This hulking behemoth packs quite a punch. Here’s how you can make the Titan fight much easier in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Titan is one of the iconic summons of the Final Fantasy series, who wields rocks to augment his attacks. The mighty Titan is a giant humanoid Summon you have to fight and defeat first to obtain in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This fight can have various difficulties based on your progress in the Divine Intels.
This mighty beast is the first summon you can unlock by fighting through the Combat Simulators. Any summons you get before this will be obtained without fighting the actual summon.
How To Unlock Titan Boss Fight in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

You can fight Titan in the Kalm Grasslands area of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. To unlock his combat simulator fight, you have to reach Chapter 2, where you can talk to Chadley.
Talking to Chadley will unlock the Combat Simulator, along with the Divine Intel for Titan. You can now access the Titan boss fight from this menu.
Titan’s Divine Intel

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth introduces the Divine Intel mechanic for a lot of summons. This mechanic lets you lower the difficulty of the Summons, while also leveling up the corresponding Summoning Materia.
Titan has 3 Divine Sanctuaries located across the second chapter of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Completing the tasks at the Divine Sanctuaries will significantly lower Titan’s difficulty in battle, and upgrade Titan’s Summoning Materia in the process. After completing all 3 Divine Intel, Titan will have unlocked a new ability to use in battle, Boulder Throw.
You should prioritize the Divine Intel before attempting the fight, especially if you’re at a lower level.
Titan’s Stats
Completing all 3 of Titan’s Divine Intel will lower his HP to almost half of what it would have been. This is already a significant advantage you should not miss out on. Moreover, one quick use of Assess will inform you about all of Titan’s weaknesses and resistances.
For this fight, Titan will be weak to Wind, so bring your Wind Materia and Synergy Skills.
He also has several immunities, so be sure not to waste your ATB casting useless moves. Titan is immune to Proportional Damage, Poison, Silence, Slow, Berserk, Petrify, and Morph.
How To Defeat Titan

Titan uses a large number of non-elemental physical attacks. Due to his wind weakness, and close-range attacks, Aerith is a good party member to use in battle against him, as she can set up the Arcane Ward, and keep using Aero along with this to stack up damage and pressure.
This is also the tactic using Assess gives us. Using Assess on Titan tells us to exploit its elemental weakness (wind) and dodge or counter certain attacks to pressure it. For this purpose, Cloud can also become very useful, as his counter while guarding from Punisher Mode can pressure Titan a lot.
Cloud and Red XIII are both solid picks for the Titan fight due to both of them learning the Wind Current attack, which deals Wind damage at no cost to MP. Over the course of a long battle, MP consumption becomes important.
Aerith can also heal the entire party with Pray if they get low, so monitor your health closely.
During the battle, Titan will use the annoying Earthen Aegis, which creates a barrier around Titan to reduce damage. Your immediate focus should be on destroying this new target as soon as possible. Also watch out for Earthen Fury, which damages your entire party, so have a Pray or other healing items and spells ready to heal up beforehand and afterward.
Keep up the pressure with wind skills, block with Cloud, and bombard Titan from afar with Aero, and this colossal foe should crumble to dust soon.
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