How to Emote in Helldivers 2

Learn how to express yourself with emotes in Helldivers 2, whether you’re celebrating a victory over Terminids or Automatons or just relaxing with your buddies.

How to Emote in Helldivers 2
Learn how to emote in Helldivers 2 (Image via: Arrowhead Game Studios)

Emotes have become a common feature in multiplayer titles, allowing players to express themselves in different ways. Performing emotes enhances communication, adding both style and humor to interactions. Helldivers 2 is no exception, as Arrowhead Game Studios enables players to showcase their expressions using emotes—but with a slight twist.

Emotes can be very useful, whether you are appreciating your team after a massive battle or simply relaxing with your teammates with a hug. However, Helldivers 2 doesn’t explicitly explain how to perform emotes, which is what we’ll cover in this guide. 

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How To Perform Emotes in Helldivers 2

In Helldivers 2, emotes function slightly differently from other games. Since the cooperative multiplayer shooter doesn’t allow you to change emotes mid-mission, you must equip them beforehand—either on your ship or your ally’s ship. You can equip emotes by:

  • Interact with the Armory to open the customization menu. 
  • Navigate to the Character section. 
  • Then, scroll down to the Emote option, which is located between Voice Pack and Victory Pose. 
  • This brings up your available and unlocked emotes. 
  • Select your desired emote and equip it. 

Once equipped, you can perform the emote by:

  • PS5: Holding the Left button on the D-Pad.
  • PC: Pressing the B key.

You can also visit the Options menu to check your controller layout or keybindings. 

Equip emote at the Armory
Equip emote at the Armory (Image via: Arrowhead Game Studios | YourSixGaming@YouTube)

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How To Get More Emotes in Helldivers 2?

While the Casual Salute emote is acquired by default, additional emotes can be acquired through the Acquisition Center. Completing missions, operations, and Personal Order daily missions rewards you with Medals, which can be used to purchase emotes and other items. You can purchase additional emotes in the Warbond Progression at the Acquisition Center.

EmoteWarbond PageMedal Cost
Casual SaluteDefault Emote
Explosive HandshakePage 38 Medals
HugPage 420 Medals
High FivePage 520 Medals
Scout HandshakePage 735 Medals
Rock Paper ScissorsPage 850 Medals

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