In this article, you will learn how to obtain the brand new Cyte-09 in Warframe 1999 which was added with the latest update.

Warframe introduces Cyte-09 along with the 1999 update. There is plenty of new content for fans to look forward to, but the new Warframe has got everybody locked in. He is indeed a special friend to have on missions across Hollvania, but definitely not easy to get.
You can obtain the blueprint for this Warframe as a mission reward. No extra grind in that. Players must first complete The Hex, the campaign mission introduced with Warframe 1999. It can be lengthy for sure, but fans of the game might enjoy the cinematic experience.
Once you are done, no matter how well you played the mission, the new Warframe blueprint will be delivered to your inbox right away. There will be some more rewards you can look out for in the mail.
Your journey to get Cyte-09 doesn’t end here, though. There is still some work yet to be done.
Ways To Get Cyte-09

One of the most subtle and enjoyable ways (if you like the RPG grind) is accessing the Bounty board. Focus mainly on the level range of a particular bounty mission that can determine the chance of you receiving a Cyte-09 component blueprint:
- Chassis Blueprint (Level 55-60)
- Neuroptics Blueprint (Level 65-70)
- Systems Blueprint (Level 75-80)
The blueprints will still not be easily obtained here. Regardless of the range, the drop chance will continue to be uncommon. All of them will be somewhere between 11-13%.
Another way of obtaining blueprints for this Warframe is by increasing your faction affinity with The Hex so you can buy them from Amir in Hollvania. This is not a bad way and can work for most of the players, but not right away. You would still need to grind to gain The Hex’s affinity.
The final resort to avoid any and all grind is to purchase Cyte-09 the premium way and skip all lines. Just visit the official Market and use the premium currency of Warframe 1999 to buy it. It requires real-world money and will offer some extra things as well. For example, you can expect an additional Warframe 1999 slot and a pre-installed Orokin Catalyst.
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