Learn how to get Wool in Enshrouded, a versatile advanced resource used for crafting warm and frost-resistant gear.

How to Get Wool in Enshrouded
To get Wool in Enshrouded you will need to tame yaks so that you can collect Raw Wool, and then use the Improved Spinning Wheel to refine Raw Wool into usable Wool.
First, to tame yaks in Enshrouded you must head out northeast of the Albaneve Summits Ancient Spire to find the best yak location. Take some Yak Bait with you (crafted with the Farmer) to lure them over to you. Make sure you are crouching in stealth and if a red exclamation point appears above the yak back up immediately.

Furthermore, if you see a yellow question mark appear then pause your movement. Eventually, the yak will allow you close enough to pet it. You must do this three times, which will make the hearts above its head all turn red. Then, you can pick up the yak. This will place the yak in your inventory and you can return to your farm. There, create some shelter for the yak to live in and place it inside.
Additionally, before the yak will start to produce raw wool you need to make sure it is happy. Do this by placing down one Yak pillow for each yak you have, one Yak Feeder, and putting lots of Yak Food inside the feeder.

Finally, you should now be able to start harvesting raw wool from your tamed yaks. This resource will respawn regularly, so always check in with your yaks to see if there is more.
How to Get an Improved Spinning Wheel in Enshrouded

The next step is to take the Raw Wool and refine it with an Improved Spinning Wheel into Wool. The crafting recipe for the Improved Spinning Wheel will unlock after you have harvested Raw Wool for the first time. To make an Improved Spinning Wheel you will need:
- 3x Conifer Logs
- 5x Metal Scraps
- 1x Linen
- 1x Spinning Wheel

Next, you can use the Improved Spinning Wheel to turn Raw Wool into Wool. It will take 1 minute and 30 seconds to turn 20 Raw Wool into 15 Wool.
What is Wool, and what is it used for?

In Enshrouded you will need Wool to craft Warm Padding, which can then be used to create new warm, frost resistant gear sets. You will need these to explore deep into the Albaneve Summits region, particularly if you want to scale Howling Peak and defeat the Fell Dragon Youngling.
The Mountain’s Shadow set, for example, will require 21 Warm Padding to craft all four pieces. If all pieces are worn this set will provide you with an additional +9 Frost Resistance, among other bonuses.
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