Become the destroyer of tanks in Sniper Elite Resistance by learning how to put them down through this quick guide.

Unironically, one of the bigger challenges in Sniper Elite Resistance comes in the form of tanks. These big vehicles were made to obliterate objects much bigger than themselves on a battlefield. So, naturally, Harry Hawker wouldn’t stand a chance against them when fighting against them face-to-face. However, he is no ordinary soldier, and there are ways to destroy these things!
Obviously, it’s not the best strategy to go up against a tank right away. So, you would want to do is plan things out a bit and take it slow. Being patient is the way to go. We say this because there are two strategies to complete this objective and both require you to lay low for a while.
Obliterating a Tank in Sniper Elite Resistance
Explosive Sabotaging
If you want to blow things up in Sniper Elite Resistance and you are forced to keep it quiet, we suggest you take this route. This is also the easiest way to put down a tank! You need to be a little careful, though.
Take your Satchel Charge with you and walk to the back of the tank. There are two exhausts there. Place your charge right in the middle of these two exhausts. Now, light the charge and back away to a cover or to a safer distance. The tank’s outer shell will eventually blow up, exposing its engine. You can then wait for the engine to blow up automatically or shoot it to make the job faster. Beware, though; the explosion must have already attracted enemy attention.

Using Your Sniper To Blow Up a Tank
This one sounds impossible, but that word is not in Harry Hawker’s dictionary. This Allied soldier can shoot to destroy a tank in Sniper Elite Resistance. For this, you must have access to Armor-Piercing (AP) rounds. These will enable you to deal additional damage to armored vehicles, and armored enemies. So, shooting a tank with this will partly work in your favor. We say “partly” because you still need to aim at the right spot.
Once again, you must get behind the tank to look at its exhausts. You can also make the process faster by shooting at the circular shape between the two exhausts. Shooting one time will remove the plating and leak some gas from the inside. Shoot there once more to blow up the armor. Lastly, you must eradicate the engine to end it all.
When using a sniper, we suggest that you enable your focus to see the weak points as glowing red. This will tell you where exactly you should aim.
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