Take a quick walk through this guide to outplay Bjorn and Bastigor in Palworld and defeat them to claim your reward.

Bjorn and Bastigor are bosses that you will face in Palworld Feybreak as part of the latest update. The two are the newly added Tower Bosses. Unfortunately, not everybody can face them right away.
The update v0.4.11 also increased the maximum player level to 60. Both Bjorn and his big pal utilize this new mechanic to its fullest. This team is a Level 60 boss. So, we first recommend that you grind up to their level before challenging them for a fight. The same goes for all the Pals you have, especially the ones that you want to take with you for the fight.
If you are already where you want to be, let’s jump right in and learn what it takes to defeat them.
Prepare for the Big Fight Against Bjorn and Bastigor

Pals To Bring Along
Bastigor is an Ice-type Pal. This means that it will be weak against Fire damage. So, you must pick Pals that can inflict a good amount of Fire damage. We recommend that you keep Jormuntide Ignis, Blazamut, and Incineram ready and leveled up for this battle.
Jormuntide Ignis is neutral against Ice. He can also be mounted to boost Fire damage. This type of mounted boost is also a trait that Blazamut possesses. Incineram and Blazamut both can learn the Fire Ball skill to deal 150 Fire damage.
Gear To Pick
You may not have access to all of them, but we suggest bringing only high-level Technology weapons. This is because Bjorn and Bastigor are Level 60 bosses.
Players can take the Plasma Cannon, which deals the highest damage in the game. As for the shield, you should aim for the Advanced Shield. Anything besides the Lightweight Hexolite Armor will probably disappoint you during the fight. The Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor can also work along with the Hexolite Helmet.
The last two are unlocked at Levels 59 and 58, respectively. The first three unlock only at Level 60. So, it is best not to cut slack when it comes to your gear.
Defeat Bjorn and Bastigor

The two enemies in question have a variety of attacks that they will throw at you. You must know how to defend yourself against them and also counter these moves to ensure that the battle is fruitful in the end.
There are many ranged attacks that you can see coming. So, the best bet in this case will be to kite Bastigor around the pillars. You will then be able to block his incoming attacks.
Another tip we can give to dodge these attacks is to scope in with your gun while dodging. This is a useful combat tip even outside this boss battle. But since Bastigor lets out several AoE attacks, it becomes essential that you take a farther leap while dodging.
Lastly, let your Pal hold aggro in the fight. A Pal as strong as Jormuntide Ignis won’t have much trouble against Bastigor, especially because he is neutral to Ice damage. So, stand away from your Pal and let it do its work while you focus on damaging Bjorn instead. This divide-and-conquer strategy will work wonders for you in this fight.
Once you have defeated them, reap your rewards. You will get 5 Ancient Technology Points and a Fast Travel Point. There is also Character EXP and Pal EXP depending on your world settings.
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