This guide will go over how to get Ancient Technology Points in Palworld so you can unlock those cool blueprints.

Surviving in the world of Palworld is no joke and requires you to adapt and evolve as you level up. This means keeping up with the technology and making sure you’re equipped with the latest gadgets and tech. Palworld lets you unlock the various blueprints for these tools and gadgets through the use of Technology Points and Ancient Technology Points. The latter, especially, is very rare, hard to find, and impossible to farm.
If you’re looking to make your life easier and unlock powerful Ancient Technology blueprints, then Ancient Technology Points are a must. In this guide, we shall go over how to get Ancient Technology Points in Palworld so you can unlock those cool blueprints.
How To Get Ancient Technology Points
To get Ancient Technology Points in Palworld, you have to defeat the various Alpha Pal bosses and the Syndicate Tower bosses scattered across the massive map. You can find these bosses simply by exploring. Once you’ve explored enough, the bosses are marked on the map, and you can go ahead and beat them to earn Ancient Technology Points. These bosses will get marked on the map even if you’re yet to discover them. The lowest level boss out of these is Chillet, who you can find at (174,-431).
Take note, however, that you are awarded Ancient Technology Points for only the first time you beat the boss. Subsequent attempts at defeating the boss will churn out no such rewards. As a result, farming Ancient Technology points is not an option in the game.

The Syndicate Tower bosses are your best bet as they drop 5 Ancient Technology Points when defeated. There are five Syndicate Towers in Palword, which you can find at (112, -434), (185,28), (-588, -518), (561, 334), and (-149,445). You can begin your hunt for Ancient Technology Points at (112, -434) by taking on Zoe and Grizzbolt at the Rayne Syndicate Tower Entrance Waypoint.
How To Get Ancient Civilization Parts
Once you have the Ancient Technology blueprints, it is time to get building. You need Ancient Civilization Parts to construct Ancient Technology. You find these parts by taking on the Alpha Pals we mentioned earlier. Defeat or capture them to acquire the parts. You can do the same with dungeon bosses and Lucky Pals to earn the parts. Alternatively, you find the parts inside chests scattered across the world.
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