How To Increase Base Limit in Palworld

In this guide, we shall go over how to increase the base limit in Palworld so you can expand and build bases in multiple locations.  

How To Increase Base Limit in Palworld (Source: Pocket Pair Inc.)
How To Increase Base Limit in Palworld (Source: Pocket Pair Inc.)

Palworld is just as much of a Pal-hunting game as it is a base-building game. You venture out into the world searching for rare and powerful Pals, who you then bring back to base. While some Pals may excel at combat, there are Pals that excel at work, and these are the ones you absolutely need as you expand your bases into the land.

However, as you set out to conquer this vibrant world, you may feel limited by building only one base. Worry not, as more bases unlock later, letting you increase the base limit in the game. 

If you’re a player who loves base building and wants to expand all over the map, you want to increase the base limit and build more bases. If you don’t know how to go about doing so, we’re here to help. In this guide, we shall go over how to increase the base limit in Palworld. 

How To Increase the Base Limit 

When you start off in Palworld, you’re limited to building only a single base. This is incredibly restrictive and hampers player freedom and expansion. However, you can increase this limit and build up to four bases in the game. 

While you start out with just one, you unlock the other bases gradually by leveling up your base. You can do so by completing base missions and objectives. You unlock the other bases as given below: 

  • Base #2: Unlocks at Base Level 10
  • Base #3: Unlocks at Base Level 15
  • Base #4: Unlocks at Base Level 25
You can build up to four bases (Source: Pocket Pair Inc.)
You can build up to four bases (Source: Pocket Pair Inc.)

Use Mods To Increase Base Limit

If you feel you’re progressing too slowly and are unable to increase the limit naturally or feel that four bases are too restrictive, there is another way to increase the base limit. The other way of building more bases is by using mods in the game.

The “Increased base amount and worker pals” mod by Vucksacha on NexusMods removes the base limits, allowing you to have a whopping 100 bases in the game. This mod lets you choose from different variants, with some unlocking all 100 bases at the start and others letting you reach the 100 number gradually. You can pick whichever variant suits you best. 

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