Here is a complete guide on all the ways to increase Party Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, including side quests and mini games.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is the latest game by Square Enix in their mainline flagship series, Final Fantasy. Being the latest in the series means it has a few new mechanics, which haven’t been seen before, in a Final Fantasy game at least. One of these would be the Party Level mechanic.
The Party Level mechanic is different from the individual level of the party members. It can only be increased through accumulating Party EXP in a variety of ways.
What is Party Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Party Level is different from the individual level of your characters. This party level rises through various quests and main story missions. You can use this Party Level in this Folio board. You can view this Party Level by simply opening up the Main Menu.
Read More: How to Change Party Members in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
You will notice various Folios locked behind a specific party level. This is why you should focus on raising your party level as soon as possible.
Why Should You Increase Party Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

There are many skills and synergy boosts that get unlocked when you raise your Party Level. Moreover, you can also get a boost in the base stats of a character by increasing your Party Level. On top of these, you also get stronger Limit Breaks for the entire party. These are all incentives designed to motivate you to raise your Party Level.
How To Raise Party Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

You can employ various methods to acquire Party EXP to increase the Party Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. These include, but are not limited to the main story, side quests, and various mini-games.
To raise your Party Level to the maximum limit of 10, you have to beat all main story bosses and chapters, complete all side quests, and mini-games (on Hard), along with completing all the World and Field Intel missions.
Main Story

Every Main Story chapter, after beating the boss of each chapter, will reward you with a ton of Party Level EXP. This will usually result in the players either leveling up or being close to leveling up, whenever they finish up a Main Story chapter.
Recruiting New Party Members
This method provides the most Party Level EXP for each instance. However, it is unfortunate that you can only have 7 party members. This means—there are only 3 instances in the game where you can claim the reward for recruiting new party members.
You can gain this EXP while doing the main story missions.
Side Quests
Every Side Quest offers a reward of 10 Party EXP to you. With 36 Side Quests in the game, that results in a net 360 Party EXP. Therefore, you are advised to not skip side quests and instead complete any side quests, when you find them.
To reach the famed Party Level 10, you are required to play through and win some of the many mini-games, which are sprinkled throughout the game. However, this is no easy feat, so you are recommended to make a proper strategy before approaching each one

The mini-games earning you Party Level EXP are Fort Condor, Cactuar Rush, and last but not least, Gears and Gambits.
These were some of the ways in which you can gain Party Level EXP in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This is not an exclusive list, and there are certainly more options, however, these are the easiest ways to earn Party Level EXP as fast as possible. You should consider finishing the World Intel missions whenever you can, as every Intel mission also contributes some EXP towards your Party Level.
Do you think it’s necessary to level up to Party Level 10 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
FAQs about Party Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
What does Party Level do in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
Party Level helps unlock various Folios on the Folio board, which in turn unlock Synergy Skills, Abilities and stat boosts.
What is the Highest Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
The highest level your characters can reach in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is Level 70.
What is the Party System in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
The party system is similar to other games, where you can pick the characters you like (from a roster) and use that specific selected group in battle. Think of it as making your team of Pokemon to use in battle.
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