7 Hilarious Chained Together Steam Reviews That Perfectly Sum It Up

Love Chained Together or plan on buying it? Look at these 7 hilarious Steam reviews to make up your mind or just enjoy them!

Chained Together co-op gameplay
Chained Together’s co-op gameplay (Source: Anegar)

Chained Together is that viral co-op game that you must have spotted everywhere on social media if your feed is filled with video games like me. Two-to-four people can experience the game together. As you can probably tell, you are all “chained together”, traversing through diverse and tough challenges.

Your main objective is to leave the depths of hell. This can be done solo but the real fun of this game is in playing with your partner, friends, or family. The game has overwhelmingly positive views on Steam right now. This gave way to some hilarious responses from Steam users who have already played it.

Chained Together: The Friendship Destroyer

There were many hilarious reviews on this game’s Steam page. However, we picked the 7 that really tickled us. Kindly note that we are not making fun of any users here, or their experience. But we admire their light-hearted take on Chained Together, considering it’s “just a game”.

Chained Together Review 1
ChronischerFotzenlecker007’s review (Source: Steam)

ChronischerFotzenlecker007 had some interesting experiences while playing through this game:

“Have a problem trusting people now. 10/10.”

A game that requires constant and effective communication between players will often do this to you if you fail at your tasks. This person must have played it with somebody significant in their lives and did not want to discuss things further. The hilarious part about it is that the user will have issues trusting people now but still rates the game 10/10.

Chained Together Review 2
Cobo’s review (Source: Steam)

The user Cobo had a strong realization while playing the game as they wrote:

“Playing this made me realize my friends share not only chains but a lack of brain cells as well.”

The game surely does put friends together as they share chains between characters. However, sharing brain cells in real life is really where all the fun is. It also presents a challenge because if nobody is thinking different, then it’s harder to brainstorm and come up with better ideas.

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Chained Together Review 3
lexmori’s review (Source: Steam)

Iexmori appears to be lost in deep thought as they wrote:

“It’s not about the destination. It’s about the friends we lost along the way. 10/10.”

This has to be the most poetic way of describing Chained Together if I have ever seen one. The game can definitely ‘cost you friendships’ but maybe that’s what it’s trying to teach us. The game’s ending helps us be grateful for the friends who helped us reach that goal even if they were no longer there to play it by our side, because of all the arguments.

Chained Together Review 4
h8koN’s review (Source: Steam)

The user h8koN has a warning for all those who are planning on buying this game:

“Don’t be fooled by the cheap price of the game. The real price is the cost of friendships, family ties and a girlfriend that gives you the silent treatment.”

The game is cheaper than many other co-op experiences on Steam. This is because the real cost here is your relationships. Don’t worry. It’s just a joke. Or maybe it’s not. You have to check it out yourself. h8koN didn’t give us a way to avoid this cost, probably because it’s inevitable.

Chained Together Review 5
HOLY SMOKES ITS SNEAKY’s review (Source: Steam)

The user HOLY SMOKES ITS SNEAKY almost went to the bank for the inconvenience:

“Played for 45 minutes and wanted to take a bank loan just to fly to my partner’s country then kick him in the b***s.”

Partners who are powering through a long-distance relationship often play video games together to strengthen or maintain their bond. This also helps the two of them have shared fun experiences. But it looks like the Steam user here suffered through the opposite effect.

Chained Together Review 6
willywattersons’s review (Source: Steam)

This review from willywattersons comes in the form of a short story:

“*me count 3 2 1
*me jump
*friend not jump
*me fall
*friend fall
*me sad”

There’s no better way to sum up a game like Chained Together than this review. Players who play in co-op often count to ensure that they jump together. But it turns out willywattersons’s idea failed horribly.

Chained Together Review 7
Yuღi’s review (Source: Steam)

Lastly, the user Yuღi has some personal life tale to share:

“Played this game in a call with my girlfriend… Now I don’t have a girlfriend.”

We feel bad for Yuღi but also couldn’t help but join the 125 Steam users who found this review “funny”. The truth is right in front of you now. You can either choose to follow this Steam user’s advice and avoid playing Chained Together with your partner or play through it anyway to test your love.

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