adversaries. Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods releases a salvo of rockets aimed at the largest enemy near the stratagem beacon.  Chargers may not always be hit by the rockets due to the travel speed of the missiles. They’re a good alternative to the Orbital Railcannon Strike due to their similar target-seeking feature. Rocket Pods are very precise, unlike other Eagle stratagems.

The Ship Module that can affect the Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods are:

  • Morale Augmentation
  • Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit
  • Pit Crew Hazard Pay
  • Expanded Weapons Bay

D-Tier Best Eagle Stratagem in Helldivers 2

Eagle Smoke Strike

Eagle Smoke Strike
Eagle Smoke Strike
  • Call-In Time – 0 Seconds
  • Uses – 3
  • Cooldown Time – 8 Seconds

A barrage of smoke grenades, creating a thick smoke screen to block the enemies’ line of fight. This does exactly what it says on the tin. It deploys a carpet of smoke in the area which is amazing for blocking the enemy’s line of sight and reducing accuracy. Eagle Smoke Strike remains an extremely niche pick that not many people are going to go for. In comparison to others, it doesn’t look quite as cool. However, it can be used in special cases mostly against the Automatons.

You can use it as a cover and a way of retreat. It drops 3 smoke bombs perpendicular to the direction it was thrown. Eagle Smoke Strike has a long cooldown and ineffective utility in combat and grants minimal strategic perks. It deploys a barrage of smoke grenades, creating a thick smokescreen to obstruct enemy lines of sight. The strike is perpendicular to the direction the player was facing when thrown. You can reposition or tactically retreat while blocking the line of sight from Automatons. It can destroy the Bot Fabricator or Terminid Bug Hole if a smoke bomb lands directly. You can deploy the smoke near these structures to obscure enemy vision, allowing you to destroy them with less risk.

The traits of Eagle Smoke Airstrike are:

  • Eagle
  • Explosive

FAQs about Eagle Stratagem in Helldivers 2

What are Eagle Stratagems in Helldivers 2?

Eagle Stratagems in Helldivers 2 provide air support options that provide significant offensive capabilities during missions. Eagle Stratagem has a limited number of uses before requiring a rearm. This is a reliable airstrike that delivers a concentrated bombing run, effective against both enemy hordes and heavy enemies.

How do I deploy an Eagle Stratagem?

To deploy an Eagle Stratagem in Helldivers, open the Stratagem menu by holding down the “Left Control” key on the PC or the corresponding button on the console. Choose the desired Eagle Stratagem from the list. Now place the beacon on the ground where you want the attack. It will trigger the Eagle to launch the chosen attack.

What is the best Eagle Stratagem?

Eagle 500KG Bombs, Eagle Cluster Strike, and Eagle Airstrike are the best Eagle Stratagems in Helldivers 2 due to their unique benefits. They can deal much damage and can dominate enemies with their single usage. They are suitable for taking out larger and more heavily armed enemies.

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