How To Defeat Bloodsucker in STALKER 2?

Bloodsucker is an invisible mutant in STALKER 2, which can be defeated effortlessly using some strategies. 

Stalker 2 Difficulties Explained
A Bloodsucker becomes visible for a few seconds when it attacks you (Image Via: GSC Game World)

STALKER 2 is the latest edition to the award-winning GSC Game World’s game franchise STALKER. The post-apocalyptic survival RPG focuses on a stalker named Skif and his journey across the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone. The highly radioactive Zone is a place for many dangerous mutants and anomalies, formed due to the 2006 disaster. 

One such deadly mutant is the Bloodsucker. It is one of the most difficult enemies you encounter in STALKER 2. What makes a Bloodsucker a formidable creature is its invisibility. If you are having trouble with Bloodsucker in STALKER 2, follow this guide to know the attack patterns and effective strategies against the mutant. 

Related: STALKER 2 Nightingale’s Hunt Walkthrough

Bloodsucker Mutant Attack Patterns in STALKER 2

Bloodsucker is a humanoid creature found in swamps, underground laboratories, and basements. These fast-aggressive invisible mutants are known for the distinct tentacles in their mouth.

They attack at a super-fast rate and will turn invisible when facing threats. Their attack pattern follows a hit-and-run tactic, where they rush toward you and run back after hitting. Notably, they will be visible for these few seconds. 

Making a scream to slow and disorient the opponent, and creating poison clouds on the ground are some of the other notable attacks to watch out for. 

Strategies Against Bloodsucker Mutant in STALKER 2

6 Things To Do First in Stalker 2
The Zone is a place for deadly mutants (Image Via: GSC Game World)

There are several strategies you can follow to effectively counter the Bloodsucker. 

  • If you have encountered a Bloodsucker in an indoor area, the best thing you can do is go to a corner and set your angle facing the room. This allows you to observe the whole room and minimizes the spots of unexpected attacks. You can now observe and track the invisible shimmer and footsteps of the Bloodsucker moving around the room. 
  • On the other hand in case of encountering the Bloodsucker in an outdoor area, putting the Bloodsucker in your viewpoint should be your priority. Don’t let it get back to you. Moving backward and tracking the trails of the Bloodsucker works well in this case, as it gives you a clue about which direction the mutant is heading. This way you can expect the incoming attack from that direction. You can also try to trick the mutant by rushing through the mutant and turning 180 degrees when it is approaching you. This creates an advantage for you, as now you will get a clear shot by getting behind the mutant.

Frequent misfires can put you at a disadvantage, so aim carefully and shoot the mutant only when you have a clear shot to avoid wasting ammo. The brief window during its attack is the perfect time to retaliate (Since it will be visible).

Using a Shotgun proves to be useful, as it deals massive damage at close range, but you can also get the job done with any weapon. The hit-and-run gap is the perfect opportunity to reload your weapon or heal yourself. 

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