How to Complete Hide and Seek with Oliver in Baldur’s Gate 3

Oliver is a tiefling child found in the Shadow-Cursed Lands in Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3. He is infected with the Shadow Curse.

Baldur's Gate 3 Oliver at House with Flowers
The tiefling child entices you into a game of hide and seek (Source: Larian Studios)

Oliver is a tiefling you will encounter in Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3 in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. The tiefling child is infected with the Shadow Curse, but has a playful nature true to his age. Oliver requests you to indulge him in a game of hide-and-seek. Should you choose to humor him, he goes invisible, kicking off the game.

In this guide, we shall go over where you can find Oliver in the Shadow-Cursed Lands and how to play with him.

Where to Find Oliver

You encounter Oliver in Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3. He roams near the House in Deep Shadows in the Ruined Battlefield, located on the east end of the Shadow-Cursed Lands. As you approach the house, you will hear Oliver’s voice. A cutscene follows, and the little tiefling pops up and asks you to play with him. 

Oliver's family (Source: Larian Studios)
Oliver’s family (Source: Larian Studios)

How to Complete Hide and Seek With Oliver

Oliver will urge you to play a game with him. If you agree, he will reveal the game to be hide-and-seek. He will hide, and you will be the seeker. If you refuse, Oliver will get angry and attack you. It would be simpler for you to accept his proposal.

Once Oliver turns invisible, head towards the loaded wagon in front of the house to find him. You must then pass a perception check to spot him. The tiefling will get upset at being caught and then demand another round. If you refuse, Oliver and his family will attack you. 

The second round comes with a catch – you must seek Oliver but also hide from his family. A turn-based mode is triggered in this round, and Oliver’s family spawns in the vicinity. His family includes Mummy, Daddy, and Doggy. 

To complete the round, use the invisibility potion and run back to the house where you first found Oliver. Avoid the red cones and enter the house. Oliver will enter the house at the same time. You will now have the option to pickpocket him and take his ring, but that is not necessary. 

At this time, Mummy will circle back to the house, so use the exit nearby and then use Misty Step to get back inside through the front door. Circle back to Oliver and talk to him to end the game. 

Rewards for Completing Hide and Seek

Oliver will gift you the Ring of Shadows if you win the hide-and-seek game. The ring allows you to cast Pass Without Trace once per Long Rest. If you had pickpocketed him earlier, he will instead gift a silver band worth 18 gold. 

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