How to Beat Gigatrice in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The Gigatrice is a boss you face during Chapter 7 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Here is everything you need to beat this foe.

Yuffie's Doppelganger is good against the Gigatrice (Image via Square Enix)
Yuffie’s Doppelganger is good against the Gigatrice (Image via Square Enix)

During Chapter 7 of the Main Story, you will find yourself in Mt. Corel. Here, your party will be split up into two. During this chapter, Cloud and company (Aerith and Red XIII) will have to face the Custom Valkyrie, while Yuffie, Tifa, and Barret have to face the Gigatrice. Both are formidable bosses with their own mechanics, so be sure that you’re prepared for this party split.

The Gigatrice is attacking some chocobo babies (which it loves to do so, according to the intel), so naturally the party intervenes to stop it. This will start the boss fight against this mutated avian.

Gigatrice Stats in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Gigatrice's Intel in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Image via YouTube/@jigsaw2.06)
Gigatrice’s Intel (Image via YouTube/@jigsaw2.06)

The Gigatrice is a formidable foe if you don’t know what you’re doing. Using the Assess Materia, you can gain a lot of information on this flying beast.


As you can see, its HP varies a LOT depending on the difficulty you’re playing at. Its main weaknesses are Fire and Poison. Using this element and status should help you significantly in whittling down its HP.

However, it also has a bunch of Immunities and Resistances to make up for this weakness. It has a Lesser Resistance to Stop and Sleep. Moreover, it also has Immunities to Proportional Damage, Wind, Berserk, Slow, Silence, Petrify, Stone, and Morphable Items. Be sure to not waste any MP on any Wind skills or apply these Status ailments.

How to Defeat Gigatrice in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Using its own cyclones against Gigatrice is an effective strategy (Image via YouTube/@LordFentonGaming)
Using its own cyclones against it is an effective strategy (Image via YouTube/@LordFentonGaming)

The first hint you gain to defeating Gigatrice is from the intel you receive on using Assess. This combat intel shows that if you inflict damage on the winged monster while it is in the air, it will get pressured and descend to the ground.

Since you are using Yuffie and Barret in this battle, ranged damage is easy to accumulate on the Gigatrice. Tifa’s movements have also been improved in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, over the previous game, which allows for better aerial mobility.

Additionally, the intel also suggests that the cyclones created by the Gigatrice can be infused by elements by attacking them. If the Gigatrice is hit by this element-infused cyclone, it will get pressured as well. However, this can only be used in Phase 2 of the boss fight, as it does not create cyclones during the first phase of the battle.

Skills to Use

Phoenix is a good summon to use against Gigatrice (Image via YouTube/@LordFentonGaming)
Phoenix is a good summon to use against Gigatrice (Image via YouTube/@LordFentonGaming)

When you have dropped the Gigatrice by about a third of its HP, it will enter Phase 2. Here, it gains the ability to ‘Conjure Cyclones’ which summons cyclones on the field. This does do damage if it hits you naturally, however, you can position yourself well and use spells on the cyclones to imbue them with certain elements (preferably fire).

If the Gigatrice is hit by its own cyclone while trying to attack you, it will get pressured. The best way to accomplish this would be to use Yuffie and position the cyclone between the Gigatrice and Yuffie and use Fire Ninjutsu.

While the boss is pressured, use Tifa’s Focused Strike and Barret’s Focused Shot to increase its stagger meter significantly. After being staggered, you can use Tifa’s Unbridled Strength and Omnistrike combo to quickly increase its stagger percentage. You will also have the option to use a Summon in this fight. Your best bet should be something like Phoenix or Ifrit since they use Fire element attacks.

Using a combination of Doppelganger, Fire Ninjutsu, and Firaga will allow you to build up a lot of stagger on the Gigartice easily, on top of charging up for Fiery Banishment. You should also consider using Bioga to apply Poison on it at the start of the battle. This poison damage will rack up over time, especially in a long boss fight.

Moves to Avoid

The Gigatrice will occasionally use the Rough Landing attack where it drops on top of a character after hovering over them briefly. Consider moving away if you see it approach and hover over your selected character.

During Phase 2 it will also use Conjure Cyclones, which you should use to your advantage as mentioned above. Moreover, its strongest attack is without a doubt ‘Dust Devil‘. This attack can stun-lock you for the entirety of this move if you get hit at the start.

To get around this attack, you should start dodging as soon as you see the Dust Devil move text display on the screen. Once the attack starts, and if you’re not stuck in it, run away from its direction.

Other than these special moves, the Gigatrice has general flying enemy attacks, where it charges toward one character on the ground. You should block or dodge these attacks whenever you see them coming.

Congratulations! If you followed everything then you will most likely defeat Gigatrice, and proceed with the story.

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