How To Complete Shero of Wakanda Achievement in Marvel Rivals

Finding General Okoye’s message in Birnin T’Challa to claim the Shero of Wakanda achievement in Marvel Rivals.

Shero of Wakanda
Warrior Falls region in Birnin T’Challa (Source: NetEase)

The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda has quite a few secrets to it that you can explore to earn an easy achievement in Marvel Rivals. If you looked at the Chronoverse Saga collection of challenges in the Achievements tab in your Career Overview, you will notice an achievement called the Shero of Wakanda.

This one is related to General Okoye and the message that she left behind for the hero roster to listen to. There are many messages spread across the different maps which are equally difficult to find. But for now, let’s focus on finding a way to complete this achievement.

Where Exactly Did Okoye Leave Her Message?

Shero of Wakanda
Warrior Falls objective point (Source: NetEase)

Birnin T’Challa is a Domination map. Like the other Domination maps in the game, there are 3 regions for Birnin T’Challa. If you were lucky enough to get Warrior Falls, which is not that rare of a pick in this map’s playlist, you must be in the right spawn. This latter part is where the real luck is involved because you may not spawn in the right location.

There is a way to know, though. If you and your teammates spawn in a room with a large statue in the middle, you are at the right spot. All you have to do is head to the back of this statue. Here you will find Okoye’s Midnight Angel armor.

Get close to it and interact with the armor. All you have to do for the next few seconds is listen to General Okoye’s message. We won’t spoil the dialogues for you but it’s interesting if you are invested in the game’s lore.

Just to be safe, I listened to the message quite a few times. Do the same to ensure that the Shero of Wakanda achievement doesn’t slip away from your hands. Once you are satisfied, support your team to capture the objective point.

After the match, head to the Career Overview and the Achievements tab to claim this achievement. As we mentioned, it will be located in the Chronoverse Saga section.

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