Here is how you can disable the Anti-Air Zone in Palworld Feybreak to remove the warning and easily fly using your aerial Pals.

Palworld heavily focuses on exploring and finding new locations to progress through the game. While there is no overarching narrative to weave a story, there are some hidden areas like dungeons that you need to find and explore. If you are a day-one player, you probably have a well-rounded Jetragon that you use to fly around and explore the map. This made unlocking the map extremely easy and saved a lot of time.
With the Feybreak update, you must have encountered the Anti-Air Zone warning while flying around. You can solve this easily by choosing to explore via land Pals. However, you can also disable the Anti-Air Zones in Palworld to fly seamlessly on your Jetragon or Frostallion. In this article, we will explain how you can disable the Anti-Air Zones in Palworld Feybreak Island.
Steps To Disable Anti-Air Zone in Palworld Feybreak
These are the steps to disable the Anti-Air Zone in Palworld Feybreak:
- Locate Anti-Air Missile Base.
- Defeat the Feybreak Warriors.
- Hack the computer at the base.
Here is a detailed explanation of each of the methods:
1) Locate Anti-Air Missile Base

When you attempt to fly while on Feybreak Island, you will often get this warning message – “Entering Anti-Air Zone! Dismount your Pal to avoid being shot down!” This is an indicator that an Anti-Air Base is nearby. These bases are scattered all across Feybreak Island. Here is an easy but risky way to accurately locate these bases:
- Fly on an aerial Pal, and wait for the warning notification to pop up, along with a sound cue.
- When you hear the sound cue, look for a small red arrow on your screen. This arrow will point to the direction that the missiles will come from.
- You must quickly dismount your Pal and pull it back to the Pal Sphere, or a missile might knock it out.
The method is risky since a single hit from the missiles can knock your Pals out. However, this is the easiest method to locate one of these Anti-Air Zone Missile bases.
2) Defeat the Feybreak Warriors

Each Anti-Air Base will be guarded by several Feybreak Warriors. These are human NPC characters who can be anywhere from level 52 to level 60, and they pack serious firepower. You must clear the base by defeating each of these NPCs.
Usually, each base always has one or two Feybreak Warriors with a missile launcher, which can deal serious damage to you and your Pals. Prioritize defeating these NPCs before the others. Usually, there are 4-5 Warriors in each base. You must defeat all the warriors and then proceed to the next step to disable the Anti-Air Zone message in Palworld.
Note: It is not compulsory to defeat all the enemies to hack the computer at the next stage. However, they will shoot you while you hack and can interrupt the process. As such, defeating them before hacking is advised.
3) Hack The Computer at The Base

You might have noticed a computer terminal attached to the central pillar of the Anti-Air Missile base. This computer controls the missiles, and you can hack it after clearing the base. Simply interact with this terminal and you will get the option to hack.
Doing this will create a small explosion causing the missiles to explode. This is most likely a self-destruct procedure. Once you see the missiles vanish, you can safely fly around in this area with your Pals, essentially eliminating the Anti-Air Zone warning message.
Currently, it is unknown if Feybreak Island has a specific number of these Anti-Air Missile bases. As of writing, we have encountered 4 of these structures, and they do not seem to respawn. Furthermore, it is also not known if these bases appear at fixed locations, or if they are random spawns. We will update this section with more details later on.
As a bonus, each of these bases also has a Pal locked inside a cage behind the missile tower. You can interact with this cage and free the Pal to get it yourself. This will also give you much EXP to level up your character and the Pals in your team.
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