How to get Ashen Slumber in Black Myth Wukong

Find out how you can get your hands on the Ashen Slumber Transformation Spell in Black Myth: Wukong and see what it has to offer.

How to get Ashen Slumber in Black Myth Wukong
The Ashen Slumber Transformation Spell can be immensely powerful if used right. (Source: GameScience)

Equipping the right Spells can have a great impact on your build in Black Myth: Wukong. Transformation Spells, in particular, are quite helpful as they allow you to shapeshift into other creatures you have encountered on your journey.

Ashen Slumber is one of the more powerful Transformation Spells you can have in Black Myth: Wukong. The Spell features a two-headed Rat Guai that is able to dish out massive damage while also being able to deal fire damage.

With that being said, here’s how you can locate the Ashen Slumber Spell in Black Myth: Wukong.

Where to find Ashen Slumber in Black Myth: Wukong?

How to get Ashen Slumber in Black Myth Wukong
Find the Rat Prince’s body to get the Ashen Slumber Transformation Spell. (Source: GameScience)

In order to acquire the Ashen Slumber Spell, you will have to go to the Upper Pagoda Keeper’s Shrine. Here, just opposite the Shrine, you should be able to find a stone platform with various stone figures. Jump down the series of roofs to get to the stone platform.

As soon as you jump down, you will trigger a boss fight with Captain Lotus-Vision. The boss is not too difficult to overcome. Most of his attacks feature him casting magic while staying in one place. This should give you a lot of openings to chip away at his health.

How to get Ashen Slumber in Black Myth Wukong
Captain Lotus-Vision in the Black Myth: Wukong journal. (Source: GameScience)

Upon defeat, you will earn the Spirit of Captain Lotus-Vision Key Item and the Frostsprout Twig Curio. However, there is another hidden reward. If you go back to the Lower Pagoda Realm Keeper’s Shrine, you will see that the gates locked by the purple seals have been opened.

How to get Ashen Slumber in Black Myth Wukong
You can find the Prisoner NPC next to the Rat Prince’s body. (Source: GameScience)

You will find a prisoner NPC right next to a dead body belonging to the Third Rat Prince in the first cell right next to the one you were held in. You can interact with it to add the Ashen Slumber Transformation Spell to your inventory.

What to do if you can’t see the Third Rat Prince’s body

How to get Ashen Slumber in Black Myth Wukong
Visit this hut in Chapter 2 and exhaust the rat dialogue. (Source: GameScience)

If you are not able to find the dead body, you need to go back to Chapter 2 and visit a hut near the Village Entrance Keeper’s Shrine. Here, you will be able to interact with two rats locked inside the house. Kill the Rat Elite next to the hut and exhaust their dialogue. You can head back to the cell with the prisoner to find the Rat Prince’s body.

How to use the Ashen Slumber Transformation Spell in Black Myth: Wukong

How to get Ashen Slumber in Black Myth Wukong
Explode into a big burst of fire with the Ashen Slumber Transformation Spell. (Source: GameScience)

Ashen Slumber allows you to assume the form of a Rat Guai who wields a butcher knife. You can use the light attacks from the Transformation to dish out rapid hits of damage. For the heavy attack, the Ashen Slumber Transformation Spell can breathe fire onto the enemies.

However, the biggest punch comes from the De-transform of the Ashen Slumber Spell. If you De-transform, the Rat Guai explodes in a big ball of fire, dealing damage to all the enemies in range.

With that, you should now be able to get the Ashen Slumber Transformation Spell in Black Myth: Wukong and cause fiery chaos on your journey.

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