How To Beat Anuran Suppressor in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Want to fight a faulty yellow mecha? In this guide, we will cover how you can easily defeat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Anuran Suppressor.

How To Beat Anuran Suppressor in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
How To Beat Anuran Suppressor (Image via Square Enix)

After the one-on-one boss fights with Dyne, players might think that the final boss fight in chapter 8 is done. However, that’s not the case at all. Shinra will drop a yellow mech on your head soon enough. Controlled by director Palmer, The Anuran Suppressor is not that difficult of a boss. But with its erratic movements and attacks, the boss fight might feel a bit unpredictable at times for you.

Still, we assure you that beating director Palmer in this mech is possible, and despite what his antics might make you feel, the fight only has two phases. After that, it will become a chase sequence, but the boss itself won’t be a part of it, so we won’t spoil it for you. In this guide, we will primarily go over how you can beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Anuran Suppressor.

Anuran Suppressor’s Assessment

Anuran Suppressor assess
All the information you need (Image via Square Enix)

The boss will have different HP on normal and hard mode:


The first thing that you may have noticed in the boss assessment is that the Anuran Suppressor is weak to lightning, and by extension, so is director Palmer. So we will use lightning-based attacks as much as we can in this fight. Other than that, we can see that it is immune to poison.

Since it does not have any other weaknesses, the fight is going to be simple. Avoid its attacks and use lightning spells to build pressure till the boss staggers. Of course, there is more to it; we will go into the details of the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Anuran Suppressor boss fight below.

How To Defeat the Anuran Suppressor: Phase 1

Anuran Suppressor Phase 1
Palmer is a surprise for sure (Image via Square Enix)

In phase 1, we won’t get a lot of opportunities to put pressure on the boss. We can only do so when Palmer does his neener, neener move and taunts us. The lack of opportunity to attack can feel frustrating at times, but you will have to find small openings to attack him throughout the first phase.

The first thing you need to know is that if you use synergy abilities or other hard-hitting abilities on the Anuran Suppressor, it will flip over. This is the perfect time for you to attack and put pressure on the boss, as he is helpless in this state, and your attacks will do a lot of damage.

Other than that, be ready to put your offensive skills to work the moment Palmer exposes himself from the mech to taunt the party; this is also a good opportunity to put pressure on him. Palmer will, however, try to fight back. He will charge forward, knocking over everyone in his path; this is the Steamroll attack.

He will also jump around in a small radius like a frog; don’t stand close to him when he does that because this is the appropriately named Leapfrog attack. The next attack you need to look out for is the AoE attack, Amphibian Laser. Dodging it is not difficult, so you should not have a hard time with it.

Additionally, be ready for Electroshock, which is another AoE attack but has a short charge time, and the melee attack Snapkick. The last attack of Phase 1 is the Time Bomb Scatter. It is exactly the way it sounds. Palmer will throw out bombs through the arena, which will explode.

Now for our attack strategy, build pressure using the two methods we discussed earlier. When the boss is staggered, use all of your powerful abilities and limit breaks to deplete the boss’s health quickly. When the Anuran Suppressor reaches fifty percent of its health, phase 2 will begin.

Phase 2

Anuran Suppressor Phase 2
Out of Control (Image via Square Enix)

A cutscene will occur at the beginning of phase 2. Palmer will get more aggressive in this phase. However, he will quickly lose control of the yellow mech. The left and right legs of the Anuran Suppressor will become available to target. This means you have a new way of putting pressure on the boss, well, two new ways to be more precise.

Use lightning attacks as much as you can on the two legs. Its weakness to lightning means these attacks will build the stagger meter quickly. The moveset, or the attack pattern, of the boss does not change much in this round. However, it adds a new stun move to its arsenal named Stun Ray. You can avoid it with minimal complications; you can roll to either side or behind the boss to dodge. 

He will have a new melee attack as well. It is a jump attack named Crush, and it is similar to Leapfrog. When the Anuran Suppressor reaches below forty percent of its health, he will use his last new attack, the Eradication Ray. The boss will fire a huge laser beam at you that does quite a bit of damage. Don’t try to avoid it early because he will track your movements before firing, so you will have to dodge at the last minute. After this, repeat the process. Don’t shy away from using all of your strongest attacks when the boss gets staggered, and it won’t take long before his HP hits zero.


That is all you need to know for fighting the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Anuran Suppressor. Director Palmer might be an entertaining villain, but he is far from being a difficult boss, and you can beat him easily. We trust in your reflexes and skills and hope that you found this article helpful. Feel free to look at our other boss guides on the website if you want help with some other boss.

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