How To Craft Pal Spheres in Palworld? Types and Effects

There are many types of Pal Spheres in Palworld. Learn how to craft them with thier unique types and effects.

new raid boss palworld.
Pal Sphere are essential items in Palworld (Source: Pocket Pair)

Want to catch a Pal for yourself in Palworld? Pal Spheres are here to help you do that. You will find plenty of amazing-looking Pals across the Palpagos Islands. The feature of a Pal Sphere lets you capture your favorite Pals and take them on your odyssey.

Every creature is different here and you would want to know thoroughly about your spheres. We will help you learn everything you need to know about these items and how to craft them to catch as many rare Pals as you can.

There are six types of Pal Spheres that you will need in Palpagos:

  • Basic
  • Mega
  • Giga
  • Hyper
  • Ultra
  • Legendary

Each one of them requires a workbench and certain materials to craft. Keep in mind that the ability to craft any of these unlocks at a certain level. While some levels are readily available, others will unlock later on as you progress and level up.

Let’s dive into the Pal Spheres and how to craft them.

Creating Spheres for Your Pals

The new weapons and armor shown in the trailer (Source: Pocket Pair)
Each type of sphere is unique in every way (Source: Pocket Pair)

Basic Pal Sphere

This one unlocks at Level 2 and can be crafted using a Primitive Workbench. You will need Paldium Fragments (1), Wood (3), and Stone (3). As the name suggests, this Spheres has a very basic use: to catch common Pals. These are all you get during the early game.

Mega Pal Sphere

It’s a huge jump from the last version and is unlocked at Level 14. You can use the Sphere Factory 1 to craft them. Materials like Paldium Fragment (1), Ingot (1), Wood (5), and Stone (5) are needed. You can catch creatures that may have seemed difficult to get hold of at first. Moreover, these Mega Spheres can replace your Basic ones because of their higher catch rate.

Giga Pal Sphere

Soon after Mega, the Giga Sphere will unlock at Level 20. You can visit the Sphere Factory 2 to craft one of these. Don’t forget to bring with you Paldium Fragment (2), Ingot (2), Wood (7), and Stone (7). They are mainly useful for the creatures that you encounter during mid-game.

Hyper Pal Sphere

Once you reach Level 27, you can visit either Sphere Factory 2 or Sphere Factory 3 to craft a Hyper Sphere. These require Paldium Fragments (3), Ingots (3), Wood (10), and Cement (2). You can now venture out into more dangerous and difficult areas with these Spheres in your inventory. They are designed for rare Pals and have a higher catch rate.

Ultra Pal Sphere

When you hit Level 35 in the game, Ultra Sphere will unlock. They can now use Sphere Factory 2 and 3 or Sphere Assembly Line 2 to craft it using Paldium Fragments (7), Refined Ingot (8), Carbon Fiber (3), Cement (3). As one would expect, these Spheres are for when you have entered the late-game and have much higher catch rate. If you wish to capture very rare creatures, these can be your best friends.

Legendary Pal Sphere

You will unlock the last sphere at Level 47. They can use Sphere Factory 3 or Sphere Assembly Line 2 to craft them. The materials required are Paldium Fragments (10), Pal Metal Ingot (5), Carbon Fiber (3), and Cement (5). As of now, this is the highest tier among all the catching Spheres. You can catch even the most powerful Pals using a Legendary Sphere. Until a new type is added, these are the ones that every Palworld player should aim to achieve one day.

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