How To Quickly Get Gold in Dynasty Warriors Origins?

Skip the hassle and get rich with gold in Dynasty Warriors Origins quickly by following this simple yet short guide.

Gold DWO
Getting plenty gold in the game is important even for a hero (Source: Koei Tecmo)

Gold is an important currency to have in Dynasty Warriors Origins for all the reasons imaginable. However, you can’t just get rich with it right away. The game doesn’t tell you a lot about it either. That’s what we are here to change.

There are a few ways you can quickly get gold. Not all of them are equally reliable at all times. Instead, we recommend that you keep switching and playing with the sources that we are about to mention here.

So far, we have found three major ways to earn gold quickly in Dynasty Warriors Origins.

Getting Rich With Gold in DWO

Battling It Out in Conflicts

A recurring activity that you will find in the overworld of Dynasty Warriors Origins is “conflict.” This isn’t the official name of the activity. But you will find random skirmishes popping up when you are exploring the map. These are quick battles with only one objective to complete. Completing these will grant you some gold and raise Peace in the area, which can be beneficial if you have unlocked the Waymark in that area.

In short, these repeatable activities will increase the Peace, the reward for which you can obtain from the Waymark in the area. These activities will also give you the gold that you need.

You don’t have to grind too much for that gold (Source: Koei Tecmo)

You will also find some Thieves in the midst of a battle scenario. These random NPC spawns will try to get away with their crime. You can bring them to justice by catching them and knocking them out. The best part is that you can then steal from them, and they often drop some gold as well!

Some Trading

You will pick up unwanted weapons in the game while playing. These can come from a lot of places. However, primarily you can expect to pick these up as mission rewards and loots from some of your enemies. Wondering what to do with them? Well, just sell them! You can sell your unwanted weapons and equipment in bulk and earn a lot of profit. Since you didn’t invest anything in most of them, it’s almost a 100% profit too.

Another trade material that you should be aware of is Old Coins. You can obtain them in many ways. Once you are ready, trade them at the Shui Jing Retreat for gold. You can get some other prizes as well if there are any available.

Keep Up With That Mail

Don’t forget to check your inn to find some Letters. If you are lucky enough, you will also find a reward as precious as gold in there! However, if you don’t help people on your journey throughout the map, then the hope is not as high because these letters are often from the NPCs that you help out.

Looking For More About Dynasty Warriors Origins?

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