This guide will explain how to defeat the Mighty Silverfist in Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) as well as where to find him and attack patterns.

Doryani in Path of Exile is one of the main bosses that you’ll encounter throughout the main story. This boss has multiple phases and changes its attack patterns depending on the current phase. You will have to adapt to his changing attack move sets if you want to defeat him.
As the final boss you’ll meet in Act 3 of Path of Exile, Doryani takes a bit of time to defeat. However, he is not entirely difficult to take down. You will have to make quick decisions on whether you would stick close to his front or at the back to avoid his attacks.
This guide will explain how to defeat the Doryani in Path of Exile 2. We’ll also be diving deep into his different attack patterns and how you can deal with his different phases.
All You Need To Know on How To Beat Doryani in Path of Exile 2

Doryani in Path of Exile 2 has two phases. The first phase is where he would attack you with spells and floor traps. You can usually tank these attacks as they don’t deal much damage.
The second phase is where it gets challenging. The boss now controls a giant spider mech that shoots lasers. You need to keep an eye out for his attacks as they can be a bit hard to evade due to their large AoE range.
Before you try and defeat Doryani, make sure you stack up on Chaos, Lightning, and Fire resistance. Additionally, having some extra movement speed can be beneficial, as most of the boss’s attacks cover a large range.
Where To Find
Progressing further into the main story quest, you will meet Doryani at the Testing Pit in the Black Chamers zone during Act 3. He is keeping Alva captive in this location where he also keeps his war machines.
How To Defeat
Phase 1
For the first phase of the fight against Doryani in Path of Exile 2, the boss will cast basic attacks like lightning bolts, flamethrowers, and laser blasts on you. They don’t deal much damage if you have a decent amount of resistance but can still be annoying to deal with if you let them hit you all the time.

What you need to be wary of is the cone of lasers that he fires that deal a ton of damage. It is best to evade this attack even if you have high damage resistance. Another attack you need to keep an eye out for is the wheel of laser at the center of the arena. If this shows up and starts spinning, make sure to back away and capitalize on the space given to avoid the lasers.

Doryani will also place glowing pylons on the floor. You can avoid these traps, but it is recommended to trigger them so you won’t be overwhelmed with a lot of pylon traps while fighting the boss and dealing with the laser wheel. This is similar to the explosive fungus during the Queen of Filth boss fight.
Some of the annoying attacks he will make are electrical surges and fire orbs that can cover half of the map. Be careful not to get too close to them to avoid receiving too much damage before the second phase starts. You also need to watch out once he stops moving and starts channeling an explosive attack that can be devastating.

Once you get the boss to around 50% HP, the fight will proceed to phase two, where he will now ride a giant mechanical spider.
Phase 2
The second phase of the Doryani boss fight in Path of Exile 2 will have you fighting a giant mech that can shoot lasers and slam the ground to deal large AoE damage. It can be intimidating at first but there is a trick to lessen the burden when fighting this boss.
Simply reposition yourself behind the spider mech to avoid most of its attacks. While you’re at it, continue attacking him from behind. Don’t stick too close and avoid being hit with AoE attacks. However, keep in mind that this tactic does not work all the time. There are attacks that you need to dodge.

If the spider mech points its right arm on the ground and uses a small AoE fire or lightning attack, you need to run out of the circle before the channeling completes and the circle explodes. Another attack he will make is to rain down lightning or laser bolts that you need to dodge until it’s over.
The spider mech can also fire a laser cone and spin around. This works similarly to the rotating laser ring from Phase 1. You need to keep running until it stops to avoid being hit by the laser. If it starts channeling a huge blue circle, run to the walls of the arena and outside the circle to avoid a large AoE lightning attack.

Another attack that you should be aware of is when the spider mech starts floating and follows you around. Stay away from its range by dodge rolling outside of the AoE circle.
Once you defeat Doryani in Path of Exile, he drops randomized loot. Due to being one of the main bosses in the story quest, defeating this boss guarantees at least one rare item.
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