The Heaven’s Rod in Fisch (Roblox) requires some hustling. Ease up your tasks with the help of this simple guide.

Heaven’s Rod is the most expensive rod in Fisch (Roblox), right after the Trident Rod. Players can buy the former for 1,750,000C$, while the latter is available for 150,000C$. There is a huge difference between the prices of these rods. So, if you are looking to buy Heaven’s Rod, you need to hold on tight because it will be a long ride.
This rod applies the Heavenly mutation to the fish you catch. This means that whatever fish you catch using this legendary rod will have its selling price increased by 50%.
I haven’t found anything bad about the rod. However, the Lure Speed is not as good as some other expensive rods. You can tackle this situation using the Hasty/Swift enchantment, though.
Heaven’s Rod was added to Fisch as part of the Northern Expedition update. Hence, the puzzle that you are required to solve to obtain it starts and ends in the Northern Summit area. The puzzle is all about finding four energy crystals to open a cave entrance.
Let us help you further in your exploration.
Obtaining the Heaven’s Rod in Fisch

Blue Energy Crystal (XYZ: 20215, 211, 5447)
Everything will begin when you buy a pickaxe. You can find one in the Northern Summit area while you are making your way up to the summit. There is a camp on your way up where this tool will be. Keep 5000C$ with you and buy the pickaxe. Now, head to the above-mentioned coordinates to enter a cave. The blue crystal is right here waiting for you to mine.
Green Energy Crystal (XYZ: 19873, 448, 5556)
For this one, you must head back to the Frigid Cavern area where you got your pickaxe from. There is one more small cave here (if you follow the coordinates mentioned above). The small cave leads to an end. Interact with the NPC there to collect the green energy crystal.
ALSO READ: How to Get All Mutations in Fisch
Yellow Energy Crystal (XYZ: 19498, 335, 5551)
The coordinates we mentioned are required to reach the crystal, but you may not be able to do so easily. This is because it is located on a cliff, and you might need an advanced glider to reach it. You can get it at the Northern Summit. While you are buying the glider, also buy an oxygen tank. You will need it to get to the yellow crystal. Get to the mentioned coordinates and wait for an avalanche to occur. If it doesn’t happen naturally, use an Avalanche Totem. The crystal will spawn after the event for you to collect.
Red Energy Crystal (XYZ: 19922, 1139, 5351)

Talk to Hiker #12 atop the Summit to begin a quest. The NPC is hanging out at the above-mentioned coordinates. He will ask you to press five buttons across the world of Fisch. The locations for these buttons are as follows:
- Moosewood (400, 135, 265): Right across from the Shipwright NPC. The button is hidden behind the leaderboard.
- Ancient Aisle (5506, 147, -315): Right next to the Shipwright NPC here, on the door of the lighthouse.
- Snowcap Island (2930, 281, 2594): You can find it behind a lamp post slightly away from the Wilson NPC.
- Roslit Bay (-1715, 149, 737): Near the camp next to the Angler.
- Forsaken Shores (-2566, 181, 1353): Inside the watch tower.
Now, head back to Hiker #12 after pressing all the buttons and buy the red energy crystal from him for 250,000C$.
Taking the Heaven’s Rod in Fisch
Don’t throw away those energy crystals! Put them in each of the slots that Hiker #12 is standing in front of. This will summon an earthquake, opening the entrance to the cave located at 19984, 914, and 5403. Enter the cave, climb down it using the rope, and the Heaven’s Rod will be waiting for you. You can now pay and keep it for 1,750,000C$.
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