How To Get Ace of Spades in Destiny 2 and Is It Any Good?

Check out a detailed guide on how you can acquire the powerful Ace of Spades Exotic hand cannon in Destiny 2.

How to get Ace of Spades in Destiny 2 and is it any good?
The Ace of Spades Exotic Hand Cannon (Source: Bungie)

It is no secret that Destiny 2 features a vast array of unique and powerful weapons that players can use during both PvE and PvP activities. Among these weapons, the Ace of Spades has established itself as a fan-favorite exotic hand cannon. The weapon was first introduced in the Forsaken expansion, and while the campaign is no longer available, the weapon has stayed in the game.

In this article, we will break down the steps you need to follow to get the Ace of Spades in Destiny 2 and whether the weapon is worth putting an effort into.

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How To Obtain Ace of Spades in Destiny 2

How to get Ace of Spades in Destiny 2 and is it any good?
You can get the Ace of Spades at the Monument to Lost Lights. (Source: Bungie)

To get your hands on the Ace of Spades Exotic, you need to head to the Monument to Lost Lights in the Tower to buy it. However, before you can do this, you need to make sure you have the appropriate materials. You’ll need the following materials:

  • 1 Exotic Cipher
  • 125,000 Glimmer
  • 1 Ascendant Shard
  • 200 Etheric Spiral

Here’s how you can get the individual materials required for the Ace of Spades hand cannon:

  • Obtain an Exotic Cipher: You can earn Exotic Ciphers by completing Xur’s weekly quests or by obtaining them from the season pass.

  • Earn Glimmer: You can get Glimmer through various activities like strikes, Crucible matches, or trading with Spider on the Tangled Shore.

  • Acquire an Ascendant Shard: You can get an Ascendant Shard by purchasing one from Banshee-44 or earning it through high-level Nightfalls.

  • Collect Etheric Spiral: To get Etheric Spiral, you can equip a Ghost mod that detects resources. You can then complete Spider’s bounties, find hidden caches, and check Spider’s inventory.

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Is the Ace of Spades Any Good?

The Ace of Spades is highly regarded within the Destiny 2 community, particularly for PvP (Player vs. Player) gameplay. Here are some of the reasons it’s considered a top-tier weapon among Destiny 2 players:

  • Memento Mori: Reloading after a kill loads the magazine with extra-damage bullets and grants radar while aiming down sights.
  • Firefly: Precision kills increase reload speed and cause the target to explode, dealing Solar damage to nearby enemies.
  • High-Caliber Rounds: Slightly increases range.
  • Smooth Grip: Improves handling and stability.

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