You will fight a horrific mutant in chapter 11. In this guide, we will look at how you can defeat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Diabolic Variant.

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 11, you will find yourself in familiar territory. The story will take players back to Nibelheim; however, players will see that it has been rebuilt after the events that occurred in the past. In the mission, Cait Sith will have to access a Shinra terminal, but something will go wrong. Then Cloud, Tifa, and Yuffie will go into the reactor to find a character named Murasaki. However, the story will take another turn, and our heroes will be confronted by a horrifying mutated monstrosity named the Diabolic Variant.
Diabolic Variant’s Assessment

Once you use the Assess spell against the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Diabolic Variant, you will instantly notice that it is weak to ice and immune to poison. That is good for us because now we know an effective way to pressure him quickly. So we will plan our attacks by keeping ice at the core of it. Other than ice, you can target and destroy its right arm to build the stagger meter. But it will also retaliate. It has numerous attacks, and the fight has two phases. Now, we are going to take a look at the fight in detail.
How To Beat the Diabolical Variant
Phase 1

Now that we have established that the monster is weak to ice, we will exploit this weakness as much as we can. We recommend equipping Blizzard before this fight because it will make your time against the Diabolic Variant a lot easier. Additionally, you can also use Yuffie’s ice ninjutsu to damage the boss from a distance. Now take a look at some of its offensive moves. The first attack it will do is the Tentacle Slam. The Diabolic Variant will slam its right tentacle vertically onto your position.
Dodging early won’t work because the boss will track your movement before the attack takes place, so you will have to roll out of the way at the last second. Other than that, it can also attack everyone in front of it by sticking its right arm forward and shooting tentacles out of it. If you stay close to it for too long, it will use an AoE attack and release an explosion of purple gas that will poison you and knock you back.
Also, the boss will use Ensnare. It will shoot its tentacles outward to grab and trap its target. If a party member gets trapped, switch to a different character and attack the right arm. The next attack is Enshadow. Similar to Toxic Mire, it is a strong AoE attack that will release poison gas to cover the arena. The Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Diabolic Variant can also disappear and reappear above you before slamming down. The last attack is Firaga, which is a familiar attack you will need to dodge.
Phase 2

The Diabolic Variant does not have a proper Phase 2. You can consider it to be Phase 2 when the boss clones itself and appears in two places at the same time. Because of this development, we will have to adjust our strategy a bit. When the boss duplicates itself, you should either focus on the one with more pressure on it or the one that has less health on its arm. The core of our attack strategy will stay the same. We will dodge its various AoE attacks and target the right arm with ice attacks to increase the stagger meter. Take your time and target one clone at a time.
Now that we know most of the attacks it will use, let’s take a look at what we can do. It is fairly simple. As you may have noticed, it uses its right tentacle for most of its attacks. So we will use ice attacks to damage the right arm. Once it is destroyed, that will stop the Diabolic Variant from using the tentacle attacks, and it will also build pressure on it, leading to stagger. When it is staggered, do everything possible to damage it before it recovers.
However, keep in mind that even without the tentacle attacks, the boss still has other AoE and offensive moves. You will have to avoid them while you fight. Repeat this process until both of the clones are defeated.
So our guide ends here. We have discussed everything you need to know going into this fight, and every method and strategy to defeat it. The Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Diabolic Variant is not one of the most difficult bosses in the game, but the fight still can be tricky at times, especially with its ability to clone itself. However, we hope this article can help you with defeating the boss, and if you are interested, take a look at the other boss guides we have on the website.
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