Let’s explore how to get Shroodle and Grafaiai in Pokemon GO, the Generation IX Toxic Mouse, and Toxic Pokemon.
![Shroodle and Grafaiai in Pokemon GO [Source; Niantic]](https://static.deltiasgaming.com/2025/01/unnamed-7.png)
Shroodle and Grafaiai debuted in Pokemon GO with the Fashion Week Taken Over event. The two Generation IX Pokemon have been a crowd favorite ever since the latter was showcased before the launch of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
So how do you get the Toxic Mouse Pokemon and Toxic Monkey Pokemon in Pokemon GO? That’s what we are here to figure out.
How To Get Shroodle in Pokemon GO?
![Shroodle in Pokemon GO [Source: TPC]](https://static.deltiasgaming.com/2025/01/unnamed-6.png)
Shroodle is currently available as part of 12 km egg hatches starting with the Fashion Week Taken Over event [which began on Wednesday, January 15, at 12 a.m. local time and will run until Sunday, January 19, 2025, at 8 p.m. local time]. It is a dual-type Pokemon with a Poison and Normal combination. Shiny Shroodle wasn’t released at this event.
For those unaware, 12 km eggs are available in Pokemon GO from Team GO Rocket Leaders (Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra) once you defeat them. These types of eggs are not available through interacting with the Gym or PokeStop Photo Discs. The current 12 km egg hatch pool includes Larvitar, Sandile, Pawniard, Vullaby, Pancham, Salandit, Shroodle, and Varoom.
How To Get Grafaiai in Pokemon GO?
![Grafaiai in Pokemon GO [Source: TPC]](https://static.deltiasgaming.com/2025/01/unnamed-5.png)
Evolving Shroodle with 50 Shroodle Candy will net trainers Grafaiai in Pokemon GO. Grafaiai is a Normal- and Poison-type Pokemon. Its move set pool includes:
- Fast Attacks: Mud Slap & Poison Jab
- Charged Attacks: Acid Spray, Poison Fang, & Sludge Bomb
Our recommended move set for Grafaiai in Pokemon GO is Poison Jab (Fast Charged Attack), Acid Spray (Charged Attack), and Poison Fang (Second Charged Attack). This allows the trainer to utilize the same type of attack bonus (STAB), while Poison Fang and Acid Spray reduce enemy Defense by 1 and 2 stages in Trainer Battles, respectively.
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